Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 845 - Controlling Anger With Anger!

Chapter 845: Controlling Anger With Anger!

In the mother’s near-death memory, Meng Chao’s vitality magnetic field had been contaminated by the experience of being attacked by more than twenty Deity Realm warriors.

Apart from the fact that he could not condense his spirit energy into an armor-like spirit shield, Meng Chao’s combat ability was close to the six-star Spirit Armor Realm.

Most of the Deity Realm experts had returned to Dragon City to recuperate because of their serious injuries. Only a few of them were taking turns to take charge of the situation in the Hidden Mist Domain. At that moment, Meng Chao was definitely able to show off his might and act tyrannically in the cafeteria filled with ten thousand people!

He resembled a combination of whirlwind and lightning that was swept through the chaotic crowd.

No matter who it was, as long as they brushed past his vitality magnetic field, they would be involuntarily attracted to him. They would spin dozens of times in an instant like a spinning top before they were flung far away by the centrifugal force. They would fall to the ground in a corner.

Even though furious flames were still surging in their brain crevices, their limbs, bones, and internal organs were bombarded with extremely stimulating spirit energy by Meng Chao.

The superhumans felt as if they had been struck by lightning. Their hands and feet were extremely numb.

Their stomachs churned even more. They could not help but curl up into a ball like shrimps.

They clutched their stomachs and vomited so much that they were about to throw up their meals from the previous night. How could they have the strength to continue fighting?

Meng Chao jumped up and down like a rabbit and continued his rampage. In an instant, he threw dozens of hot-headed superhumans out.

He still had the time to look at their clothes and the badges on their chests. According to their different camps and positions, he threw them into four corners of the cafeteria.

Many of the superhumans who participated in the fight were on the level of one to three stars.

Although fury had increased their power, they had lost the balance, calmness, and precision of their attacks. They were not Meng Chao’s match at all.

For a moment, Meng Chao cut melons and vegetables, sweeping everything in his path. He had actually cleared out a large area in front of him.

Even the superhumans who were far away from his attack range could sense his burning, fierce, and peerless spirit flames.

Not only that, they could also sense the violent aura of an ancient vicious beast that was mixed in the spirit flames.

They all shivered at the same time.

There was only one power that could calm anger...

And it was fear that was ten times stronger than anger.

Many of the superhumans present had more or less heard the ancient ruins’ summon when they entered Ruins No. 2 to cultivate and research. They had transformed into monsters and experienced the nightmare of the ancient battlefield.

Right then, it was clear daylight.

However, their vision blurred, and they had hallucinations again.

It was as if they had turned into snakes, insects, rats, and ants from the ancient era again. At most, they were like wolves, tigers, and leopards.

Meng Chao, on the other hand, was like an indomitable Tyrannosaurus rex. He strode forward like an earthquake and appeared behind them, staring at their necks coldly.

“How... How is this possible?”

“When did Meng Chao become so strong?”

“I heard that he just reached Heaven Realm last year. According to the standards of ordinary superhumans, he should still be at the base of Heaven Realm at this moment!”

“Are you kidding me? What base of Heaven Realm? Such terrifying aura is reminiscent of an ancient vicious beast is definitely at the peak of the Heaven Realm!”

“I heard that he became the ace tester of the ancient ruins research center and many research projects related to the ancient mysteries. When others tested it once, they would already go through the gates of Hell, but he was able to calmly repeat it seventy to eighty times!”

“Is this... Is this the true strength of the youngest Heaven Realm warrior in Dragon City?”

Many people swallowed their saliva with difficulty.

Their anger turned into cold sweat, which flowed out subconsciously.

They gradually recovered their rationality and looked at the mess around them. They did not need anyone to persuade them anymore. They even realized that they had almost made a big mistake.

Now, only Ma Hong and the others, who were the first to be involved in the mess, were left at the center of the cafeteria. They were still like bulls with their big horns intertwined together, pestering each other relentlessly.

“Ma Hong!”

Taking advantage of the fact that both sides had prepared a killer move to collide with the other, a shockwave with a temperature of over a thousand degrees was released. Like a burning hurricane, it sent both sides flying twenty to thirty meters.

Meng Chao hurried forward. His ten fingers were wrapped in electric arcs, and he pressed Ma Hong’s shoulders, trying to control this old friend that he had known for years.

His ten fingers were deeply embedded in Ma Hong’s skin and flesh.

However, he felt that Ma Hong’s body temperature was frighteningly high. It did not seem like a body of flesh and blood, but more like a demon statue that had just been cast with molten iron.

Meng Chao’s palm was boiling hot, and he could not help but let out an “ah” sound.

Accompanied by the mechanical cracking sound of his cervical vertebrae, Ma Hong’s head rotated almost 180 degrees, and he glared at Meng Chao.

His eyeballs were red, and it was impossible to distinguish between the pupils and the whites of his eyes.

Thick blood vessels protruded out of his eye sockets, and they were twitching crazily as if dozens of earthworms had crawled into them.

The hostility on his face turned into streaks of black rays like he was wearing a hideous and ugly black mask. He was completely different from the warm, cheerful, and righteous man he usually was.

Not good.

Meng Chao’s heart thumped.

Judging from Ma Hong’s situation, he was no longer in ordinary “uncontrollable rage.”

Instead, it was a sign of spirit energy deviation.

He resembled an ordinary person who had taken too many Deification Capsules.

His brain had completely lost control. He was trying his best to secrete all kinds of hormones to stimulate the mitochondria deep inside his cells and release destructive energy that the human body could not withstand.

In the end, he would either be vaporized by the extremely high temperature and the last drop of liquid in his body would be turned into a terrifying dried corpse...

Or their bodies would be burned into ashes.

Then, they looked at Ma Hong’s companions and opponents not far away.

Almost all of the superhumans who had started the chaotic battle were the same as Ma Hong. Their eyes were red, and their hostility was bursting out. Their skin was so hot that it was on the verge of burning. Every muscle in their bodies was twitching crazily.

Some of them were even foaming at the corners of their mouths. Their expressions were more hideous and terrifying than that of monsters.

When Meng Chao activated his super vision and sensed with the pineal gland between his eyebrows, he was even able to “see” that their vitality magnetic field was akin to a broken fountain, spraying spirit energy and life force that was even more precious than spirit energy in a frenzy.

Yet, they did not notice anything unusual about themselves at all.

Rather, they were all in a state of mutual destruction!

“So many superhumans are suffering from spirit energy deviation at the same time?”

Meng Chao’s scalp felt like it was going to explode.

He was distracted for a moment, and Ma Hong managed to break free from his suppression.

Ma Hong let out a strange cry, and his arms instantly expanded several times.

They were like the thighs of two Tyrant Mammoths, with wisps of black flames that could be seen with the naked eye.

His eyes were empty, and his expression was absent-minded. He did not recognize Meng Chao was at all.

The only thing left in his eyes was the satisfaction of venting his feelings and the ruthlessness that could destroy everything.

Two “Tyrant Mammoth thighs” smashed into Meng Chao’s chest.

With the explosion of the spirit magnetic field, even the air was pierced through by two spiral ripples. It was really similar to an actual Tyrant Mammoth’s innate skill, War Trample!

The two of them were too close to each other, and there was no way for them to dodge.

If Meng Chao attacked in pain, he would naturally be able to blow the offensive spirit magnetic field into pieces, and he could even reverse the effect of the War Trample.

However, doing so was tantamount to sentencing Ma Hong, who had gone mad, to death!

In a split second, before he could react, Meng Chao subconsciously crossed his arms in front of his chest and took the War Trample head-on.

It was as if a Tyrant Mammoth, a ferocious beast from the sixth level of hell, was stomping on his chest.

Meng Chao had just finished training a maximum endurance combat training that lasted for twenty-four hours. He was already in a state of exhaustion and in serious shortage of spirit energy reserves.

He had wiped out thousands of soldiers along the way, and his spirit energy reserves had almost been depleted.

In order to avoid hurting Ma Hong, he did not dare to use his full strength.

He could only retreat and fight. Following the momentum of Ma Hong’s fist, he was sent flying dozens of meters away.

After landing on the ground, he spun dozens of times and left dozens of footprints on the ground. Only then did he manage to neutralize the power of the War Trample.

The problem was that Ma Hong did not continue to attack him.

Instead, he turned his gun and lunged at a few superhumans from the Shen family and Universe Corporation.

The superhumans from the Shen family had gone mad too. Their vitality magnetic field was surging like crazy.

Some of them could not control the burning flames of their spirit energy. They ended up burning their flesh and blood until they were covered in shocking blisters.

They were even burned to the point that their skin and flesh were torn apart. Their white bones were exposed too.

Despite that, they were still ignorant and charged at Ma Hong without a care!

“D*mn it!”

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and stood up, wanting to stop Ma Hong and the others from self-destruction.

However, he felt that his eyes were blood-red, and countless tiny roars were echoing in his ears.

For a moment, he really wanted to turn into a monster and kill everyone who participated in the melee.

Meng Chao was shocked. He realized that he had also been affected by the Fury Bomb.

His cerebral cortex and central nerves were being disturbed by Ma Hong and the others’ out-of-control brainwaves.

He quickly held his breath and focused. He cooled his burning brain and controlled the raging fire that was about to burst out.

Although he regained his cool in time, he had lost the last chance to stop Ma Hong and the others.

He saw that Ma Hong and the superhuman opposite him were putting their lives on the line to perform ultimate skills that were far beyond their limits.

Two violent energies that could destroy the world were about to collide head-on.

Suddenly, an earth-shaking explosion came from below the floor of the ten-thousand-people cafeteria.

Everyone’s spine, including Meng Chao’s, shook three times along with the floor and the rocky underground.

The foothold of Ma Hong and the other superhumans who had gone mad also sank deeply with the eruption of smoke and dust.

They had all lost their balance and fallen into the huge pit that was seven to eight meters deep.

“This is...”

Meng Chao sensed a very familiar aura, but it had become increasingly powerful and overbearing.

Half of his face revealed confusion, while the other half revealed surprise and delight.

Before the onlookers, including Ma Hong and the other superhumans, who had lost control and fallen into the deep pit, could react, more than ten rock dragons darted out of the deep pit, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws!

These rock dragons were not just ordinary rocks that had been simply and crudely piled up.

Instead, a condensation process had completely changed the nature of the rocks through subtle modifications in the molecular structure and even the atomic energy layer.

They were sturdier and lighter. They had excellent ductility like metals, as well as the ability to store, amplify, and release spirit energy that was no less than that of crystals!

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