Chapter 880: Rebirth in Blood

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In her long, green hair, there were some colorful flowers, spores, and little mushroom-like creatures growing out. They were reminiscent of small and exquisite headdresses.

At that moment, Lu Siya resembled the incarnation of a forest more than the elven queen in Meng Chao’s memories from his previous life.

However, under the long green hair, her red blood-red eyes diluted the tranquility and peace that the jungle should have, leaving only natural selection and the cruelty of the law of the jungle.

Even so, her blood-red eyes were not like the red eyes of many monsters. The pupils and whites of her eyes merged together and turned into a turbid and brutal scarlet.

They resembled crystal balls that had been carved by the sacred hands of a master after decades of hard work and sacrifice. They were red crystals with over a hundred different layers of textures and lusters that nested together. Plus, they constantly emitted a lively and profound light.

It was as if her eyeballs could exchange astronomical information with Meng Chao with just a glance..

There were also strands of mysterious and complicated blood-colored spirit tattoos around the corners of her blood-red eyes. They did not have the slightest sense of terror and brutality. Instead, they were like very special moles of tears, which instead increased the owner’s soul-stirring and unique demonic beauty.

The most fatal thing was her temperament.

In the past, although Lu Siya had been very strong and an outstanding figure among the third generation of Dragon City’s wealthy families...

Compared with her father, “Gray Fox” Lu Fanghui, who was the backbone of the second generation, she remained lacking in some aspects.

Not to mention, she was still far from being qualified in comparison to Battle God Lei Zongchao and her grandfather, Lu Zhongqi, who were the strongest of the first generation powerhouses in Dragon City.

Knowing this, Lu Siya could not help but burn with ambition. She had worked harder and harder to cultivate.

However, “haste makes waste.” While her strength and influence had advanced rapidly, she would inevitably attract a lot of enemies and leave a lot of hidden dangers.

In a word, her ambition was greater than her ability.

Sometimes, she would be impatient and even become the captive of her ambition.

The nickname, “Queen Bee” was both a recognition of her past efforts and a hindrance to her future development.

Before him, Lu Siya’s impetuous and sharp-edged aggressiveness, as well as impatient desire for victory, which Meng Chao was once very familiar with, vanished into thin air.

It was as if Lu Siya had gone through thousands of years of baptism, washing away the pungent smoke and fire all over her body.

She became calm and at ease.

However, as long as one saw her shining blood-red eyes, one would realize that she had not really given up all her ambitions.

On the contrary, her ambitions were a hundred times more inflated than they were in the past.

At that moment, Lu Siya had become more confident than Meng Chao...

Confident that sooner or later, the entire world would belong to her.

No power could stop her footsteps.

If that was the case, what was the point of being so aggressive?

The cat had already caught the mouse and was lazily playing with it. It did not need to show any further “aggressiveness.”

Therefore, although Meng Chao was very close to her...

Lu Siya did not immediately rush forth to “play” with him.

Instead, she turned her face and looked at the edge of the mini jungle with interest. There was a slightly raised mound of soil.

She stared at it intently, as though she was an expert in plants and animals who had discovered a brand-new species.

Meng Chao, on the other hand, was enveloped by an almost solidified power. Even if he tried to move his toes by a millimeter, he would feel a piercing pain.

He could only gasp for breath and use his contribution points as fast as he could to repair his body, accumulate strength, and prepare a new trump card.

At the same time, he followed Lu Siya’s gaze and observed the mound, trying to find out what it was that interested her so much.

The mound seemed ordinary.

It was covered in a large amount of soil that had been washed away by the flood. After the continuous heavy rain, it had turned into smelly mud a long time ago.

Lu Siya raised her eyebrows.

Immediately, dozens of green sprouts drilled out from around the mound.

Like dozens of tiny mechanical arms, they used the most delicate techniques to dig up the mud that covered the mound.

It was then that Meng Chao clearly saw that the so-called “mound” was actually the remains of snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

Although humans had occupied the Hidden Mist Domain and killed and captured most of the monsters, it was impossible for them to completely destroy the monsters.

It was also obviously impossible for them to entirely destroy small beasts such as snakes, insects, rats, and ants. Besides, they should not be completely wiped out either. Otherwise, it would affect the ecological balance of the Hidden Mist Domain and even the entire Monster Mountain Range.

That was especially so when dense mist shrouded the place all year round, and the spirit magnetic field was chaotic. It was difficult for drones to fly there, and it was also tough for mechanized troops to launch large-scale operations on Mist Mountain. There were still a large number of small and weak snakes, insects, rats, and ants that did not pose a threat to humans but were good at burrowing.

They had temporarily escaped the pursuit of humans.

However, they could not escape the devastating disaster brought about by the torrential rain and the flash flood.

The nests of many snakes, insects, rats, and ants had been destroyed. They had also been swept away by the flood and mud flow, torn apart by the rapid current and the gravel in the mud, and their remains were scattered everywhere.

This was the lowest place on the mountainside.

A few days ago, there had been a flood or a few waves that had hit the place, bringing with it a large number of snake, insect, rat, and ant carcasses.

Meng Chao estimated that there were at least a hundred snake, insect, rat, and ant carcasses there.

However, because all the carcasses were in pieces, their rotten, black, twisted, and severely rotten limbs were all fused together.

Even if he activated his super vision, he could not count how many carcasses there were.

He did not understand why Lu Siya was so interested in the carcasses that could be seen everywhere.

Lu Siya studied them attentively for a long time.

Like an overly curious child, she squatted down and leaned over to look.

Then, a tuft of long green hair curled up on her head and reached for the pile of carcasses.

As her hair extended, the outer layer of green peeled off, revealing the thin blood-red core inside.

It turned out that her hair was not green, but blood-red.

The green part was just a strange cell that wrapped around it and had the characteristics of both plants and animals—the Green Tide.

Hundreds of long blood-red strands pierced deeply into the mud on the ground and then into the rotten pile of carcasses, entangling every broken snake, insect, rat, and ant.

With a flick of her finger, Lu Siya’s long red hair broke into pieces.

As if they had independent life, they all crawled into the snake, insect, rat, and ant carcasses.

Then, a horrifying scene played out!

The carcasses, which had been dead for several days and smashed into pieces by the flood, were highly decomposed. Yet, they seemed to be injected with a brand new life force by Lu Siya. Supported by the red threads that looked like blood veins, they swayed and stood up one after another!

The broken limbs of different snake, insect, rat, and ant species were pieced together, like toys carefully made by a master of horror.

Wisps of scarlet blood shot out from the joints of the stitched monsters and the holes where their facial features should have been. It looked like balls of demonic flames were burning on their bodies.

They waved their deformed blade limbs and danced wildly, enjoying their brand-new life.

They formed a circle around Lu Siya and worshiped her as if they were saluting their creator and ruler with the highest respect.

Lu Siya’s face was filled with joy and relief.

She reached out and picked up a spider with a mouse head and a scorpion tail from the mud. She stared at it for a long time, like a naughty child admiring her first carefully polished toy.

Then, she carefully placed the monster back into the group of dancing monsters.

Suddenly, something strange happened.

The monster that had just been put back was suddenly attacked by the other monsters.

After it was torn into pieces, its attackers suffered the same fate.

All the undead creatures that Lu Siya had just resurrected began to kill each other in the cruelest manner!

The battle between the undead creatures was a hundred times crueler, uglier, and more terrifying than the fierce battle between humans and monsters.

The bodies of these stitched monsters contained large amounts of Blood Flower spores, and they all had the ability to drain the last bit of their vitality, split cells, as well as quickly heal themselves.

Their self-slaughter was like a spectacular battle between the undead, who had already died once or even countless times in the deepest parts of hell.

Lu Siya watched with great interest.

Dozens of undead creatures fought until only one was left.

In the end, the winner treated all the carcasses of the losers as trophies and dragged them to the deepest part of the mini jungle.

The sound of biting could be heard from the depths of the jungle.

Lu Siya was finally satisfied. She clapped lightly for the winner and stood up.

She had squatted for too long and stood up too fiercely. It was as if the wound on her shoulder had been pulled.

The long and narrow wound left by Meng Chao’s powerful chop was still in her right shoulder.

Even though his blade had not been able to completely cut away the mysterious power lurking in Lu Siya’s right arm...

The destructive power contained in the blade’s glow, which originated from Meng Chao, was still deeply embedded in her bone. It kept disrupting Lu Siya, preventing her wound from healing for a long while.

Lu Siya frowned slightly in pain.

She turned her head and glared at Meng Chao as she complained to him, “It hurts!”

She was complaining.

Yet, there was no anger or hatred on her face.

Red threads that looked like Blood Flower spores burrowed out of her wound and pulled the two sides of the wound together like surgical sutures.

The armor that was as thin as cicada’s wings, which was made of long green hair on her chest, also moved over and covered the wound perfectly.

Meng Chao looked at Lu Siya’s shoulder and chest.

He swallowed hard.

He wanted to run away.

But his two legs were nailed to the dangerous mud like nails.

“Why are you trying to run?”

Lu Siya smiled like a man-eating flower. Her blood-red eyes shone as she said, “I don’t blame you. On the contrary, I admire you more and more!

“When you realized that something was wrong with me, you made a prompt decision and tried to kill me without hesitation. You didn’t dither at all.

“Such ruthless methods and decisive temperament don’t make you look like a younger brother in his early twenties.

“As expected of the one and only genetic inheritance partner, whom I’ve personally selected!”

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