Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 882 - A Win-Win Situation for Humans and Monsters

Chapter 882: A Win-Win Situation for Humans and Monsters

“Lu Siya’s” voice was getting louder and louder.

It was no longer as sharp and aggressive as that of the Queen Bee.

However, it had an added sense that surpassed good and evil, even surpassing history.

Every word she said was like a transparent lightning bolt that struck Meng Chao’s brain.

The wind, rain, thunder, and lightning were swirling around her too.

It was as if her vitality magnetic field had completely merged with the violent, chaotic, and never-ending magnetic field around her.

This made Meng Chao even more certain. “As I expected, you’ve been completely controlled by the monster mastermind!”

“That’s not important. If I tell you…”

“Lu Siya” took a deep breath and calmed down slightly. Her eyes darted around as she smiled again. “Do you believe that the monster civilization has no ill intentions toward the human civilization?”

“No ill intentions?”

Meng Chao could not believe his ears. “Then, what about the Monster War over the past decades?”

“It was a trial that benefited both sides. It’s just like the training that we did on the summit of Mist Mountain.”

“Meng Chao,” Lu Siya said seriously, “Don’t you realize that the Monster War has greatly stimulated the growth of the two civilizations?

“War has always been the best form of deep communication between civilizations.

“Through the Monster War, groups of ignorant monsters quickly grew up and became smarter, more cunning, and more ferocious than in the past. They knew how to organize larger groups, set traps, deceive the enemy, mobilize large armies, find and attack human weaknesses, and so on.

“These precious abilities were not even possessed by the ancient behemoths that possessed the power to destroy the world during the ancient war.

“Although most of the monsters were eliminated, these abilities were turned into genetic data and stored. As long as the right time is found, they can be rereleased, replicated on a large scale, and allow the monster civilization to develop explosively.

“Similarly, human beings have tempered their will and skills through bloody battles with the monsters. They have obtained brand-new materials and weapons, and they have taken a crucial step forward in the field of spirit energy exploration and life science.

“The monster civilization is the ‘glue’ or even ‘shaping agent’ of Dragon City’s civilization. Those are your exact words.

“It was the Monster War that shaped Dragon City into what it is today. Without the ferocious threat of the monsters, Dragon City would have collapsed or even exploded on the spot under the influence of internal conflicts after the Blood Alliance’s fall.

“The war accelerated the growth of the two ignorant and immature civilizations by a hundred times. They are now able to face the unpredictable world in an even tougher and more mature state.

“It’s a win-win situation!”

“Win-win situation?”

Meng Chao was so angry that he laughed instead. “Then, what about the people who died? What about all the human beings who died tragically in the Monster War? You claim that you are Lu Siya, but all the innocent people who died tragically in the Monster War were your own kind. Are you really that indifferent?”

“Lu Siya” shrugged.

“You should know that even the Lu Siya in the past did not care much about the life and death of her so-called ‘kind.’ After transmigration, death was a part of life in the first place.”

“Lu Siya” casually said, “If I, as a Spirit Sensor, were as compassionate as you and cared about the life and death of every one of my so-called ‘kind,’ I would hear the moans of the dying and their last breath every second. It would also include the physiological changes in their relatives who would cry on their corpses, their hearts broken.

“I will smell their flesh and blood, their wounds festering, their sphincter going out of control, and their urine and feces flowing out of their body.

“I can even vaguely see their brain waves, which are in pieces, trying their best to form the final human form above the corpses. Then, under the tearing of the spirit storm, their souls will be torn apart, and they will die completely.

“If that’s the case, I won’t be able to hold on for even a minute. I would have already collapsed mentally.

“It’s precisely because I’ve seen, heard, sensed, and touched much more ‘death’ than you have. That’s why I know better than you that death is inevitable and there’s no need to avoid it.

“Birth, aging, illness, and death are natural laws. The elimination of some individuals is the price that the entire race will have to pay if it wants to continue to evolve.

“The faster the speed of evolution, the higher the price.

“Today, humans have eliminated at least 95% of their own kind. It sounds cruel, but if we don’t shake off the burden of those who don’t have the ability to survive and take big strides forward, the number of people who will be eliminated might be 100%. The entire human civilization will be eliminated.

“Many times, in order to continue our civilization, we even need to… take the initiative to filter and eliminate them through wars and other methods.

“Just like earlier, you used the Blood Flower spores to resurrect the remains of the snakes, insects, rats, and ants into undead creatures, and then ordered them to kill each other. You used the method of raising insects to filter out the strongest undead creatures among them?” Meng Chao questioned coldly.

Lu Siya narrowed her eyes and looked at her reflection in the slightly red puddle formed by the storm.

“I know that I must look like a demon in your eyes right now,” she said calmly.

“Is it just ‘like?'” Meng Chao asked back.

“Well, even if I am a demon, don’t you think that the development of a civilization cannot be achieved without the sacrifice of demons? Especially in the case of Dragon City’s civilization, which has traveled from Earth. It’s billions of light-years away from its hometown. Its hometown might even be completely destroyed!”

Lu Siya said, “The Blood Alliance is a well-known demon, right?” The people of Dragon City now wished that they could blame the Blood Alliance for all the blood and sins in the dark era, where resources had been scarce and order had collapsed. It was as if only the Blood Alliance had been an unpardonable and inhumane existence. The others had been pure and innocent white lotus flowers who had been deceived, forced, and corrupted by the Blood Alliance.

“Of course, the Blood Alliance did a lot of crazy things.

“The most notorious thing was that in order to explore the ancient ruins, they forced several dozen thousand or even several hundred thousand ordinary citizens to go deep into the ancient ruins that had just been unsealed due to Dragon City’s transmigration.

“Ninety percent of the innocent citizens died in the most miserable, terrifying, and twisted way in the depths of the ancient ruins. Suffering the corrosion of the ancient virus and the gnawing of the ancient monsters was already considered the most enjoyable way to die.

“Another 5% of the survivors mutated into monsters that were beyond recognition. Even the ugliest monsters would have nightmares for three days and three nights if they looked at them.

“In the end, they were sent to the Blood Alliance’s laboratory, operating table, and incinerator. After their bodies of flesh and blood were completely transformed into experimental data, they were turned into piles of purest ashes.

“Only 5% of the survivors were able to maintain their original form and rationality while they received the powerful ancient energy.

“They were the lucky ones, such as Lei Zongchao, Jin Wanhao, and Jin Qianxi.

“However, their ‘luck’ has only delayed the time for them to be sent to the crematorium. They have been able to enter the depths of the ancient ruins again under the close surveillance of crystal bombs and biochemical drugs that has acted on a regular basis.

“As they venture deeper and deeper, sooner or later, they will meet the same fate as the other 95% of the people. They will go missing, mutate, or be burned to ashes.

“The Blood Alliance who committed all the inhuman crimes is indeed the home of demons, isn’t it?”

Meng Chao did not want to follow “Lu Siya’s” rhythm so easily.

He quickly pondered over the other party’s purpose.

Of course, it was not bad for him to stall for time.

At the edge of the dark clouds in the sky, golden and blood-red light was gradually emerging. It was a sign of dawn.

During the day, the thunderbolts and torrential rain would weaken a little, and the extremely chaotic magnetic field of heaven and earth would calm down slightly.

Although the superhumans in the Hidden Mist Domain’s periphery were affected by the extreme weather, it was still difficult for them to detect the situation on Mist Mountain.

However, his and Lu Siya’s disappearance would always attract the attention of Long Feijun, Lu Fanghui, and the others.

Most importantly, the contribution points inside Meng Chao’s body were rapidly transforming into the self-healing ability of his cells and his endurance combat ability.

The reward for solving the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities was about to be calculated.

A brand-new trump card was taking shape.

Therefore, he was not afraid at all. He even welcomed Lu Siya to continue fighting with him.

“That’s right. The fellows from the Blood Alliance are obviously demons. So?”

Meng Chao carefully pretended to be immersed in Lu Siya’s rhythm and thought.

“However, the ‘demons’ have contributed more to Dragon City than any ‘hero!'”

“Lu Siya: shouted, “Without the demons’ coercion, Dragon City’s exploration of the ancient ruins would not have been carried out so quickly and so deeply!

“If the demons had not been willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives to fill the gap, it would have been impossible for us to fill the technological trench between Earth and the Other World in just a few years!

“If the demons had not brutally tortured the innocent people who had been infected by the Other World’s germs and turned into ancient monsters in such a cruel way, it would have been impossible for us to accumulate such abundant experimental data and build a theoretical edifice of spirit energy cultivation based on the data!

“If it were not for the demons, who forcibly created Lei Zongchao, Jin Wanhao, Jin Qianxi… the pioneers of spirit energy cultivation and indirectly inspired the most powerful first generation experts such as Lu Zhongqi, it would have been impossible for Dragon City to resist the first wave of the surging beast horde. Forget the unique and powerful Dragon City civilization that would develop decades later after winning the Monster War.

“If it weren’t for the demons, we might still be fighting with gunpowder and guns today. We wouldn’t know anything about spirit energy, cultivation, or so many deadly skills that could destroy the world. Meng Chao, how could you have awakened your extraordinary power and stepped into the five-star Heaven Realm?”

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