Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 815 - The Beast Horde’s Trump Card!

Chapter 815: The Beast Horde’s Trump Card!

There were also some monsters that were hit by the dark blue ray. They should have frozen into ice within one second and shattered into countless ice shards in the next second.

Yet, only a thin layer of ice had formed on the surface of their bodies.

The absolute zero temperature only penetrated three to four inches of their bodies.

One had to know that many monsters had thick shells, thick hair, and extremely powerful cell regeneration abilities.

Even if their shells, hair, and the outermost layer of flesh and blood were frozen, as long as their core organs were not damaged, there was a chance for them to heal themselves in a few minutes.

Although their combat strength had been greatly reduced.

It did not stop them from ramming into the crystal shield one after another, leaving violent streaks of flesh and blood on the shield.

The killing effects of the other rays were slowly weakening.

Even the transmigration rays were the same.

In the beginning, the transparent rays only needed half a second to transmigrate a monster to another place.

But now, the monsters that were hit by the transmigration rays would enter a strange, stiff state. It was as if they had fallen into an invisible swamp. They would struggle for three to five seconds or even longer in a slow and clumsy manner before they were teleported out.

There were also some powerful monsters that were surrounded by fierce flames. After struggling desperately, they actually managed to escape. At least part of them managed to escape from the ‘Invisible Swamp’. Only part of their limbs and tails were teleported to other places.

Their wounds were as smooth as a mirror, and they healed quickly. They could still continue roaring and charging forward.

“The monsters are evolving.”

Meng Chao realized that some of the monsters’ shells were becoming more and more solid, and they could withstand the high temperature of thousands of degrees and absolute zero degrees.

“Some of the monsters are getting faster and faster. Their movements are erratic, leaving afterimages in the air, making it impossible for the death rays of the ancients to lock onto them.

“There are also some monsters who have exerted the ‘sea of insects’ tactic to the extreme. They have abandoned their clumsy armor and sharp blade limbs, and their combat parameters have been reduced in all aspects. In exchange, they have a shorter breeding time and a cheaper cost. The time and war resources needed to breed such a monster are only one-tenth or even one-hundredth of that of other monsters.

“However, their appearance was still ferocious and ferocious. They could even spurt out vivid ‘flames’ that made the Ancients, who were struggling, not dare to ignore their existence. They were also unable to distinguish them from the real ferocious beasts. They could only treat them as equals and consume a lot of spirit energy to launch a devastating attack on them.

“They are the best cannon fodder. They can quickly consume the war resources of the Ancients and provide all-round cover for the powerful monsters on their side!”

Meng Chao discovered that, as the battle progressed, the Crystal Hedgehogs surrounding the immemorial city were shooting death rays at a lower frequency, and their rotating speed had also slowed down.

Even the light emitted from the complicated spiritual stripes inside the seemingly indestructible crystal shield was gradually dimming.

What replaced it was the cracks that gradually appeared as the beast horde bombarded the shield again and again.

In this battle of quantity and quality, the former’s advantage was slowly expanding.

The war resources of the Ancients were about to be exhausted.

Realizing this, the beast horde became more active, excited, and crazy.

The Ancients seemed to have realized that they would only die if they were trapped in the city.

After all, no matter how dense the spirit energy in the city was, it could not be compared to the entire world within a thousand miles.

Therefore, many Crystal Hedgehogs slowly flew out of the city and formed a vast crystal fleet, trying to compete with the mother for the rights to exploit the crystal veins within a thousand miles.

However, after they left the city, the flaw in the number of Ancients was immediately exposed.

The overwhelming beast horde tore the crystal fleet into pieces like a bloody mouth that covered the sky and the earth, wrapping the Crystal Hedgehogs tightly. They attacked the military buildings where the Ancients were alone at a 360-degree angle.

At the most critical moment, every spike of the Crystal Hedgehog erupted with a dazzling light and pierced through thousands of monsters at the same time.

More and more monsters charged forward and hung their bodies on the spikes of the Crystal Hedgehog like blood-sucking leeches.

The bodies of the monsters were soon covered by the spikes of the Crystal Hedgehog.

Although the monsters had long died.

However, under the stimulation of the mother’s will, the cores inside the monsters’ bodies resonated crazily at the same frequency and detonated at the same time.

Countless fireballs rose slowly.

The Crystal Hedgehogs turned into black rocks and crashed to the ground like collapsing mountains, raising smoke and dust that was more than a thousand meters high.

Most of the fleets of the Ancients that broke out of the siege were annihilated by the beast hordes in the hours after they left the city.

There were also a few armies that could break through the siege of the beast hordes and seize one or two crystal veins.

However, when the Crystal Hedgehogs that constituted the fleets landed on the top of the veins and slowly unfolded, forming an intricate geometrical body that was ready to be collected and smelted, the Ancients inside discovered, in despair, that the crystal veins... had been swallowed up by the beast horde!

To be more precise, the tentacles of the matrix and the diggable monsters, marching from underground, suck up all the abundant psionic energy hidden underground.

But left exposed to the surface of a thin layer of “Crystal shell”, still emitting a dazzling light, luring the “Ancients”at the cost of blood to break out, and occupy here.

It was basically a trap set by the ‘mother’for the ‘ancients’!

Soon, all the crystal fleets that had broken out of the encirclement were annihilated by the surging beast tide.

The ‘ancients’in the ancient city could only choose to retreat and shrink the defense line, stacking the crystal shields that were getting dimmer and dimmer, to make up for the lack of spiritual energy with the thickness.

When the defensive radius was reduced by half, the firepower in the unit’s area of defense was more than doubled.

The Beast Tide that was charging forward suddenly stopped as if it had been hit by a whip — but it was only a pause.

Perhaps, the ‘ancients’in the city were still hoping for a miracle.

They wanted to buy time and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

After all, there was clearly more than one ‘ancients’on the planet that could construct an orbit network around the entire planet.

However, the earth-shattering roar that came from the center of the city sounded the final bell of death.

It was... a sandworm that was so enormous that Meng Chao could not describe it at all.

Ordinary sandworms were only dozens of centimeters in diameter and dozens of meters in length. They were like layered pythons.

After absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy, a ‘monster’-level sandworm could be more than a meter in diameter and dozens of meters in length.

The largest sandworm Meng Chao had ever seen was the demon God ‘earthquake’.

It was a giant creature that was hundreds of meters in diameter and nearly a hundred meters in length.

It opened its bloody mouth and could bite a subway car in half with one bite.

However, compared to the giant creature in front of him, the Demon God ‘earthquake’was as slender as the leg hair of an eighteen-year-old girl.

It was too far away for Meng Chao to estimate its specific diameter and length.

All he knew was that it had suddenly darted out of the ground and rose to a height of at least hundreds of meters.

It opened its bloody mouth and bit the biggest, fastest, and shiniest ‘Crystal Hedgehog’in midair, forcing it to stop spinning.

It must be known that every crystal hedgehog was a military building that was filled with ancient people.

Judging from the size of the ancient people and the military buildings, the length, width, and height of these buildings were at least more than a hundred meters!

The archaic sandworm was actually able to bite a military building that was more than a hundred meters in length and width. Its diameter was close to or even more than a hundred meters!

“An archaic sandworm with a diameter of... a hundred meters!”

At this moment, Meng Chao’s mind was only filled with shock and fear.

He also instantly understood the tactics of the ‘mother’.

All the beast tides were feints.

The continuous evolution and mutation, as well as the traps set up in the nearby crystal lodes, were all to distract the attention of the ‘ancients’.

The archaic sandworm that the ‘mother’had meticulously crafted and poured a large amount of war resources into was its trump card!

As expected, the archaic sandworm was more than just an empty shell.

It was biting the largest and most glittering military building in the archaic city.

The mouthparts that were both like the fangs of venomous snakes and the straws of mosquitoes pierced deep into the crystal-clear building, absorbing the spiritual energy contained in the crystal without any hesitation.

As its body continued to shrink and wriggle, the military building of the ‘ancients’turned from glittering crystals into dull and crisp stones at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after, with a cracking sound, the military buildings that had turned into rocks were crushed by the archaic sandworms.

Countless ‘ancients’flew out from the broken rocks that were scattered by the fairies.

The ‘ancients’had a magnetic levitation ability that was close to their talent.

They were not worried that they would fall to their deaths.

However, the archaic sandworms seemed to belch contentedly.

The storm that spurted out of its bloody mouth blew the ‘ancients’into pieces.

The military buildings around them quickly accelerated and summoned the colorful and messy death rays toward the archaic sandworm.

First, they were scorched by the flames, then they were frozen by the blue ice, and then they were cut into thousands of pieces. The pieces of flesh turned into pustules under the illumination of the purple light.

In the end, even the pus and blood were sent out of the city and turned into a scarlet rain of blood.

The entire head of the archaic sandworm along with its mouthpart was blown apart.

However, it was too big. Even without its head, it still had a body that was hundreds of meters tall and stood in the center of the archaic city.

“Chi, Chi, Chi, Chi, Chi, Chi,”accompanied by a strange sound that made one’s scalp go numb, hundreds of demonic tentacles appeared from the wound that had lost its head. They were like blood-patterned mycelium that had been magnified a hundred times.

The scarlet tentacles entangle with each other, the cells divide and multiply, and the mucus is secreted and hardened.

Soon, a head just like the one before grew out.

It once again opened its mouth full of fangs and straws, to the crystal buildings of the “Ancients”, bloomed out such as a retreat of the grim smile.

— –

Fourth and final, Ho Ho ho ho!

In fact, there was a mistake. I had originally written two chapters yesterday, but then sister Niu was not at home, and the old cow was dealing with the calf alone. It was very torturous. In the end, when I uploaded the second update, I was already exhausted and my eyes were blurry. I only clicked “Upload”, not “Confirm”, i turned it off.

When I got up this morning, I found that only one chapter had been updated yesterday, and the other chapter had been put into the manuscript box.

So today, I have to update four chapters to compensate my dear brothers and sisters!

This chapter does not count as a thank-you to all the local tycoons. Well, let’s take it slow. One Day..

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