Chapter 900: Vows and Promises

At that point, after decades of struggle, 99% of Jin Qianxi’s soul had been consumed by the power from the ancient era.

Perhaps, she could no longer think normally and had lost all her memories. She could no longer remember her identity as Jin Qianxi.

There was only one last obsession left.

She remembered what she was born to love and protect.

Jin Qianxi’s obsession helped her remnant soul transform into a heroic spirit and swarmed toward Meng Chao and Lu Siya.

It gently enveloped them and nourished their broken spirit defense. Then, it turned into burning wings behind them and led them into the sky, flying toward the gaps in the brilliance.

“She wants to help us escape!”

Lu Siya was both surprised and happy. “Jin Qianxi’s unyielding will has turned into a heroic spirit, and she wants to send us on our last journey!”

“That’s right, Senior Jin has turned into a heroic spirit…”

Meng Chao closed his eyes, which were shining with boiling crystals.

Compared with Lu Siya, his way of thinking was more similar to Jin Qianxi’s.

The soul resonance between him and Jin Qianxi was getting more and more intense.

Bathed in the flames of Jin Qianxi’s heroic spirit, Meng Chao instantly received an astronomical amount of information in a way that could not be described with words.

They were all Jin Qianxi’s memories from the past few decades in the form of “incomplete brain tissue.” They were of her falling into the monster mastermind’s control. However, they were still unyielding, and they fought the enemy in a battle of wits and courage.

The last time Meng Chao had a deep communication with the brain, he had obtained the monster mastermind’s memory fragments, which had been tampered with and edited to hide something.

This time, he stood from the perspective of the human, Jin Qianxi, and saw the soul-stirring battle more thoroughly and clearly.

He had a deeper understanding of the monster mastermind’s nature and the things that Jin Qianxi had to protect even though she would rather have her soul destroyed.

In an instant, Meng Chao understood the meaning behind the gaze and smile of Jin Qianxi’s heroic spirit.

“Senior Jin, don’t worry…”

Meng Chao muttered to himself, “Your persistence didn’t go to waste. We still have a chance. We, the millions of people, will continue to protect Dragon City and win this d*mn war!

“No, I swear that not only will we win this war, but we will also rebuild the devastated land and build the Other World into a brighter and better home than Earth. Our civilization will not only touch the stars that fill the sky, but we will also work hard to eliminate every sigh and cry within our civilization. We will not become an Extraordinary Disaster, we will become hope from the other side of the Milky Way!”

Meng Chao’s oath made the heroic spirit’s smile even more intense.

The golden flames surrounding Jin Qianxi’s remnant soul instantly became ten times brighter.

She transformed her last will into a golden battle blade that easily destroyed the monster mastermind’s spiritual flaw by ten times.

Under her push, Meng Chao and Lu Siya moved forward at full speed, only one step away from escaping the monster mastermind’s mental control.

As long as they could escape…

Not only could Meng Chao’s consciousness return to his body, but Lu Siya could also regain control of her body.

It was possible for Lu Siya to regain control of her body and suppress the monster mastermind’s damaged mind core and seal it in her brain.

The monster mastermind also realized this.

It roared hysterically and crazily waved its tentacles and limbs that had grown out of billions of corpses in an unprecedentedly intense manner.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh

Countless scarlet tentacles, dark green vines, and pale vertebrae stabbed toward Meng Chao and Lu Siya.

Jin Qianxi’s remnant soul turned into a barrier of golden flames in an attempt to block the skeleton giant’s attack.

However, she had almost been burned to ashes in the decades-long struggle.

After a brief stalemate, she was torn into pieces.

Meng Chao’s fingertips had already touched the light.

Suddenly, his body trembled as if he had been yanked by an invisible hand.

When he looked back, he found that Lu Siya, who had fallen behind him, was once again entangled by the blood veins, the Green Tide, and the pale bones.

The red, green, and white poisonous snakes were tightly wrapped around her legs, deeply embedded in her flesh and blood, and even drilled into her body through the wounds.

They were like hundreds of poisonous snakes twisting under her skin. She was in so much pain that she was drenched in cold sweat. Her entire body was twitching violently.

“Sister Ya!”

Meng Chao was both shocked and angry. He tried to disperse all the blood veins, Green Tides, and bones.

However, Lu Siya’s soul had long been deeply bound to the spiritual core of the monster mainframe. How could she be cut clean in such a hurry?

Meng Chao’s attack didn’t help Lu Siya get rid of the skeleton giant. Instead, it made a lot of blood veins, Green Tides, and bones crawl into his body. He could clearly sense the monster mastermind’s bewitching and malicious intent.

The distracting thoughts that had just been calmed down turned into black venom, corroding his deepest subconscious.

The skeleton giant caught up with them from behind.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack

Accompanied by the creepy sounds of bones being twisted, crushed, and pieced together, the skeleton giant’s shape underwent a shocking change once again.

It still had its back against the ground with its belly facing the sky, and it was upside down.

However, its belly, which was like a dead fish facing the sky, bulged up like a pregnant woman who had been pregnant for ten months. It was as if something was growing crazily inside and wriggling violently, causing its belly to continue expanding crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, the skeleton giant’s entire belly burst open.

The long and narrow wound turned into a bloody mouth with intersecting canine teeth.

From the depths of the bloody mouth, an extremely thick, bloody arm that was also covered in mucus gushed out.

This arm, which was condensed from thousands of bones, was thicker and longer than any of its limbs.

There were also dozens of joints that rotated 360 degrees on it, allowing the dozens of claws at the end of the arm to grasp in every direction from incredible angles.

In the palm of the hand in the middle of the dozens of claws, there was a huge weird eye that was staring straight at Meng Chao and Lu Siya, emitting a brutal and evil red light.

The weird eye blinked, and the weird hand grabbed toward Meng Chao and Lu Siya.

Jin Qianxi’s heroic spirit once again condensed into an unyielding fire phoenix, blocking in front of the two of them.

However, the monster mastermind, which was really angry, grabbed it with its weird hand and pinched it hard, letting out a miserable cry.

She couldn’t block the monster mastermind for too long.

At least not long enough for Meng Chao to help Lu Siya break free from the mind control.

In front of the two of them, on the frantically squirming skeletal walls, the escape route, which had just been opened, quickly closed again under the monster mastermind’s fury.

The light dimmed and disappeared inch by inch.

In a few more seconds, the last escape window would close.

“Meng Chao,” Lu Siya suddenly called out to Meng Chao.

Their gazes met, and Meng Chao understood Lu Siya’s gaze.

He could not help but tremble.

“No, no, Sister Ya…”

Before he could stop her…

Lu Siya started to laugh lightly.

“It’s alright.”

She had clearly been tormented by the monster mastermind’s terrifying power until she was no longer human.

On her face, which was drenched in cold sweat, a smile of victory appeared on her face.

“Anyway, you will save me,” Lu Siya said confidently.

It was as if she was stating a simple fact.

Before she finished her sentence, she gave Meng Chao a hard push.

As she pushed herself into the darkness, she also pushed Meng Chao into the light.


Meng Chao roared at the top of his lungs.

However, he felt a warm and huge suction force behind him, sucking him out of the monster mastermind’s illusory spirit world.

He could only watch as Lu Siya fell with a smile on her face.

She landed on the deformed arm that grew out of the skeleton giant’s belly, on the demonic palm that had dozens of claws spread out.

Jin Qianxi’s shattered heroic spirit turned into tiny flames, and part of it escaped the monster mastermind’s spirit world with Meng Chao.

Part of it entered Lu Siya’s soul, and they were both completely devoured by the skeleton giant.


Boom boom boom boom!

Meng Chao’s vision turned pale.

It was as if billions of thunderbolts were exploding in his mind at the same time.

His vision, hearing, touch, smell… all his senses were blown away.

After an unknown amount of time, the dim scene gradually came to an end.

Bone-piercing pain flooded his every nerve cluster and every brain cell like a tide again, stimulating his senses and recovering at the speed of a volcanic eruption.

Meng Chao’s consciousness returned to his body.

It also returned to the crevice in the rock a short distance away from the light.

Judging from the changes in the light before his eyes, they had apparently spent several long hours in the monster mastermind’s illusory world.

In the real world, only a few seconds had passed. It was one or two minutes at most.

The sound of the cave and the crevice in the rock collapsing came from behind again.

The monster mastermind was controlling Lu Siya’s body again, and it was chasing after her manically.

Meng Chao forced himself to put everything, including Jin Qianxi’s gaze and Lu Siya’s smile, behind him.

He roared and ignored the fact that his limbs were about to burn up. His blood was about to evaporate, and he squeezed out the last bit of his strength. Through the rugged and narrow crevice, in the jagged rocks, he crawled toward the light with all his might.

One meter, two meters, three meters…

There was a burning path of blood behind Meng Chao.

In front of Meng Chao, however, was an extremely moving dawn.

The storm that had raged for ten days and half a month was irretrievably approaching its end.

Although the dark clouds were still like a wriggling swarm of insects that covered most of the sky…

In the middle of the “insect swarm,” countless holes had been pierced through by the golden blades.

The morning sun was like fire, flowing down the holes and watering the land.

Wherever the sunlight went, the land, which had been dim for too long, could not wait to display the most beautiful colors and the most vigorous vitality.

Meng Chao scratched the broken stones at the exit and gazed at the world that was about to clear up after the rain.

He discovered that the other side of the crevice was on a cliff that was as smooth as a mirror.

However, below the cliff, there was a whirlpool where rivers intersected and spirit energy was extremely chaotic.

The crevice was dozens of meters away from the whirlpool.

Yet, the ear-splitting crashing sound of torrents was still like a war hammer that was covered with thorns. One hammer after another, it smashed Meng Chao’s skull brutally.

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