Chapter 904: A Clear Memory

“That night, Meng Chao and I were training in the rain. We wanted to go to a hill that we were familiar with, but we drank too much wine and became intoxicated. Even the rainstorm couldn’t quench our spirits. In the end, we decided to go to the peak of Mist Mountain!”

Lu Siya crossed her fingers and placed them on her chest. She was deeply immersed in the soft therapeutic chair. Under the guidance of the spirit expert, she entered a half-asleep, half-awake, and half-dazed state.

On her head was a metal helmet that was covered in crystal wires and fiber cables. It masked her eyes and left a shadow on her face.

It was a brain wave monitor.

It could scan every active area of her brain and analyze her brain wave reaction.

Then, it could deduce her mental state and the authenticity of her statement.

Lu Fanghui and a few experts from the military were sitting on the other side of the wall.

Lu Zhongqi, Battle God Lei Zongchao, and the other experts of Dragon City were also paying close attention to Meng Chao through long-distance communication.

“Of course, we know the danger of Mist Mountain’s summit.”

Lu Siya mumbled to herself, “It is the place where the spirit energy in the Hidden Mist Domain is the most chaotic. The extreme weather has activated the mother lode of crystals in the depths of Mist Mountain, turning its peak into an extremely violent ocean of spirit energy. If we are not careful when we train there, we’ll become mentally deranged.

“Under normal circumstances, we would never go there.

“However, the extreme weather is about to pass. The violent spirit energy that has been stored underground for half a century is about to be emptied out. It will be years before we can find such a good opportunity to train.

“With the pouring rain and the rumbling thunder, we will definitely have a breakthrough when we train at the peak of the heavenly Mist Mountain.

“Both of us are holding back our energy and trying to surpass ourselves.

“Besides, even the monster mastermind has been cut into pieces by human beings. What else can threaten us?

“Just like that, we arrived at the summit of the mountain despite the torrential flood and the debris flow.

“It was indeed a place where spirit energy was surging and soaring into the sky, turning into raging waves that could be seen with the naked eye. It was an extremely dangerous place.

“We were both surprised and delighted. We immediately focused our attention on our cultivation.

“The summit of Mist Mountain is indeed a holy land of cultivation.

“As the torrential rain poured down and thunder rumbled, the boiling spirit energy seemed to turn into raindrops the size of beans, and they splashed on our bodies.

“We were both in the best state that we had ever been in, and we could vaguely see the mysteries of a higher level.

“Just as we both climbed to the peak…

“A bolt of lightning that spanned hundreds of kilometers suddenly cut through the sky and fell down like thousands of burning waterfalls.

“At that moment, the entire divine Mist Mountain seemed to turn transparent.

“As a Spirit Sensor, I was aware that something appeared to be lurking in the depths of the Mist Mountain beneath our feet!

“I… couldn’t tell what that thing was exactly.

“It disturbed my brain waves and formed many phantoms in front of my eyes, allowing me to see all kinds of hideous and terrifying demon forms. However, I’m not sure which one was its true form.

“In short, this thing has apparently been lurking in the depths of Mist Mountain, healing and hiding.

“After all, before the outer area of the Hidden Mist Domain and the depths of the sinkhole were developed, humans would not easily develop Mist Mountain. Even if they really wanted to develop it, they would carry out preparations with great fanfare.

“The depths of Mist Mountain, which has been hidden under the noses of human beings, looks extremely dangerous, but the most dangerous places are often the safest places.

“Nevertheless, the ‘thing’ did not expect Meng Chao and I to visit the peak of Mist Mountain to cultivate in the middle of the night when the rain was pouring.

“It was even more unexpected that the night had extreme weather that lasted for an entire month. It was the ‘final madness.’ The intense spirit energy reaction disturbed the magnetic field of heaven and earth and attracted a lot of lightning to bombard Mist Mountain. Its vitality magnetic field, which had been restrained to the limit, leaked out some clues, which happened to be captured by me, a Spirit Sensor.

“However, the capture went both ways.

“The moment I ‘saw’ it, it ‘saw’ us too and realized that it had been exposed.

“So, it tore through the ground and crawled out!”

Lu Siya’s voice suddenly stopped when she said that.

She widened her eyes under the brain wave monitor, and the veins on her skin began to protrude. Her entire body twitched crazily as if she had been greatly stimulated. Her consciousness returned to the wild night of the storm, and she took control her body. She was going through the most brutal bloody battle.

On the brain scan, the glittering brain regions were extremely similar to butterflies struggling desperately in the storm.

The psychiatrist hurriedly held Lu Siya’s hands and injected a stream of spirit energy into her body to stabilize her vitality magnetic field.

The medical team that was on standby at the side also quickly concocted gene reagents and slowly injected them into her blood vessels.

Through the metal helmet, hundreds of extremely weak biological electric currents were transmitted to her brain to prevent her from going crazy again.

There were also several top spiritual experts in Dragon City, including experts from the Abnormal Beast Research Department’s Internal Control Unit, nervously analyzing Lu Siya’s brain activity trajectory and index to determine whether what she said was true or false.

Lu Siya did not know all of this.

She was still deeply immersed in the incomparably clear memory images, unable to extricate herself.

It was as if she was deeply immersed in an endless nightmare.

“I can’t tell what that monster looks like.

“It’s like a stitched monster among the undead creatures. No, dozens of stitched monsters were stitched together again.

“No, it’s not a stitched monster, it’s a skeleton giant. It’s like tens of thousands of complicated bones that seem to be put together messily, but can be turned agilely in an incredible way, just like the most sophisticated machine.

“There are also the blood veins and the Green Tide, which are the things that the man-eating pomfret team once discovered and covered the super high-voltage transmission tower.

“It attacked Meng Chao and me with tens of thousands of thorns, tentacles made of blood stripes, and dragons made of bones.

“Of course, Meng Chao and I fought back without any hesitation.

“But the enemy is far more terrifying than we imagined.

“Besides, the spirit magnetic environment on the summit of Mist Mountain was too complicated. It was as if thousands of hands were tearing our life magnetic field brutally, making it impossible for us to construct the vitality magnetic field precisely. We could only fight against the enemy by instinct.

“I remember that we were entangled with the monster, fell into the torrent, and then got caught in the debris flow.

“We did not know how many times we rotated and collided in the depths of the debris flow. We rolled all the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain before we were dragged into an underground river.

“Meng Chao and I had broken bones and wounds all over our bodies. Our spirit energy was almost exhausted. The fire of life was extremely weak.

“However, the monster was still chasing after us relentlessly. Time and time again, it extended its tentacles that were full of fangs and pustules in an attempt to devour us.

“I activated my ability to manipulate rocks in an attempt to lock it underground.

“However, the monster’s strength is too strong. No matter how many times I sewed the rocks together, I could not trap it.

“It makes sense. Since it can hide at the bottom of Mist Mountain for so long, it naturally has the ability to control rocks.

“I can only change my strategy. I hope that I can open a way out of the rock layer and escape the monster’s clutches to seek help and send out an alarm.

“Meng Chao tried his best to delay the monster’s footsteps.

“I squeezed out my last cell and forcefully tore through the layers of rocks, tearing open a winding and extremely narrow passage.

“Finally, we saw the light!

“However, before Meng Chao and I could be happy for even half a second…

“The strongest hope turned into the coldest despair.

“The exit was on a cliff that was as smooth as a mirror above the Devil’s Eye where the Red Dragon River and the Raging Tiger River meet!”

Lu Siya was agitated again.

The medical specialist team had no choice but to treat her for ten minutes before they could continue piecing together the events of the day.

“In front of us was a vortex of spirit energy.

“Behind us was an extremely ferocious, mysterious beast.

“And Meng Chao and I had almost bled out our last drop of blood.

“It seemed that we were no longer capable of creating miracles.

“At that moment, Meng Chao looked at me deeply.

“In my subconscious state, I forgot many things, but I couldn’t forget the look in Meng Chao’s eyes at that time.

“The monster pounced on us.

“Meng Chao pushed me to the side and jumped toward the exit.

“At first glance, he seemed to be afraid of death and wanted to escape.

“However, I was very clear that he had focused all his firepower on himself, which created a precious opportunity for me to escape.

“Because this monster would never allow anyone to escape underground and reveal its existence.

“Therefore, whoever escaped first would be attacked by it first.

“And because it fell behind us, its vision was blocked by us, and its senses were disrupted by us, so for a time, it didn’t discover the existence of the Devil’s Eye.

“Therefore, Meng Chao led the d*mnable monster to the exit of the crevice, above the Devil’s Eye.

“By the time the monster realized that something was wrong, it was too late.

“I will always remember Meng Chao standing at the exit of the crevice. He was illuminated by the first ray of sunlight at dawn, and his body was outlined in a golden color.

“His arms were like burning sabers, stabbing deep into the monster’s body and emitting burning sounds. No matter how the monster struggled and struggled, it could not break free from his control.

“His eyes were crystal clear, and his laughter was like the loudest horn. The seemingly invincible monsters were all wailing in his laughter.

“This is my home. No matter what kind of demons and monsters you are, I will never let you get your hands on them, not even a little bit!

“Every word Meng Chao said at the end pierced into my brain like a bullet.

“After he said that, he jumped with all his might and dragged the monster into the Devil’s Eye with his broken body.”

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