Chapter 873: Period of Pain

Meng Chao could not bear to look at Lu Siya’s overly fierce eyes. He turned his face and said, “Sister Ya, you’ve raised your ideology to such a high level. Wouldn’t it be too rude for me to say that I don’t think so?”

“So, you agree to the deal?”

Lu Siya smiled. “That’s right. Through the deal, you can use my father and the entire Lu family’s power to influence the nine mega corporations and put your idea into practice.

“At the same time, I will be able to gain the support of Broken Star Club, Blue Home, and the Red Dragon Army through you.

“Although there is an irreconcilable structural contradiction between the nine mega corporations and the Red Dragon Army, the nine mega corporations are what they are. I am me. I, Lu Siya, will not be restricted by anything. Neither the Lu family, Sky Pillar, or the nine mega corporations can stop me.

“Therefore, you can rest assured that as long as it suits our interests, I don’t mind working with Broken Star Club, Blue Home, the Red Dragon Army, or even Battle God Palace. Of course, I think that it’s enough for both of us to know about it. That way, it will be more convenient for me to get key information and resources from the nine overlords.

“Believe me, our collaboration will only grow more pleasant. Perhaps, it won’t be long before both of us break through the Deity Realm. In the future, Dragon City will belong to you and me. One day, the combination of our powerful genes will even give birth to Dragon City. No, it will be the strongest and most perfect life form in the entire Other World…”

Lu Siya’s smile grew wider and wider.

Then she approached Meng Chao step by step.

The brilliance in her eyes was something that Meng Chao had never seen before.

“Yeah, Sister Ya, calm down. Is there a need for us to be so… anxious and impatient?”

Looking at the brilliance in Lu Siya’s eyes, Meng Chao suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. He stammered. “I-I feel like something’s wrong with your condition. Have you been training too much recently? Are you too tired because your spirit energy is attacking your brain?

“You should take a break. Really, I think that we should finish our special training early and go back to Dragon city to relax. Just like you said, we should go to the movies, go to the park, eat ice cream, and see a doctor to make sure that the Monster War and our training in the depths of Ruins No. 2 have not caused too much of a negative impact on us. Let’s talk about something else. What do you think?”

Lu Siya stood still.

She lowered her head and looked at her reflection in the puddles, which was distorted by the heavy rain. A confused look appeared on her face.

“That’s right, I must be too tired. It’s so strange. Why did I have the idea of breeding a new generation of life forms out of nowhere?”

Lu Siya rubbed her temples and murmured, “Before I conquer the Other World, I don’t intend to let anything bind my hands and feet

“You’re cultivating too fast.”

Meng Chao said, “I remember that you only broke through the six-star Heaven Realm a few days ago, but you’ve already become more powerful than an ordinary fighter at the peak of Heaven Realm. As the saying goes, haste makes waste. It’ll be easy for you to go crazy if you keep advancing like this.”

“That makes sense.”

Lu Siya glanced at Meng Chao as she spoke. “However, it’s not quite right for you to say that. You just broke through the five-star Heaven Realm not long ago, but your combat ability is already above that of ordinary six-star Heavenly Realm fighters. We’re all monsters!”

The two of them laughed at her words.

Anyway, the awkward and tense atmosphere a moment ago had diffuse a lot.

“By the way, Sister Ya…”

Meng Chao took the opportunity to change the subject. “Is there any new news about the Supernatural Entities in the Abnormal Beast Research Department recently? Like White Spirit, Earthquake, the Demonic Abyss Eye, Vortex, the Tree of Wisdom, and so on?”

“No, the monster civilization has been wiped out. Where would new Supernatural Entities come from?”

Lu Siya glanced at Meng Chao in confusion. She did not understand why he suddenly brought this up. She thought for a moment and said, “Recently, the Abnormal Beast Research Department has been updating their organization and system. Everyone is so busy that they don’t have time to deal with any monsters!”

“Organization updates and system upgrades?”

Meng Chao was slightly startled.

“That’s right. The Abnormal Beast Research Department was originally set up to deal with the highly intelligent monsters that infiltrated Dragon City and wreaked havoc. Now that the monster civilization has been wiped out, if the Abnormal Beast Research Department wants to continue developing, it obviously has to carry out updates and give itself a brand new mission.”

Lu Siya told Meng Chao that in the later stages of the Monster War, the Abnormal Beast Research Department had recruited a large group of people with extraordinary abilities and made great contributions. They had also honed their combat strength through numerous tough and fierce battles.

Moreover, the closer they were to the water, the better it would be. The Abnormal Beast Research Department had also used its advantage to carve out a significant piece of the monster civilization’s legacy.

The Abnormal Beast Research Department, which had been developing smoothly due to the sudden expansion of its strength, clearly did not want to end up in a situation where it was in a sad state once the enemy disappeared.

Right now, everyone in the Abnormal Beast Research Department, from the director, Nie Chenglong, to her, the leader of the ninth special search and rescue team, as well as the ordinary investigators, were all ambitious and eager.

They hoped to remove the word “Abnormal Beast” from their name and upgrade from the Abnormal Beast Research Department to Dragon City Research Department. In the future, their scope of investigation and punishment would not only be limited to high-iq monsters, but also the entire Other World—all the high-iq indigenous creatures.

“Dragon City’s secret police in the adjudicator court are still in charge of Dragon City’s internal investigation as in the past. They specialize in hunting and punishing superhumans who have gone out of control. Our Abnormal Beast Research Department is the Dragon City civilization’s most chilling blade that has pierced into the depths of the Other World. One day, we will even upgrade the ‘research department’ to the ‘investigation corps,’ which will control Dragon City’s top-notch special forces and secret resources.”

Lu Siya proudly said, “You should be able to imagine how powerful we will be at that time!”

Meng Chao nodded.

Since ancient times, a secret organization like the Abnormal Research Department that was active on the black front might not be more powerful than the regular army, but it was definitely more terrifying than them.

Meng Chao had always collaborated well with the Abnormal Beast Research Department. He had even kept his home in the department’s family courtyard.

The stronger the research department was, the better it would be for him.

Yet, for some reason, an uneasy flame was still dancing in the depths of his brain.

Gazing at the dark night sky, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a fleeting danger.

“What happened to you? Your body temperature dropped by 0.3 degrees all of a sudden?”

Sensing Meng Chao’s uneasiness, Lu Siya glanced at him strangely. “By the way, two days ago, the director asked me if you were interested in officially joining the Abnormal Beast Research Department?

“Of course, not as an ordinary investigator or even a gold-medal investigator.

“During this period of time, the Abnormal Beast Research Department has been recruiting and expanding its strength. A few special operations teams have been established. Although the specifications are not high for the time being, they have the opportunity to cross Monster Mountain Range and take charge of the outside world. They have the most important right of independent action and highest priority in handling the spoils of war. I think that you might be willing to become the leader of one of the special operations teams.”


Meng Chao’s brain was boiling. Countless pieces of information were bubbling in the magma. He wanted to reach into the magma and endure the pain to retrieve the broken clues.

[Your current progress in the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities is 99% . All the Supernatural Entities have appeared. The final answer is right in front of you.]

That line of small golden words flashed in front of his eyes again.

Every tiny word was like a golden awl that pierced deep into his brain.

The corner of Meng Chao’s eyes twitched, and he mumbled, “Sister Ya, do you know of any other organizations that have been carrying out system and organization updates like the Abnormal Beast Research Department in Dragon City recently

“Of course. Other than this department, there’s also the adjudicator court, the Hunter’s Association, the major universities and research institutes, including the Red Dragon Army and the nine mega corporations. Every one of them is undergoing drastic adjustments and triggering earth-shaking changes!”

“After all, in the past, the major forces of Dragon City had always set ‘defeating the monster civilization’ as their highest goal to determine the organizational structure, allocate personnel and resources, shape the corporate culture, break down the missions, and set the KPI,” Lu Siya said.

“Now, the monster civilization has been utterly defeated. The gate to the new world is slowly opening in front of us. Aren’t all the forces going to undergo a complete transformation?”

“No wonder…”

Meng Chao was like a bee that had lost its sense of direction due to the interference of spirit magnetism. It kept circling in the muddy col, but it could not find its way. He muttered to himself, “No wonder Dragon City has been in a mess recently. It turns out that it’s because everyone is undergoing a transformation. And there must be a price to pay for this transformation, right?”

“Without a doubt. Just like the metabolism of the human body, a large amount of waste must be discharged to ensure that the new organization is stronger.”

“Many veteran soldiers who have performed meritorious deeds have spent their whole lives fighting monsters. Their gradually rigid thinking can only adapt to the fighting style of dealing with monsters. If they were to copy it into a brand-new war, it would be a disaster,” Lu Siya said with a straight face.

“It is true that we will have to pay a great price if we want to reform the old and replace the respected, even powerful experts of the older generation with a new generation full of new ideas and new battle strategies to ensure the smooth transformation of Dragon City’s entire civilization. But we have no other choice but to grit our teeth and survive this ‘period of pain.'”

“Period of pain…”

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and said, “Therefore, the period after the Monster War was indeed the weakest period of Dragon City’s civilization.

“On one hand, the great enemy that united us has collapsed. The crack that existed among us for a long time was exposed unscrupulously. Triggered by the ‘the monster civilization’s legacy’, the crack became bigger and deeper!

“On the other hand, the change of strategic goals has made the major forces in Dragon City scramble to upgrade their systems and organizations. Just as you said, it is a ‘painful period of transformation,’ and this transformation is bound to come at a price, which might trigger new conflicts.

“Right now, we are like a man who’s wounded and exhausted after half a century of fierce battles. We’ve had to rely on our strong will and desire to survive in order to stand firm and fight the enemy to the death.

“Alas, the moment we kill the enemy, the breath that has supported us to stand firm dissipates. We collapse all of a sudden. All our injuries and fatigue drown us like a tide.

“However, we are still driven by hunger to tear the flesh and blood from the enemy’s body and devour them like a tornado. We are too full and have indigestion. Isn’t that right? Isn’t it?”

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