Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 894 - This Is... My Fate!

Chapter 894: This Is... My Fate!

The wild banshee’s armor split apart, and the countless vines hissed as if they had been soaked in boiling oil. It looked like they were suffering a pain that was a hundred times more intense than when they were pierced through by a stalactite.

Deep inside her crystal-clear right eye, even the crimson brilliance, which had seemingly been lit by blood as fuel, was occupied by crazy surging black again.

Like a rusty machine, “Lu Siya” struggled to move her right arm inch by inch.

However, she did not pull out the stalactite that had been inserted into her shoulder blade. Instead, she spread out her fingers and grabbed the gap between the mask and the helmet, which was as thin as a strand of hair.



She broke the right half of the mask and tore it off!

“Sister Ya?”

Meng Chao stared at her with his mouth agape.

From the vivid expression in her black eyeballs and on half of her face, he could tell that this was the real Lu Siya!

Of course, it was only part of her.

A small part.

The other half of her body, which was still covered by the armor made of Green Tide and blood veins, released an earth-shaking roar.

Vines as thick as main arteries appeared on the surface of the armor one by one. They struggled and wriggled crazily. On Lu Siya’s chest, they gathered into a bulge that looked like both a brain and a heart.

Its pulsing sound seemed to originate from the drum of a demon king in the deepest part of Hell.

Even Meng Chao could hear the soul-stirring roar clearly.

“Why did you reject my fusion?”

The voice deep inside Lu Siya’s chest questioned, “Are you an idiot like Jin Qianxi and Meng Chao? No, that’s impossible. You are not the same as them!

“I can sense your ambition, I can sense your coldness, and I can sense your selfishness as well as unscrupulous means. You desire success, you desire to rule, and you desire to spread your will to the entire land and the endless stars as you please!

“Your appetite is far more than simply surpassing your grandfather and the Battle God, Lei Zongchao, to become the strongest warrior in Dragon City!

“When you realized that the Other World was a planet of the same size as Earth, you longed to swallow the planet into your stomach!

“This is your voice, Lu Siya. I’ve heard your voice. You can’t lie to me!

“To achieve your goal, you will never care about sacrificing thousands of ordinary people. That’s the biggest difference between you and Meng Chao. It is also the biggest reason why I’ve chosen you over him!

“So, why have you rejected me?

“Have you not experienced the infinite power that I have bestowed upon you? Without me, how could you have achieved the six-star Spirit Armor Realm and reached the peak of Heaven Realm in only a few months? You could even resurrect corpses, control the entire jungle, and command thousands of monsters from afar!

“Don’t you know that this is far from our limit? With my help, you will soon break through Deity Realm, surpass your grandfather, Lu Zhongqi, and the Battle God, Lei Zongchao, and become the strongest warrior in Dragon City!

“Don’t you understand that I can make your dream come true? I can help you rule Dragon City, and I can even conquer the entire Other World!”

Hidden in the demonic voice, the overwhelming spirit shockwave caused Meng Chao’s cerebral cortex to be bombarded, and he groaned.

Half of Lu Siya’s face, which was inlaid with black eyes, managed to squeeze out a contemptuous sneer with great difficulty.

Just like Meng Chao a moment ago, she spat out a mouthful of blood.

“That’s right. Cough, cough. The life and death of thousands of ordinary people has nothing to do with me. I only want to brand my name, Lu Siya, in the history of Dragon City and the entire Other World, but you, Monster, have made a mistake…”

Lu Siya took a deep breath. Her black eyes were wide open as she shrieked, “I want to control the Other World as “Queen Bee” Lu Siya, not as the puppet of a monster like you!

“No one can crawl into my body and order me around. No one can treat me like a toy and manipulate me at will. No one can go against my will and touch a single finger of mine. No one can force me to do anything I don’t like!

“My father can’t, my grandfather can’t, and the Battle God or Thunder God can’t. You are an ugly and ridiculous monster, and you can’t either. Go to hell!”

As she screamed, she raised her right arm up high like a guillotine, and then brought it down heavily like a guillotine.

With a cracking sound, the second stalactite hanging above the cave cracked and fell from the sky. It pierced through the Green Tide and interweaved with blood veins, like a living armor, and pierced deeply into her thigh, nailing her deeper into the rock wall and killing her.

“Ah!” Lu Siya screamed in pain.

However, the corners of her mouth curled up into an extremely happy smile.

An angry and shocked roar came from the depths of her chest, which seemed to belong to the monster mastermind.

“Without my help, you can’t control Dragon City, let alone conquer the Other World. Failure is your only path, and destruction is your only ending. The Gate of Hell has been opened before you. Do you really want to be reduced to ashes and never be reincarnated?” an extremely distorted voice said.

“So what if I’m destroyed?”

Lu Siya laughed even more cheerfully. “It doesn’t matter whether you succeed or fail, whether you are a hero or a devil, whether you will be remembered for a thousand years or not, it doesn’t matter.

“What’s important is that this is my choice, my destiny, and my journey. This is the path that I’ve have chosen 100% out of my own free will for myself!

“I would rather fight to the end on the path that I have chosen and burn my life to ashes in the end.

“I don’t want to be your puppet and watch you conquer the Other World… my Other World.”

“No, I can give you free will!”

The voice quickly said, “I can keep your thoughts, your memories, your emotions, and your perception. You won’t be able to feel how different it is from the past.”

“Idiot, you don’t understand at all.”

Lu Siya sneered. “I, “Queen Bee” Lu Siya, don’t need anyone’s free will. It is mine, anyway. What right do you have to give or take it?

“Whether it’s free will or Dragon City, even the entire Other World and the entire starry sky, what I want will be taken by my own hands, bit by bit!

“It is my ability to take it. My reputation will be ruined, my body will be cut into pieces, and I will die without a burial place. I am willing to accept my loss!

“If I can’t even control 100% of my body and will, what’s the point of being the ruler of the Other World!

“Therefore, give up. Even if I have to burn my entire life, I will not give even a single cell to a monster like you!”

For the third time, Lu Siya waved her fist as hard as she could.

A third stalactite, which was extremely sharp like a spear, stabbed her heart from her back.

It was so fast, as she wanted to destroy both the monster mastermind and her heart at the same time.

The living armor wriggled and hissed crazily.

Dozens of vines rushed out and wrapped around the stalactite.

However, controlled by Lu Siya’s stubborn will, the stalactite continued to spin at a high speed, trying to move forward.

In an instant, the air seemed to freeze, and even time stopped. Lu Siya’s power and the ancient power that had invaded her body entered a subtle but intense stalemate.

“Sister Ya…”

Meng Chao’s blood boiled because of Lu Siya’s vitality magnetic field.

A brand-new hot current was stirring in his body.

He wanted to help…

But he did not know where to start.

“Meng Chao!”

Sensing his burning fighting spirit, Lu Siya glared at him with her sparkling black eyes. “Run!”

Before she finished her sentence…

The third stalactite in the air suddenly changed its direction and shot toward Meng Chao!

The mysterious power lurking in Lu Siya’s body did not expect that her target was not her heart from the very beginning. The entanglement and resistance of the vines had instead become the driving force of the stalactite, which broke the speed of sound in an instant, deafening sonic booms were echoing in the narrow space.


The stalactite scratched Meng Chao’s scalp and pierced into the rock wall behind him.


At the cost of Lu Siya’s will and her life, the stalactite that contained violent spiritual energy exploded like a heavy bomb, triggering a chain reaction in the depths of the rock. It was like a series of explosions, followed by rolling thunder.


Meng Chao discovered to his surprise that a crack that was as wide as a person had been blown open on the rock wall that had been airtight before.

It seemed to be meandering, but it still led to endless darkness.

However, from the depths of the crack, a wisp of fresh air mixed with a fishy and sweet smell could be seen.

One could vaguely hear the sound of the rushing of the Great River.

This was actually a crack that led directly to the outside world.

Following the crack, there was a chance to jump directly into the Red Dragon River!

Meng Chao thought quickly and immediately understood Lü Siya’s intention.

She knew very well that it was impossible for her to take back her body from the main brain of the monster with her will alone.

No matter how many stalactites pierced through her body, it was impossible for her to be nailed to the rock wall for a long time because of her extremely powerful cell regeneration ability.

Therefore, the first two stalactites were just a feint.

The cunning queen bee was probably roaring with her blood boiling and scanning with extreme calmness at the same time. She had long used her dual talents as a nimbler and a prospector to scan the underground crevices and karst caves, it was the weakest spot that could lead to the surface.

From the very beginning, she had placed all her hope on Meng Chao!

Meng Chao, who had returned from the apocalypse, should have been as determined as iron. Under any circumstances, he would not have hesitated at all.

However, the moment he realized Lu Siya’s intention, he could not help but have the urge to stay and fight side by side with Lu Siya until the end.


Sensing his hesitation, Lu Siya became even more anxious. “What are you waiting for? Run! Only if you escape will there be hope for you to save me. Only then will I have the ability to continue fighting with this monster!”

Meng Chao felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his whole body trembled.

His eyes were like frozen lightning, and he regained his calmness and sharpness.

“Sister Ya, I will definitely save you.”His voice was hoarse, and his eyes were bloodshot.

“Of course, you will definitely save me.”Lusiya’s smile was like a flower, and streaks of blood lines and green waves covered her face once again.

However, even if her entire face was swallowed by the bronze-green mask, what was still stubbornly shining in the depths of her eye sockets was still black flames.

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