Chapter 887: Ultimate Burning!

According to traditional spirit energy training theories, it was best for superhumans to maintain their spirit index between 80 and 120.

It was not good if their spirit index was too low. They would collapse due to fear.

If their spirit index was too high, humans would also lose control due to rage.

Once their index exceeded 200, the cells of the human body would be affected by the violent spirit energy. The mitochondria would operate crazily, triggering an overload of energy. It was very likely that they would go berserk or even spontaneously combust.

For example, the Deification Capsule developed by the monster civilization actually made use of this principle to instantly increase the mitochondria’s conversion efficiency in an ordinary person by ten times or even a hundred times. The method burned lives, but it allowed ordinary people to temporarily possess strength comparable to that of superhumans.

Although the outcome of consuming the Deification Capsule was very tragic…

Even if there was no spontaneous combustion of the human body, it was often because of the boiling of the blood that one would be vaporized from the inside out.

However, the power of “burning life and approaching the critical point” was too powerful. Even extraordinary individuals had to face it seriously or even indulge in it.

According to Meng Chao’s knowledge, many universities and research institutes were currently exploring ways of “approaching the critical point of spirit energy deviation to maximize the stimulation of the human body’s limits.”

In his previous life, the Ultimate Style was one of the best in this field.

Using the innate advantages of the Ultimate Style, through meditation, taking gene reagents, and extreme pain stimulation, the spirit index was raised to around 200, and in a trance, one would enter a state of “quasi spirit energy deviation.” The efficiency of the mass-energy conversion of the mitochondria was greatly increased.

Then, through the expansion and rhythm of 1,024 branches, the mitochondria were rapidly decomposed and discharged, producing heat and waste.

In this way, one could enjoy the enhancement of combat strength brought by madness and demons.

One could also avoid the misfortune of self-ignition or even death by explosion.

Of course, even the near-perfect Ultimate Style in his previous life could only limit and delay the side effects and sequelae of the state of “quasi-spirit energy deviation” to the greatest extent.

Moreover, the critical point of spirit energy deviation was extremely difficult to grasp, especially in a hot-blooded battle.

It was very likely that superhumans who used Ultimate Burning would become more and more aggressive as they fought. In the end, they would turn into dazzling human-shaped torches.

Even in the most ideal state, the superhumans who used Ultimate Burning once would have their spirit veins turn into charred vines and withered branches. They would be in a state of extreme weakness, to the point that they would not even have the strength to truss a chicken, they would need to rest for a long time before they could recover.

Therefore, “burning to the limit,” in human language, was “using 10% of the probability of spontaneous combustion of the human body, 30% of the probability of serious injury and death, and 100% of the probability of exhaustion and weakness in exchange for a temporary increase in combat strength of 100% to 300%.”

In the cultivation systems of the myriad races in the other world, most of them had methods that were similar to “overdrawing one’s life and instantly exploding.”

For example, the barbarian race’s Bloodthirsty Roar, the beast race’s Totem Frenzy, the elves’ Holy Spirit’s wrath, and so on.

Generally speaking, it was not worth it to exchange a long period of weakness for a moment of pleasure.

Similar methods were taboo secret methods in the cultivation systems of many races, and they were even denounced as evil techniques.

However, when one was in imminent danger and had to make a desperate gamble, not to mention the 10% chance of dying, even if the chance of dying was 99% , as long as one could die together with the enemy, there would be people who would give it their all.

In his previous life, the ultimate style martial artists of dragon city developed the Ultimate Burning at the most dangerous moment of the Monster War, when Dragon City was about to be destroyed.

There were also countless Ultimate Style martial artists who, through Ultimate Burning, came into contact with the realm that was originally unreachable. In the thunderous roar, they blasted out their lifetime’s strength and directly blasted the monsters that were far more powerful than them into hell.

The strategic situation of Dragon City in this world was far from as bad as it was in the previous world.

Therefore, the Ultimate Style martial artists did not have the time to develop such a tyrannical forbidden martial art that hurt others and themselves.

Meng Chao, however, directly grasped the essence of Ultimate Burning through the flash of the memory fragments from his previous world and under the surging golden torrent.

A total of 1.8 million contribution points!

All of his basic skills had been upgraded by one level!

All of his main meridians had been opened up!

The sixth dragon vein had been opened up!

Ultimate Burning!

All the rewards turned into golden torrents that rampaged through his limbs, bones, and internal organs, making him feel the pain and pleasure of being reborn.

Meng Chao gritted his teeth. He did not want to reveal half of the surging life magnetic field of wind and thunder.

He did not want “Lu Siya,” who was opposite him, to notice his flaws and interrupt his drastic change.

However, the golden torrents were too fierce and surging. Meng Chao felt that every cell in his body was stuffed with the most intense crystal bombs, which were detonated brutally in an instant.

The extremely violent explosions turned him into countless shining stars.

Attracted by the scorching will hidden in the depths of his brain, countless stars condensed into a brand-new and more powerful version of himself.

Meng Chao finally couldn’t help but let out an extremely satisfying roar.

He felt that the corners of his eyes, nose, throat, ear canal, and even the 36,000 pores all over his body were emitting a faint golden spiritual energy. He looked like a golden steam engine that was operating at an overload!

“Lu Siya” finally changed her expression.

“How is this possible?”

She could hardly believe her eyes and mumbled to herself, “You were beaten so badly that you couldn’t even stand up. How did you recover so quickly..

“No, not recover, but surpass. How can such a terrifying power be contained in your body? What is this exactly?”

She instantly realized the purpose of Meng Chao’s rambling with her.

Naturally, she would not let Meng Chao delay for another half a second.


“Lu Siya” stretched out her arm and spread out her five fingers.

Her long green hair danced crazily like vines that were growing a hundred times faster. It moved along her shoulder and wound around her arm. It spread all the way to her elbow and wrist, and then to her five fingers. It split into five strands and shot toward Meng Chao at lightning speed.


Meng Chao spat out a cloud of golden steam with a temperature of several hundred degrees from his mouth. It turned into a cloud of mist in front of him.

With the interference of the golden mist, his legs were like two longbows that had been stretched to the limit. His joints did not move. He merely relied on the contraction and expansion of his muscles to gently bounce back, shooting toward the surging and turbid mud, the mud and rocks rolled down Mist Mountain all the way.

Five bundles of long green hair pierced through the golden mist like arrows and wound around Meng Chao’s legs.

The muscles on Meng Chao’s legs suddenly vibrated at a very high frequency. Even the hairs on his legs, which were as sharp as blades, became sharp blades that cut thousands of times per second.

The five bundles of long green hair, which had just wrapped around Meng Chao’s legs, were immediately cut into pieces by the hairs on his legs. They scattered like flowers in the sky.

Meng Chao did not slow down at all. He had already left the jungle of “Lu Siya” and was flying above the mudslide.

Suddenly, a shocking sound came from the rolling mudslide.

With the rolling of countless blisters, five flood dragons made of mud dashed out of the mudslide.

Lu Siya’s best skills were to manipulate rocks and change their nature.

After being parasitized by the main brain of the monster, her innate ability had been upgraded explosively.

The so-called flow of debris naturally contained a lot of soil, rocks, and sand.

Although the flood dragons made of water-saturated soil were not as powerful as the crystal dragons made of crystals, they were enough to stop Meng Chao.

The five mud dragons opened their bloody mouths and bit Meng Chao from five different angles.

Half of their bodies were still lurking in the mudslide, absorbing more soil and rocks to make themselves thicker and sturdier.

Of course, Meng Chao could dodge them.

But “Lu Siya” had chosen a very clever angle of attack.

Any dodge of Meng Chao’s would either force him back to the jungle on the shore or expose too many flaws, giving Lu Siya, who was eyeing him covetously on the shore, a chance to take advantage of him.

Meng Chao did not do anything that Lu Siya wanted him to do.

At the critical moment, he chose to take a deep breath and fall straight into the mudslide like a weight.

The five mud dragons rushed toward his spot in the water.

“Hmph!” Lu Siya snorted too. She activated her vitality magnetic field and affected the heaven and earth magnetic field, condensing more mud dragons in the debris flow to search for Meng Chao.

Soon, the debris flow showed signs of freezing like a river that had encountered a cold tide.

In the surging flow of debris, a small reef appeared and turned from a reef into an isolated island.

The isolated island, which was made of dozens of mud dragons, was like a cage that trapped Meng Chao inside.

Although it looked like an ordinary mound on the outside, the mud dragons were still alive.

However, all the mud dragons used the sharpest stones in their bodies to condense into hundreds of tusks that were aimed at Meng Chao inside.

More and more earth elements were piled up outside the small mound.

The “island” grew larger and larger. It was almost like a hill that had risen from a strange peak in a mudslide.

“You…” Lu Siya’s lips curled into a subtle curve.

However, the curve slightly froze in the next second.

Accompanied by an explosion that sounded like the collapse of a mountain, the “hill” that seemed to be indestructible was emitting a faint metallic luster. However, crisscrossing cracks had appeared on its surface.

A hot flame, like a golden blade, shot out from the “hill,” issuing a whistle-like screech.

No matter how “Lu Siya” manipulate the rock, strengthen the “hill’s” shell.

Unable to stop Meng Chao, who seemed to be suppressed inside, in a thunderous explosion, he blew up dozens of mud dragons and stood on top of the mini jungle in a brand-new posture, his long green hair dancing wildly, above the head of “Lu Siya,” who was like a wild banshee!

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