Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 902 - Picturesque Orchid Lake

Chapter 902: Picturesque Orchid Lake

No matter how slow the River-flipping Crocodile’s reaction was…

When Meng Chao gnawed on its spine, it was in so much pain that it loosened its fangs.

However, Meng Chao had no intention of letting it go.

With a crack, Meng Chao crushed the River-flipping Crocodile’s spine, which was harder than the transmission shaft of an armored vehicle!

The River-flipping Crocodile’s limbs twitched, and its belly faced the sky.

Before Meng Chao could drink the beast’s fresh blood…

The fourth, fifth, and sixth aquatic monsters with bloody veins rushed at him.

Meng Chao did not refuse any of them. He faced the monsters’ bloody mouths directly with a crazy and demonic aura.

He used his iron fists, knees, feet, forehead, shoulders, and even his mouth, which was full of snow-white sharp teeth, to crush the aquatic monsters that dared to pounce on him into meat paste and powder.

He did not know how many times his wounds that had just scabbed over split open again.

He also did not know how many aquatic monsters’ fangs, sharp teeth, and poisonous thorns were embedded in his flesh and blood that was as mush as mud.

He also did not know how much acid, poison, Blood Flower spores, and strange green algae were trying to pour into his body through the wound, but they were burned into ashes by the golden flames that were burning fiercely in his body.

His consciousness gradually became blurry.

He could no longer construct half of a complex spirit magnetic field, and he could not execute half of an extraordinary move.

He fought purely based on instinct, using the simplest, most barbaric, and most primitive way.

Just like his ancestors tens of thousands of years ago, in the savage continent on Earth, they used stones and teeth to fight with prehistoric beasts, using the hottest blood to ignite the flame of initial civilization.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals were torn into pieces by him time and time again.

However, under the stitching and adhesion of the scarlet tentacles, these undead creatures were resurrected repeatedly.

With an even uglier and fiercer appearance, they made a comeback.

As the two sides fought fiercely, they were carried by the surging river water and rushed at lightning speed.

From time to time, they hit the rocks and driftwood in the river water.

Meng Chao felt that the world was spinning.

It was as if he had fallen into an endless nightmare.

Blood blurred his eyes.

It also blocked his ears.

He could no longer hear the surging river water and the roars of the monsters.

He could only grope, break the fangs of the monsters and stab the eyeballs of the monsters.

There was only one thought left in his mind.

No matter how long this nightmare lasted…

He would continue to fight…

Until the nightmare was completely shattered!


When Meng Chao woke up again, the storm had already subsided.

The sky was blue as if it was inlaid with an incomparably pure crystal dome.

The sunlight was bright but not dazzling like it could penetrate the skin and moisten every blood vessel and nerve.

Taking a deep breath, the air was so fresh that it made one want to sing loudly.

Other than the two faintly visible rainbows on the horizon, there was no trace of the storm that had once raged.

Even the river water that carried him was no longer as violent as it was yesterday.

Instead, it had become calm and unruffled.

Meng Chao looked at the incomparably beautiful new world in a daze.

After half a day, he finally could not help but laugh.

Life was so wonderful.

It was worth giving everything to protect and enjoy.

He found himself sprawled on the stomach of a Tigerfish.

To be more precise, it was half a Tigerfish.

He blinked his eyes for a long time. He vaguely remembered that this exceptionally huge Tigerfish had just opened its bloody mouth and swallowed him.

He had struggled in the Tigerfish’s stomach. Finally, he used his teeth to bite a bloody path.

In addition to biting a big hole in the Tigerfish’s belly…

He also ate the most flexible and sturdy flesh on both sides of the Tigerfish’s spine.

In addition to the bare spine, he gnawed the Tigerfish down to a two-meter diameter swim bladder, like a life bag, carrying him and the Tigerfish’s remains, floating all the way to his current spot.

Judging from the scabs on his wounds and the degree of peristalsis in his stomach, he had been floating for at least half a day or more.

Meng Chao took a deep breath and struggled to stand up. He wanted to see where he had drifted to.

He wanted to know if he had escaped from the Hidden Mist Domain long ago and if there were any pursuers with blood traces lingering behind him.

However, after trying several times, he felt as if his entire body was paralyzed. He did not even have the strength to move his eyes.

The aftereffects of Ultimate Burning were no joke.

If 100 extraordinary individuals encountered his situation, 99 of them would die due to the exhaustion of their cells, the boiling of their blood, and the spontaneous combustion of the human body.

Even if he exhausted the astronomical contribution points,.

He could barely keep his life.

Not to mention blinking or curling his fingers.

Even his breathing and heartbeat had to be reduced to their limits.

He was like an ice-cold corpse that could only maintain its last bit of life.

It was like a phone that had only 1% of its battery left and had to turn off 99% of its function and enter a standby state.

“Fortunately, I poured a large amount of contribution points into Walking Corpse and practiced this technique of restraining life force to the extreme. Only then could I maintain the last wisp of life flame and continue to burn until now in the weakest state.

“After drifting for at least half a day, I should have gotten rid of the monster mastermind, right? Otherwise, what I see should not be the blue sky and bright sun, but the bewitching red eyes of ‘Lu Siya.'”

Although the price was quite heavy.

But it was all worth it.

Meng Chao calculated the speed of the river and felt that he would soon be able to drift back to the main city of Dragon City.

Since the storm had passed and the Red Dragon River was no longer flooded, there must be countless fishing boats and patrol boats cruising on the river.

The armored airships above the river could also look down and discover his existence.

All he had to do was wait for him to be rescued to the shore and meet Battle God Lei Zongchao and the other supreme experts of Dragon City.

The conspiracy that the monster mastermind had meticulously planned for decades was about to be completely ruined!

That was the true victory of the Monster War.

The only thing Meng Chao was worried about now was whether the monster mastermind would run away.

He went with the flow and thought quietly.

“If I were the monster mastermind, I would have realized instantly that Lu Siya’s mask would be exposed very soon if I didn’t kill her to silence her.

“The severely injured monster mastermind is definitely not a match for the ultimate powerhouse of Dragon City. It won’t even have a 1% chance if three or five godly state experts join hands.

“Escaping is its only choice.

“The Hidden Mist Domain is the source of the two rivers. Other than the Red Dragon River that crosses over from Earth and leads to Dragon City, there are also other worlds that are native to the other world. They head northeast and lead to the Raging Tiger River outside Monster Mountain Range.

“Following the Raging Tiger River downstream and passing through the dangerous Killing Tiger Gorge, there is a majestic super waterfall with a drop of more than 1,300 meters.

“Although the impact of the waterfall is shocking, as if even the heads of deities and devils can be chopped off, it is known as the ‘guillotine.’

“However, it is just an exaggeration. Naturally, it cannot trap the monster mastermind.

“As long as we pass Guillotine, the Raging Tiger River will be able to bring the monster mastermind and Lu Siya to the lush, boundless Picturesque Orchid Lake.

“The indigenous civilization of the other world that lives in Picturesque Orchid Lake is… the Turan people…”

Meng Chao frowned slightly.

In the local language, the Turan people meant ‘warriors protected by totems’.

It was said that they were one of the oldest and most honorable races in the other world.

Of course, this was only according to their own words.

And according to those who claimed to be illuminated by the Holy Light in the center of the continent further north in Picturesque Orchid Lake, the so-called Turan people..


Well, the Turan people themselves didn’t reject the term “Orc”.

They just liked to add the word “advanced” in front of it to distinguish themselves from the green-skinned orcs who drank blood and were completely uncivilized.

But in the eyes of many people, whether it was the “advanced orc” or the “green-skinned orc,” there was no difference.

They were the same bloodthirsty and warlike, the same rude and barbaric, and the same chaotic type.

At most, the former was even more treacherous and sinister than the latter.

Meng Chao vaguely remembered that in his previous life, the Dragon City civilization had been forced into a war between worlds by advanced orcs under half-coercion and half-inducement.

In fact, as a visitor from another planet, the Dragon City people didn’t have any deep enmity or conflict of interests with the forces of other worlds, so they had the opportunity to sit on the sidelines.

When the situation was clear and the most critical moment came, they would jump onto the war chariot of the victor.

However, it was the bad luck of the Dragon City civilization. After they transmigrated, the neighbor closest to their hometown was one of the best warmongers in the continent of other worlds?

The advanced orcs are a group of people who are indifferent to life and death, and they will do anything if they are not satisfied. They only want the world to be in chaos.

‘I remember that in my previous life, it was these warmongers who lit the fuse of the war in other worlds.’

“After the Dragon City civilization mistakenly boarded the advanced orcs’ pirate ship, one wrong step led to another. They had no choice but to form an alliance with the ‘old friends’ of the advanced orcs, such as the ash dwarves, the abyssfolk, and even the ogres as well as vampire demons.

“Although I don’t remember the true faces of these d*mn things…

“But from their names, I can tell that they are all f*cking evil. No matter how tyrannical they are when they appear, they are all villains who will be defeated by their righteous friends in the end!

“No matter how advanced the technology of the Dragon City civilization is, how can they not be defeated and annihilated when they mingle with these pig-like teammates and villains?

“Of course, Dragon City’s civilization, which had been infiltrated by the monster mastermind in my previous life, was not a good civilization in itself. The name Extraordinary Disaster was no better than advanced orcs and abyssfolk. It was normal for them to be in cahoots with each other.

“Therefore, to change the fate of the Dragon City, the alliance between the Dragon City Civilization and the advanced orcs had to be stopped.

“But this is very difficult to achieve…

“Because Picturesque Orchid Lake is the gathering place of the civilizations closest to Dragon City. After the mist disperses, the two sides will inevitably come into contact.

“And for the advanced orcs, they are either friends or enemies.

“Although the Turan civilization of the advanced orcs still seems to be in the era of cold weapons, they seem to have a terrifying force known as totems, and their population is more than ten times that of Dragon City.

“Dragon City is not ready to face the ‘totem frenzy’ of the advanced orcs directly.

“Then we must stop the advanced orcs and ignite the spark of the war between worlds.”

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