Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 857 - Mutual Appreciation

Chapter 857: Mutual Appreciation

Right then, Long Feijun’s brain waves were as hot as cannonballs that were whistling out of his chest.

He simply exposed his chest and let the cold raindrops hit his chest that was as hot as magma.

Accompanied by the sizzling sounds, the raindrops turned into steam and lingered around his body.

“The bloody Red Dragon Army battle was not without its rewards.

“As the experts from the noble families became stronger and stronger, the soldiers of the Red Dragon Army also did the same.

“Many warriors awakened their extraordinary powers at the last moment of their bloody battles.

“Although we lack cultivation resources and systems, many techniques from the ancient ruins were monopolized by the noble families of cultivation. When the warriors awakened their extraordinary powers, most of their spirit meridians were burned by the violent spirit energy, and they turned into broken-star superhumans.

“But in many cases, quantity is also a quality. The Red Dragon Army has nothing but numbers. The number of broken-star superhumans is increasing, and our combat ability is getting stronger. After the meticulous guidance and selfless support of the old man, Battle God Lei Zongchao, the Red Dragon Army has finally been reborn.

“At this moment, perhaps because of the guidance of our ancestors, we have developed two crucial technologies.

“The first is the group brain wave resonance technology, which is also known as Battle Soul Technology.

“The researchers of the Red Dragon Army discovered that when the brain waves and vitality magnetic fields of ordinary soldiers and broken-stars oscillate at the same frequency, it is very likely that they will resonate in the soul level and gather the wills of hundreds of thousands of people into unparalleled strength. They will even trigger the chain reactions of the surrounding environment and the planet’s magnetic fields, upgrading ‘unparalleled strength’ to ‘world-ending.’

“In the past, no matter how many people there were in the Red Dragon Army, they were unable to fight against the peerless experts and high-level monsters.

“The enemy could adopt the strategy of appearing and disappearing unpredictably and attacking us one by one. They would wander around us, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate and attack us. They would slowly drain the last drop of our blood. We only had ferocious firepower, and we could not keep up with the enemy’s rhythm at all.

“After mastering Battle Soul Technology, the soldiers who were in the same team or company, living together day and night, sharing life and death with each other, and who were connected by blood, would stir their hot blood and spirit to the extreme. Their brain waves would be able to condense into powerful Battle Souls, which were no less than the vitality magnetic field of the superhumans.

“The ordinary soldiers, who could only hide behind the wings of the superhumans in the past and wait for them to destroy the high-level monsters, finally had their own ‘extraordinary power!’

“The second was the ‘brain wave sealing and inheritance technology,’ which was also known as Heroic Spirit Technology.

“The researchers of the Red Dragon Army discovered that the Other World was an extremely magical place. Due to the existence of the planet’s unique magnetic field and spirit energy, the carbon-based intelligent life with strong brain waves could still exist independently for a period of time even if its body was destroyed.

“If the deceased’s spirit was absorbed and sealed during this period of time, part of the memory, ability, and inheritance of the deceased would be obtained.

“It was just like the ancestors who were willing to die for Dragon City. Even if their bodies were destroyed, their heroic spirits would still float in the sky of Dragon City and protect us forever.

“Heroic Spirit Technology was developed by the Red Dragon Army first.

“We were also the ones who could resonate with the heroic spirits of our ancestors and gain their recognition.

“Therefore, the Red Dragon Army had the most ‘heroic spirits’ in Dragon City—one of the four major combat professions, a powerful existence who could compete with any martial arts expert.

“On the other hand, with years of silent sacrifice, our efforts and contributions were finally seen by the general public.

“Although the hottest topics in the media and on the Internet were still the illustrious military exploits of the unparalleled experts and the gossip about the sons of the wealthy families.

“But as the scale of the Red Dragon Army continued to expand, almost every family of the ordinary citizens had people who joined the Red Dragon Army.

“Even though our average combat ability was still not as good as that of the noble families of cultivation, we still fought the dirtiest, most tiring, most bitter, and most unmeritorious battles.

“But we are the sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers of the citizens. We are your family. Naturally, the public’s attention and support for us are increasing day by day.

“Just like that, the Red Dragon Army grew stronger and stronger bit by bit. Immeasurable blood and sweat were shed, and countless tears and teeth were swallowed. Finally, today’s victory came. Not only did we defeat the civilization of monsters, but we also won back... the glory that belonged to us!

“You said that looking back on the long road in the past, soaked in the blood of countless heroes, wasn’t it worth getting drunk, crying, and laughing?”

Meng Chao was moved.

He finally understood Long Feijun’s loss of composure.

“It was worth it. It was very worth it,” he said resolutely.

Scorching flames spurted out of Long Feijun’s eyes. He slapped Meng Chao on the shoulder heavily with his iron-like palm.

“Of course, you played a big part in the rise of the Red Dragon Army, too!”

The leader of the young officers solemnly said, “Meng Chao, I’m afraid that even you don’t know it. After reviewing the rise of the Red Dragon Army for decades, we discovered that the Northern Front Attack three years ago was the most critical and dangerous battle.

“At that time, apart from the Hidden Mist Domain, the crystal lodes that Dragon City had discovered with the most astonishing reserves were all at the critical point of the outbreak of spirit energy.

“A lot of the Red Dragon Army was stationed around Raging Waves Mountain Range.

“The attack on the northern front was a tremendous gamble of the Red Dragon Army.

“If the underground spirit veins exploded and turned Raging Waves Mountain Range into the Hidden Mist Domain today, the millions of elites and war resources that the Red Dragon Army had accumulated for decades would most likely be annihilated.

“In that case, the Red Dragon Army would have no chance of regaining its former glory.

“Thankfully, because of your hard work in the depths of Raging Waves Mountain Range, the intensity of the spirit vein’s eruption was reduced by several levels. The febrile wind, which was capable of burning the veins, flesh, internal organs, and bones of human beings in an instant, turned into the nectar that could nourish the limbs, bones, and internal organs of human beings. Everybody present enjoyed endless benefits.

“The Red Dragon Army was the most present at that time. Naturally, we enjoyed the most benefits, too.

“It was exactly because of the ‘heavenly dew’ that many soldiers and frontline officers made breakthroughs one after another. The combat ability of the entire Red Dragon Army took a qualitative leap.

“Don’t you think that this is not your great contribution to the Red Dragon Army?”

Meng Chao blushed and said, “I didn’t think so much at that time. I just wanted to save my own life.”

“Alright, let’s put this matter aside. You should be credited for developing the Ultimate Style and establishing Broken Star Club, right? “You should know that the Red Dragon Army has the most broken-star superhumans, and the Ultimate Style is a battle mode that specifically targets the broken-star superhumans. Because of you, many grassroots officers whose cultivation has stagnated have restarted the possibility of cultivating and upgrading!”

Long Feijun continued, “There is also a brand-new version of the three fundamental force-exerting arts, which has greatly improved the combat ability of the ordinary soldiers of the Red Dragon Army and triggered a qualitative change. Also, the mechanical martial arts that you and Elder Lei have just developed will bring a brand-new hope to the disabled soldiers who are wearing rune mechanical prostheses.

“Putting everything aside, just the fact that you have chosen to cooperate with the Red Dragon Army at the risk of losing a lot of commercial interests shows that you are a completely different existence from those mercenaries. You are the same as the Red Dragon Army. You are fighting wholeheartedly for your compatriots, for Dragon City, and for civilization!”

Meng Chao scratched his head and said, “Brother Long, you flatter me so much that I don’t even know how to come down.”

“Then don’t come down. Let’s join hands and continue to climb the mountain!”

Long Feijun laughed. “Meng Chao, you don’t know. Actually, we have been friends for a long time. Before you came to Battle God Palace, I had heard of your name and was very interested in you. The one who was happiest about your arrival to Battle God Palace was Elder Lei, and the second one was me.

“In the past six months, your performance in Battle God Palace has not been disappointing at all. On the contrary, we were pleasantly surprised.

“Many people called me Chief of Battle God Palace and thought that I had received Battle God Lei Zongchao’s true inheritance. After observing for half a year, I felt that you were more worthy of the title ‘Chief of Battle God Palace than me!”

Those words were a little harsh.

Meng Chao hurriedly said, “Brother Long, I. . .”

“No need to be humble. Between you and me, who would care about the title of the Chief of Battle God Palace?” Battle God Palace was not a place where people competed for power and benefits. All the people in Battle God Palace only thought about one thing, and that was the future of Dragon City

Long Feijun smiled and opened his arms to welcome the storm. He squinted his eyes and said, “Look, the storm is getting smaller.”

“That’s right.”

Meng Chao said, “The rainy season is about to end. The Hidden Mist Domain will be clear and stable again.”

“Not just the Hidden Mist Domain, but the entire Monster Mountain Range. I’ve heard that the more intense the storm, the brighter the sunlight will be after the rain clears. In this way, tomorrow is really worth looking forward to!”

As Long Feijun spoke, he magically took out a metal cylinder from behind and shook it at Meng Chao. He grinned and said, “How about it? Have a drink with Brother Long?”

Meng Chao was stunned for a moment before he said, “Brother Long, you were really drunk just now.”

“I was just socializing just now. Now, I’m drinking.”

Long Feijun said, “This is Fiery Blood Dragon Scale wine refined from the blood of an Apocalyptic Beast’s heart, specifically the Crystalline Nine-headed Dragon. I spent a lot of effort to get it from General Shao. I heard that when it was poured into the wine cup, the golden scales shone as if there was a fierce dragon swimming at the bottom of the cup.

“Such a good wine. It would be a pity if I didn’t drink it with such a good friend like you in such a nice weather.”

Meng Chao pondered for a moment.

Lu Siya was still waiting for him on Mist Mountain.

On one side was a tough military man with iron bones.

On the other side was a training partner who was as fierce as a wolf or a tiger.

Meng Chao made a decision without hesitation.

“Alright, I’ll drink with you!”


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