Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 829 - The Collapsed Empire

Chapter 829: The Collapsed Empire

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Meng Chao snorted softly and said, “Are the mega corporations and unparalleled experts not ‘free’ enough?

“According to supporters of the sun never setting theory, it is far from enough.”

Shao Zhengyang calmly said, “Although it is well-known that the nine mega corporations are omnipresent in Dragon City and the Survival Committee was established by them, they are also puppets that carry out their will. A large part of the Red Dragon Army’s military budget is controlled by the mega corporations.

“However, with Dragon City’s stability and development, the trust and support of tens of millions of citizens for the Survival Committee is increasing day by day. The puppets may also awaken their own will, just like the mother of the Ancient puppets.

“Although the nine mega corporations now monopolize most of the key sectors, more and more small, as well as medium-sized enterprises, and emerging forces are springing up and competing with the them.

“While the mega corporations have their own private armed forces, the armed forces will be commanded by the Survival committee in the end. They are not completely independent ‘paramilitary organizations’ yet.

“Even though the unparalleled experts own the enterprises in name, they are also restricted by various decrees and auditing regulations. They can not misappropriate the assets of the enterprises as they wish and only use them for their personal training. After killing the Apocalyptic Beasts in the wilderness or discovering the mother lodes of crystals, they will have to hand over a large part of the monster materials and raw crystals as hunting tax, resource tax, and income tax.

“In theory, even the founders of the nine mega corporations can’t occupy the resources of even a single weed in the Hidden Mist Domain.

“All the resources belong to Dragon City. Every blade of grass and every tree must be allocated and used according to the rules—even if the rules are made by the peerless experts themselves and are very beneficial to them. As time goes by, the ever-expanding peerless experts will eventually feel more and more uncomfortable.

“Therefore, the supporters of the sun never setting theory believe that these laws and regulations have severely restricted the development of the mega corporations and the enthusiasm of the superhumans for cultivation, exploration, and expansion.

“In other words, in Monster Mountain Range, when we are protecting our common home, Dragon City, we should unite as one and be united as a city. From the peerless experts to the ordinary soldiers, we must abide by these rules and be equal to everyone. This is an unquestionable thing.

“However, when the battlefield suddenly expanded from Monster Mountain Range to the entire Other World, it would be inappropriate to adhere to these rules.

“The Other World is very big. The spiritual magnetic environment is extremely complicated. There may be all kinds of strange civilizations that are more dangerous than the monster civilizations, and secret realms that are more dangerous than the Hidden Mist Domain. If we cannot stimulate the enthusiasm of the corporations and superhumans with higher profits and greater freedom, I’m afraid that it will be very difficult for us to march into the depths of the Other World like we did during the Monster War, fighting for the first place and risking our lives.

“And what if a certain mega corporation established a forward base in the depths of the Other World thousands of miles away from Dragon City and contacted or even conquered the local natives? If it had to report everything to Dragon City and obtain the approval of the survival committee, it would have to copy the laws of Dragon City in the depths of the Other World whose environment, customs, and ecosystems were completely different from Dragon City’s. Such rigidity was destined to lead to failure.

“Therefore, the theory of the sun never setting believes that we should give more power to the superhumans and mega corporations. With the mega corporations as the core, we can give full play to the efficiency of the enterprises and the subjective initiative of the superhumans, so as to better colonize the Other World.


“Specifically, on the basis of maintaining the status quo on Monster Mountain Range, we should further reduce the hunting tax, resource tax, income tax, and other taxes for superhumans and enterprises outside Monster Mountain Range... In the words of the supporters of the sun never setting theory, we should ‘impose miscellaneous taxes.’

“After all, everything beyond Monster Mountain Range does not belong to the Dragon City civilization in the first place. No matter how much the corporations and superhumans can plunder, it will be a waste for the Dragon City civilization. Even if they only pay 1% of the tax, it is very reasonable.

“On the other hand, the supporters of the sun never setting theory believe that, in order to better adapt to the complicated and unpredictable environment in the Other World, after the superhumans and mega corporations leave Monster Mountain Range, they do not have to abide by the laws of Dragon City if it is necessary and does not harm the interests of the citizens of Dragon City. In fact, the mega corporations can even draw up their own corporate rules according to the local conditions in the depths of the Other World to temporarily replace the laws.

“Thirdly, in order to better promote the glory of Earth’s civilization, expand the Other World market, and plunder the Other World’s resources, the mega corporations can expand the scale and level of their corporate arms according to the actual situation. Moreover, in case we have a conflict with the new Other World civilization, we should use the corporate arms, not the Red Dragon Army, as the core combat force. After all, compared to the Red Dragon Army, which is as large and bloated as a herbivorous dinosaur and is made up of ordinary people, the corporate arms, which are all made up of superhumans, are more suitable to launch long-range attacks in the entire Other World.”

Meng Chao’s pupils constricted little by little.

“It sounds like a mega corporation that has achieved these three conditions is a true ‘superpower!’”

He muttered, “No wonder it’s called the theory of the sun never setting. Such a mega corporation is simply an enhanced version of the East India Company that belonged a former empire on which the sun never sets. A single mega corporation can start a war and mobilize the resources of the entire civilization to serve its interests!”

Meng Chao secretly sighed in his heart.

The inertia of history was extremely strong.

After returning from the apocalypse, he did his best and changed many things.

However, more of history still followed the ruts of fate and rolled forward toward the future that was destined to be destroyed.

In his previous life, Dragon City was a place where concepts such as the theory of the sun never setting were prevalent.

The nine mega corporations expanded uncontrollably and gradually overtook the entire civilization.

At that time, the Red Dragon Army was indeed like what Shao Zhengyang had said. They were “huge but bloated herbivorous dinosaurs”. They only had numbers but lacked quality. They could not gnaw on any hard bones. They were often used as soft persimmon by the experts of the natives of the Other World. They were just an existence that was curled up in a stronghold, garrisoned troops, and security forces.

At that time, the most elite armed force in Dragon City was the paramilitary organization that belonged to the nine mega corporations.

The Ghost Tribe that Meng Chao had joined in his previous life was such a special force that was controlled by a mega corporation.

Just by looking at his training in Black Skull Training Camp and experience with the Ghost Tribe, he realized that he was just in his twenties. He had dragged his badly injured body from high school and had even been able to cultivate into a “third-rate expert.”

It was obvious that the mega corporations at that time had grasped excellent biochemical technology, scientific cultivation methods, and monopolized most of the cultivation resources.

Compared to today’s “big nine,” it was more than ten times stronger!


Dragon City’s civilization was destroyed by such a powerful mega corporation.

“How is it, Meng Chao?”

Shao Zhengyang observed his expression and asked Meng Chao, who was recalling and pondering, “Do you think that the theory of the sun never setting makes sense? “According to this theory, as the youngest Heaven Realm powerhouse in Dragon City, you and your family’s Superstar Resource Recovery Company, in the vast and boundless Other World outside Monster Mountain Range, really has a chance to strive for an unprecedented and great cause!”

Meng Chao took a deep breath.

If it were a second young man who had achieved success, the ambitious young man in his burning chest would have been deeply attracted by the picture described by the theory of the sun never setting.

Even if he did not say it in front of the military bigshot, the flames of ambition would definitely surge out of his eyes.

However, even if there was fire in Meng Chao’s eyes, it was the devil fire that would bring about the end of the world and destroy Dragon City.

The devil fire was enough to extinguish all his ambitions and extravagant hopes.

“The empire on which the sun never sets collapsed in the end.”

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and said extremely calmly, “Even at its peak, every corner of the earth that was illuminated by the solar energy could see the flag of the meter flying high in the sky. The giant cannon ships with the flag could run amuck in any country in the four seas. An enterprise in the empire could easily subdue and enslave the people of thousands of backward nations, and even control their thoughts and beliefs.

“However, such a powerful and insufferably powerful empire, which seemed to be eternal, continued to decline and fall apart in the next two to three hundred years.

“From the loss of most of its industrial and military power, to the loss of most of its overseas territories, to the loss of the power to export its culture, to the loss of its influence in the financial, economic, and legal fields..

“Before we transmigrated, the once-illustrious global empire had shrunk into an insignificant third-rate country. The efforts to recover its former glory made it look like an exhausted clown who was jumping up and down.

“I don’t want to see our Dragon City civilization end up like the empire on which the sun never sets.

“If we only pursue short-term interests for thirty to fifty years, temporary excitement, and the so-called ‘glory of the empire,’ the empire on which the sun never sets might be an excellent ‘teacher.’

“But what about thirty to fifty years later? What about one to two hundred years later? Or even a thousand years later?

“It is important to know that if the mother did not lie, all the civilizations and the entire ecosystem on the surface of the earth might have been destroyed in an all-out nuclear war.

“In other words, it will be impossible for us to return to Earth within three to five hundred years. We can only treat the Other World as our only home.

“It will take at least five hundred years of preparation before we can accumulate enough resources to return to the devastated Earth and rebuild the entire civilization from every blade of grass, tree, brick, and tile.

“Following the ideology and path of the empire on which the sun never sets, will it help us conquer the Other World and rule the complicated and dangerous Other World for five hundred years?”

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