Chapter 878: Decisive Decisions

Meng Chao’s heart sank to the bottom.

However, he did not hesitate at all.

It was even less likely that he would not be able to make a move at that critical moment.

After his return following the apocalypse, whenever he should be ruthless, he could be more ruthless than anyone else.

Moreover, he had seen many explorers who had been corroded by mysterious forces in the ancient ruins. They had become neither human nor ghost, and their lives were worse than death.

He and Lu Siya knew very well that death was often a kind of relief and even happiness.

If he were to be corroded by mysterious forces, black mucus would ooze out of his body, and he would soon transform into a giant beetle. He would also lose all his ability to think and free will.

He also hoped that Lu Siya would be by his side and give him a quick death.

Therefore, before Lu Siya could finish her sentence, Meng Chao had already activated the nine dragons divine seal and poured surging spiritual energy into the boiling dragon veins, causing the raging dragons to… all of them moved along his high spine to his limbs and bones.


He punched Lu Siya’s chest without any mercy.

Mysterious and complicated spiritual patterns appeared on his arms, fingers, and palms respectively. Different spiritual patterns shone and combined into a destructive spiritual magnetic field, sending an explosive force directly into Lu Siya’s heart.

Lu Siya spat out another mouthful of sticky blood.

She flew out like a kite with a broken string.

Even the two crystal dragons, which were shaped by her will and controlled by her mind, showed signs of stiffening and collapsing.

Meng Chao didn’t move, but as soon as he made his move, it was like a flood that had burst out of a dam.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

He turned into a streak of light and coiled around Lu Siya, who had yet to land on the ground. Taking advantage of the fact that Lu Siya had nowhere to borrow strength from, he unleashed the continuous techniques of the Ultimate Stream to the maximum. In just a breath, he launched nearly a hundred attacks toward Lu Siya’s vital points, he made Lu Siya float in the air again and again, unable to land on the ground at all.

Of course, Meng Chao was very clear that an attack of this level would not be able to kill Lu Siya.

After all, Lu Siya was a superhuman in the six-star Spirit Armor Realm, and she had even reached the peak of Heaven Realm. She was qualified to explore the mysteries of the Deity Realm.

No matter how talented Meng Chao was, his combat ability was only “comparable” to that of a six-star Heaven Realm cultivator. In the end, he lacked the decisive strength to kill a cultivator at the peak of Heaven Realm in one strike.

The most ideal result would be to heavily injure Lu Siya and knock her unconscious.

As long as he could temporarily suppress the mysterious energy in her body, he would be able to send Lu Siya to the hospital in time, or he could find Long Feijun and Lu Fanghui to provide support.

Lu Siya sensed Meng Chao’s intention.

A hint of approval flashed in her eyes.

She took the initiative to cooperate with him, exposing her vital parts.

This was especially so for the right side of her body, which was already covered in black-and-blue blood vessels.

When her right arm wanted to block or summon the Crystal Dragon to stop Meng Chao, her left arm would cause trouble again and meet Meng Chao’s attack.

Although every heavy blow from Meng Chao would make her groan in pain.

After the pain, however, she would moan happily.

It was as if the excruciating pain could stimulate her mind, keep her awake and bright, and suppress the mysterious power that was drilling into her body.

The two of them worked well together, and their minds were in sync.

Accompanied by Meng Chao’s heavy punches, the greenish-black power on Lu Siya’s right half of her body was dispersed.

The remaining greenish-black power seemed to be cornered, and it could only drill into her right arm. Mysterious and complicated jade-green spiritual patterns appeared on her right arm, as if it was a vivid, flat jungle painted on Lu Siya’s arm.

Meng Chao’s eyes lit up.

He thought of how the captain of the man-eating pomfret team dealt with the mysterious energy that was parasitizing his team members.

He and Lu Siya looked at each other deeply.

Lu Siya had seen the video, too.

She immediately understood what he meant.

Gritting her teeth, Lu Siya, who had the nickname of Queen Bee and was as ruthless to herself as anyone else, raised her right arm that was entangled by the mysterious energy.

“Break!” Meng Chao Roared, and his blade broke through the speed of sound.

On the blade, a cluster of spiritual energy that looked like a small sun exploded and turned into hundreds of golden arcs of electricity.

It was the ultimate skill of “Domineering Saber” Jin Wanhao, Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash.

The saber that was surrounded by electric arcs slashed at Lu Siya’s right shoulder mercilessly!

For a powerhouse like Lu Siya, the loss of her entire right arm would certainly have a serious impact on her combat ability.

However, even if all four of her limbs were broken, it was still better than being completely eroded by the mysterious power and turning into a monster that was neither human nor ghost.

Meng Chao and Lu Siya had already reached a consensus through eye contact.

Meng Chao’s Golden Saber was about to cut off Lu Siya’s right arm that was enveloped by the greenish-black aura.

“Ah!” Lu Siya screamed inhumanely deep down her throat. Her green hair, which was as messy as weeds and vines, suddenly grew several meters long and entangled Meng Chao’s saber.

If Meng Chao had used the Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber, Lu Siya’s hair would not have been able to block his slash no matter how much it had been strengthened by the mysterious power.

Unfortunately, Tonight was only for training. Meng Chao was carrying a Thunder Saber—a victory commemorative edition produced by his own company!

Although it was an upgraded version specially produced to commemorate the great victory in the Monster War, the materials were extremely generous.

However, no matter how generous it was, it could not be compared to the Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber.

At this moment, Meng Chao’s spirit energy was as dense as that of many experts in the six-star Spirit Armor Realm.

Naturally, his full-force attack was not something that the Thunder Saber could withstand.

When his speed was pushed to the maximum, the tip of the saber could not help but tremble slightly.

The flawless path of the saber was even thinner than a strand of hair.

The mysterious power lurking in Lu Siya’s body keenly caught the movement of the hair.

The entanglement of the long green hair further buffered and dispelled the terrifying destructive power of Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash through the method of using softness to counter hardness.

At the same time, the entanglement also wrapped around Lu Siya’s left arm, waist, and strong legs.

No matter how hard she struggled, she still fell backward in a strange zombie-like posture.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Meng Chao cut off countless strands of green hair and sent them flying into the air, turning gray in an instant.

It was as if their vitality had been sucked dry, withering and fading away.

The thunder-like battle blade struck Lu Siya’s right shoulder with unstoppable force.

However, because of the deviation of the path of the blade and the interference of the long green hair, it was 0.5 centimeters lighter than Meng Chao had expected.

The blade brushed past Lu Siya’s shoulder blade.

The golden electric arc had severely torn her tendons and muscles.

However, it was unable to completely separate the mysterious power from Lu Siya.

Meng Chao snorted coldly and slammed his legs onto the ground like a rocket. He rushed forward like a hungry tiger pouncing on a sheep, sending Lu Siya flying hundreds of meters away in an instant.

He took the opportunity to tear apart the entanglement of the long green hair and raised the saber high again.

This time, he had grasped the characteristics of the Thunder Saber—the victory commemorative edition.

From the weight, the length, the center of gravity, and the materials of the monsters mixed with metal, they all turned into mysterious and complicated information flows that flowed into his brain and merged perfectly with the fatal strike that he was about to unleash.

However, when Lu Siya was sent flying more than a hundred meters away and crashed heavily into a green rock protruding from the rock wall, the seemingly solid rock shattered and collapsed.


On the rock wall, tens of millions of tons of mudslides swept down like thousands of soldiers and horses. Lu Siya was instantly engulfed by them and disappeared without a trace.

What was worse was that even Meng Chao could not escape the impact of the debris flow, and he was caught in the surging and sticky flood.

Meng Chao struggled desperately.

He tried to condense his spiritual energy into wings and control the balance and direction in the turbid flow.

But the debris flow was different from the dozens of debris flows that he had encountered when he went up the mountain.

Not to mention that it was more rapid and fierce, there were more dangers in the debris flow, too.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A lot of falling rocks and broken wood collided with each other in the debris flow. Then, like the fangs of a monster, they lunged at Meng Chao.

With great difficulty, Meng Chao waved his thunderous battle saber and shattered them one by one.

However, he felt that the debris flow was filled with chaotic spirit energy, as if ten thousand invisible hands were pulling him desperately. Every swing of his saber was a hundred times more laborious than a normal battle.

Soon, Meng Chao felt that he was stuck in a swamp and could not move at all.

However, at this moment, several undercurrents were rushing toward him at a high speed.

“What is this?”

Meng Chao’s pupils constricted to the maximum. He curled his body as hard as he could and narrowly missed the first undercurrent.

However, a rock dragon made of falling rocks and broken wood was rushing out of the debris flow.

No, not just one, but four rock dragons were lurking in the debris flow, waiting for an opportunity to launch a hidden and fatal attack on Meng Chao.

“Sister Ya…”

Meng Chao was burning with anxiety.

Manipulating rocks was Lu Siya’s specialty. The debris flow contained a lot of soil and rock components, which made it easier for her to create rock snakes and rock dragons.

However, under normal circumstances, Lu Siya would never kill Meng Chao.

However, the four rock dragons seemed to have just been summoned. Their eye sockets were deep, and they were like crystal dragons that were surging with dim phosphorescence. Their bodies were surrounded by a primitive and hungry aura.

It was obvious that they were not summoned by Lu Siya, but by the mysterious force lurking in her body.

After the impact and devouring of the debris flow, Lu Siya had been completely controlled by the mysterious force!

Meng Chao didn’t know whether the appearance of the mudslide was a coincidence or not.

Or was it the mysterious power lurking in Lu Siya’s body that could mobilize the magnetic field of the planet, control the microclimate in the surroundings, and bring “reinforcements” such as the mudslide.

If it was the latter, the power was far more terrifying than he had imagined.


Meng Chao made a prompt decision and changed his tactical purpose.

He changed from “helping Lu Siya expel the mysterious power that invaded her body” to “escaping death from the hunting of the mysterious power.”

The mysterious power was extremely terrifying. He could not fight it with his courage alone.

Only by running to the foot of the mountain and finding more powerhouses, mobilizing the corporations’ elite troops and the Red Dragon Army, and surrounding the entire Mist Mountain, could he hope to destroy it completely.

And this was also the only way to save Lu Siya.

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