Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 819 - After the Catastrophe

Chapter 819: After the Catastrophe

The hot air balloon would explode in the middle of the atmosphere for no reason.

The armored airships carrying more than forty-eight of the most powerful crystal engines would also have all kinds of weird engine failures at the same altitude, leading to a lack of power and forcing them to return to the ground. Otherwise, they would face the risk of all their engines exploding.

A peerless expert like Lei Zongchao, the Battle God, would also encounter extremely strong squalls when he activated his vitality magnetic field and magnetic levitation force to fly above the atmosphere.

The squalls were mixed with extremely chaotic spirit energy turbulence, which could instantly tear the vitality magnetic field of human beings into pieces.

Even the spirit shield of a Deity Realm expert could not withstand the squalls that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, cells, and even the gene chain.

Lei Zongchao once told Meng Chao that the feeling was like an ordinary person being exposed to nuclear radiation and having all their gene strands broken.

As a result, even the strongest person on Earth could not break through the Other World’s atmosphere and see a picture of the universe beyond this planet.

It was as if a mysterious and unfathomable force had completely locked the planet.

It was a planet that only allowed entry and no exit.

Any carbon-based intelligent life would be unable to escape once they crossed over to the Other World.

“Why is this happening?

“Who exactly locked down the Other World?

“The network of synchronous orbits that once covered the entire outer perimeter of the planet, as well as the crystal clear and resplendent starry city, will it still exist today after billions of years?

“Are there still Ancients in the city in the starry sky who are watching what is happening in the lower world and... the war between worlds that is about to break out?”

Countless questions popped up from the depths of Meng Chao’s brain like countless bubbles.

Also, what was going on with the dazzling intelligent beings from the Other World in the memory fragments of his previous life?

Human beings from the Other World, elves, dwarves, orcs, giants, bloodfolk, dragons, abyss demons, liches, skeleton soldiers, and death knights who claimed to be from the underworld...

They were all races that did not exist during the ancient war.

Where did they come from?

Were they the Ancients’ blood descendants who fled the planet during the ancient war just like the people on Earth? Following the development that spanned tens of millions of years on other planets, they returned to the Other World that had regained its vitality to “restart” their civilization there?

Perhaps they were “natives” who had struggled tenaciously for tens of millions of years to survive in the crevice of death on the planet’s surface that had been completely destroyed by the ancient civilization’s space-based orbital weapons?

Meng Chao had no idea.

However, he suddenly had an extremely absurd idea.

The surface of the Ancients’ bodies were covered in a large sheet of gorgeous spirit tattoos. When spirit energy surged, their flesh and blood would appear translucent, like crystal.

The monsters, on the other hand, were hideous and pure carbon-based creatures. They exerted the power of their flesh and blood to the maximum.

When the characteristics of these two living beings were combined, it seemed to be the appearance of many intelligent beings from the Other World in the memory fragments of his previous life.

‘Could it be that the humans, orcs, elves, and dragons from the Other World are all hybrids of the Ancients and monsters?’

Meng Chao was shocked by this bold idea.

Thinking about it carefully, it was not impossible.

Of course, it did not mean that the Ancients would directly reproduce with the monsters.

However, since the Ancients had mastered the most advanced biochemical technology, there was a risk of losing control of the biochemical weapons that were purely based on the genes of monsters.

Therefore, it was a reasonable choice to insert a large number of the Ancients’ own genomes into the biochemical weapons to increase their loyalty and controllability. After all, they had learned their lesson upon losing control of the parent body during the second modulation, right?

Was that the truth?

The Ancients did not give up on the planet. Instead, they changed into the forms of human beings, orcs, elves, liches, and so on to continue developing the world?

‘However, compared with the Ancients during the ancient war, the human beings, orcs, elves, and so on in my previous life were too weak. They did not even inherit 1% of the ancient civilization’s power and glory. Some of them were still in the dark and uncivilized Middle Ages, and some of them were even primitive societies that ate raw meat and drank blood. They were even worse than the people on Earth!’

“It seems that something else must have happened in the tens of millions of years after the ancient war that burned the surface of the entire planet into glass. That led to the total collapse, fracture, and loss of the ancient civilization.”

The last and most important question.

Looking back at the last picture that the micro brain saw, countless balls of light exploded like supernovae and fell from the sky, pouring down on the ground like a raging sea.

The apocalyptic scene and the destruction of Dragon City in Meng Chao’s memory seemed to have come together.

“So, the Dragon City in my previous life was a space-based orbital weapon that was destroyed by the ancient civilization, just like the ancient civilization’s mother?”

A cluster of burning flames was shining in the depths of Meng Chao’s consciousness.

If the Earthlings were really the descendants of the Ancients, he should have stood on the side of the Ancients and detested the mother.

The decades-long Monster War had also filled Meng Chao with instinctive vigilance and hostility toward the ferocious-looking fellows.


Maybe because he had read too many of the micro brain’s memories, but he had subconsciously been influenced by the mother.

If not, maybe he had realized that the Dragon City in his previous life had not been destroyed by the hands of the monsters but had most likely been wiped out by the Ancients’ ultimate weapons.

Meng Chao suddenly had an extremely strong urge.

He desired to evolve and grow like the mother and devour all the resources on the planet. He would not even let go of the last piece of low-level crystal ore that was full of impurities in the crevice and absorb the entire planet’s resources and energy... 100% into his body.

Then, he would kill his way to the sky, to the stars, to the universe, to break through the barrier that sealed the planet, and to destroy the high and mighty city of the stars. Regardless of whether the existences entrenched in the city of the stars were Ancients or Supernatural Entities, he wanted them to... shiver under the blades of the Earthlings!

“Kill! Devour! Destroy!

“Kill! Devour! Destroy!

“Kill! Devour! Destroy!”

The roars of several thousand monsters echoed in the depths of Meng Chao’s consciousness again.

He shivered deeply.

He found that the frozen stars were beginning to “thaw.” The starlight was gradually magnified and interweaved into a brand-new memory image.

After a long period of hibernation and restoration, the mother finally woke up!

At this time, the mother’s scale was only 1% or even 1/10,000 of what it was at its peak during the ancient war.

Basically, there was only a micro brain, a thin layer of mucus that covered the micro brain, and a few soft, as well as weak, tentacles.

Even more flesh and blood tissues, including the giant brain, still lost all life and continued to sleep like fossils.

The entire planet had yet to recover from the devastating blow that was reminiscent of burning glass.

The surface temperature had gradually returned to normal...

The earth’s crust, which had been shaking violently and releasing energy, had also stabilized again.

The destructive forces that were spreading on the surface of the earth were constantly seeping and condensing. In the underground crevices and faults, they had turned into veins of spirit energy and crystals once more.

Despite all that, the newly-born veins were extremely unstable.

Lethal radiation was constantly released to the outside world, tearing the gene chains of all carbon-based life into pieces.

It was also very easy to burn and explode, setting off small-scale earthquakes.

However, they had the most precious energy that the mother needed to repair the tissue and grow again.

Therefore, the micro brain clumsily waved its tentacles, searching and sucking the veins of crystals in the zigzagging and bottomless crevices.

It was too far away from the crystal veins, and the energy it absorbed was less than the energy it used to move its body. There was a high chance that it would starve to death.

It was too close to the crystal veins. It had lost 99% of its intelligence and strength, and it was easy to burn to death or die from radiation syndrome caused by the break of its gene chain.

There were several times when it had to give up the thick tentacles that it had evolved after a long time because it lacked energy. It had to cut off its tail to survive and reduce its consumption to the limit.

On many occasions, it had been exposed to radiation. Fifty percent of its brain tissue had been cut off, and it rotted alive. It had no choice but to condense its tentacles into sharp limbs and perform brain tissue removal surgery on itself.

Yet, no matter how many times it was burned by spirit energy, the micro brain would start over without hesitation.

It was just like the ape-men who had just learned how to use fire. They realized that the burning brightness before their eyes and the mysterious power it contained would open the door to wisdom and civilization no matter how much they had to pay.

Even if they were in a hostile position...

This unyielding desire to survive still attracted Meng Chao’s deep respect.

Finally, after suffering countless setbacks, the mother grew thousands of tentacles again. From a tiny bud, it turned into a towering tree that was buried deep underground. Moreover, it continued to march toward the ground.

Finally, a limb that carried images and sound-sensing organs broke out of the ground and saw the view between heaven and Earth again.

Right then, the Other World appeared to have just recovered from the catastrophe that destroyed everything.

Although the earth had cooled down and the atmosphere had closed up again, the world was still barren.

The dark blue sky was very low and suffocating. Countless clouds of exceptionally intense colors were entrenched in the sky. The clouds were not made of ordinary water vapor, but spirit energy that was full of radiation.

When raindrops fell, they would often burn in midair due to the intense spirit reactions, or they would trigger continuous lightning and storms that would tear everything apart, or trigger other extreme weather.

The ground was full of wrinkles caused by the shock waves. The rocks had melted due to the high temperature and solidified into colorful crystals, which looked like an ocean of glass.

The real ocean was either dry or bubbling. Its viscosity was no less than that of magma.

Nonetheless, even in such a harsh environment that was reminiscent of purgatory, there were still living beings growing tenaciously.

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