Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 826 - The Thunder God’s Olive Branch

Chapter 826: The Thunder God’s Olive Branch

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

There was one more thing, which was Jin Qianxi’s encounter and final struggle.

There was no doubt that Jin Qianxi was a hero.

However, after her brain was swallowed by the mother, the mother was able to understand more about Dragon City and human civilization. Thus, that accelerated the monster civilization’s evolution.

Moreover, in order to win the mother’s trust, she had to reveal some real and reliable top-secret information about Dragon City and Earth.

When she was helping the mother, she obviously could not always come up with bad ideas that were obviously horrible.

The best lie was always a lie mixed in with nine sentences of truth.

Through the mother’s memories, Meng Chao could understand Jin Qianxi’s good intentions...

And how furious the mother was after it realized what was going on.

But others were not him.

Other people’s souls were not deeply bound to the mother’s memory data.

Such soul-stirring and mysterious soul confrontations, conveyed through words and pictures, always seemed weak.

Meng Chao did not know what kind of views the “nine sentences of truth” would arouse from all the citizens and major forces if Jin Qianxi’s actions were made public without much thought.

Meng Chao felt that it was necessary to communicate with Battle God Lei Zongchao in private. After careful consideration, they came up with a foolproof plan and a series of publicity packages. They wanted to ensure that Jin Qianxi’s image of “fighting alone on an invisible front for decades, finally defeating the monster’s mastermind at the soul level, and saving Dragon City” would stay in the hearts of all Dragon City citizens.

That was the only way it could play a positive role in the long-term development of Dragon City’s civilization.

Unfortunately, Lei Zongchao had dragged his damaged body, which had been overlaid with internal injuries, and protected Meng Chao for more than twenty hours.

At the most critical moment, he had even burned his cerebral cortex to allow his mental energy to penetrate the vast ocean of ancient information and retrieve Meng Chao’s consciousness.

His injuries were more severe than he had imagined.

It was not suitable for him to continue staying in the Hidden Mist Domain, where the spirit magnetic environment was complicated and the crystal ore vein radiated intensely as well as chaotically.

Therefore, he returned to the Supernatural Tower to recuperate under the protection of a group from Battle God Palace.

Meng Chao did not wish to discuss such an important and secretive matter with Lei Zongchao over the phone or the Internet.

So, the matter regarding Jin Qianxi was temporarily put aside.

Thankfully, the Monster War matter had already been settled, hence there was no hurry.

Even if it was just the ancient war, the barren lands, deformed creatures, and diamond-shaped crystals seen when the mother first woke up had already made Dragon City’s peerless experts and senior researchers feel like they had obtained a treasure.

Faced with Meng Chao, a rising star, no one would be stupid enough to not comply with the agreement.

All the forces, including the nine mega corporations, the alliance of five universities, the four research institutes, and the Red Dragon Army, had brought out one-in-ten-thousand heavenly materials and earthly treasures. They had also presented a rather sincere commercial cooperation agreement, as well as an astronomical fund to support the Lair’s reconstruction.

It was both an “information fee” and a “good relationship” when it came to Meng Chao.

The “information fee” that Meng Chao valued the most was undoubtedly the ancient images that appeared in the minds of the Deity Realm experts, including Lei Zongchao.

Wu Haibo told Meng Chao that before him, almost all the Deity Realm experts in Dragon City had come into contact with the brain and received a lot of enlightenment.

He had also recorded the fleeting images in his mind in time.

These images contained information from all angles and levels from the ancient era.

From thousands of meters up in the sky, he looked down at the entire ancient continent and drew a map of the ancient Other World.

From the smallest genetic map to some ancient behemoth, how it was created and nurtured...

It could be said that everything was there.

However, most of the information was fragmented and not systematic.

It was like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that had more than half of the pieces missing.

Perhaps, the surface of many of the pieces was stained with colorful stains, making it more difficult to guess the jigsaw puzzle’s full picture.

However, the more than three hundred ancient information maps that Meng Chao had drawn had been running for tens of millions of years. They were like a glittering gold necklace that connected all the scenes that the Deity Realm experts saw.

Many of the images were originally inexplicable. Humans could not guess the uses and camps of the objects in the paintings.

However, through Meng Chao’s inspiration, they were able to see the sun through the clouds and suddenly become enlightened.

From that, Dragon City’s civilization finally deduced a little of the ancient war’s truth and the monster civilization’s origin.

Meng Chao was the greatest contributor.

As such, he also obtained the highest level of authority and could freely browse the ancient information maps that all the Deity Realm experts had drawn.

In the following days, Meng Chao indulged himself in thousands of bizarre and marvelous ancient information maps.

Some of the information maps depicted ancient cities of various shapes. Some cities were built on the sea, which could transform the never-ending tidal force into the purest spirit energy. Some cities were built above the rolling volcanic communities and magma lakes that kept erupting. They could absorb the heat energy from the magma and condense into the purest crimson crystals. Some cities were built in the canyons where hurricanes howled all year round. With the ingenious guidance of the crystal shields, the hurricanes revolved around the cities at a high speed through the hollow tubes. Not only did they provide the cities with inexhaustible energy, they could also condense into blue crystals.

These ancient cities were all besieged by the beast horde. They were shivering from the mother’s roars.

Some of the information maps depicted the detailed structure of the ancient beasts, the distribution of their organs, and the operation of their life magnetic fields. They could bring earth-shaking storms for the biochemical modulation technology of Earth’s people.

Some of the information maps recorded the stairway of flesh and blood that was hundreds of kilometers high from the ground all the way to the outside of the atmosphere. It was as if it was going to pierce through the sky.

The unattainable “Tower of Babel” could only be assembled by the corpses of monsters sticking to each other, connecting with each other, and nesting each other.

The “Tower of Babel” was capable of withstanding winds that blew above the atmosphere all year round and that was mixed with destructive spirit energy. It was also capable of withstanding countless ancient behemoths climbing it. The map contained immeasurable wisdom in the fields of structure, materials, building mechanics, and so on.

If the Earthlings could thoroughly unravel the secrets of the “Tower of Babel,” which was built from monster remains, and further enhance the sturdiness and defense of human cities, fortresses, underground mines, and other buildings, it would all be very good.

Of course, in the more informative picture showed the close combat between the Ancients and the ancient vicious beasts, and the two sides’ surging vitality magnetic fields, creating layers upon layers of mysterious as well as complex spirit magnetic fields. Those heaven-destroying moves could still be very enlightening even for today’s superhuman individuals.

Therefore, for a full ten days to half a month, Meng Chao did not go out and stayed in the temporary medical camp next to the monster’s lair. He concentrated and studied the ancient information that the Deity Realm had sensed.

While studying the Ancients and the fierce ancient beast battle mode, the mother, and the entities in the final battle...

Naturally, he did not know much about most of their exquisite moves.

However, bombarded by contribution points, Meng Chao felt that he had been influenced by the ancient humans, the mother, and the Deity Realm experts.

One should know that he had just broken through to the five-star Spirit Gaze Realm before entering the Hidden Mist Domain.

It had only been a month or two.

The spirit meridians in his body were starting to stir again. It was like a dragon and snake that had gradually awakened from hibernation. They were showing signs of transforming again and soaring into the sky.

Meng Chao did not tell anyone about that.

In just three to five years, he had almost failed the college entrance examination and broken through to the peak of Heaven Realm in one go?

That was too frightening.

Even he himself refused to believe that he was not a monster.

Haste made waste. Meng Chao was afraid that leveling up too quickly would cause many hidden dangers, so he decided to focus on training and solidifying his foundation.

However, he was always radiant and full of energy. His vitality magnetic field was getting stronger day by day, and it could not be hidden from the eyes of those who were interested.

Therefore, the major forces that had originally extended olive branches to him became more active and friendly as his strength increased.

Among them, the most sincere was the Red Dragon Army’s warrior, Thunder God Shao Zhengyang.

He not only extracted all the ancient information that he had read from the depths of the brain and let Meng Chao study it at will...

He also actively facilitated a brand new collaboration agreement between the Red Dragon Army and Superstar Resource Recovery Company. The scale and level of their collaboration had reached a new level.

Besides, he had been like Lei Zongchao, the Battle God, who had opened up his martial arts to Meng Chao without reservation. Through these exchanges, Meng Chao had repeatedly experienced the essence of the heroic spirits, the battle souls, and the army’s killing techniques.

In Shao Zhengyang’s original words, he said, “Lei Zongchao and I are good brothers who have gone through life and death together. We know his taste and character very well. Since he trusts and values you so much that he even risked his life to protect you despite the possibility of his brain spontaneously combusting, he must believe that you will be able to push Dragon City forward in the next few decades.

“In that case, I’m willing to follow him and throw you some small chips.

“Not to mention, you have a long history with the Red Dragon Army. You have risked your life to contribute so much to Dragon City and the Red Dragon Army. Right now, the Red Dragon Army, Superstar Resource Recovery, Broken Star Club, Blue Home, and Battle God Palace have so many collaborative projects. We have already formed an inseparable community of interests.

“Compared with what you have done for the Red Dragon Army, especially for the grassroots officers and soldiers who are fighting on the front lines, my martial arts and cultivation resources are nothing, right?

“Speaking of which, Meng Chao, the Monster War has come to a perfect end. Do you have any thoughts on the overall plan for Dragon City’s next phase? Do you have any plans for your own future?”

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