Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 794 - The Power of Deity Realm!

Chapter 794: The Power of Deity Realm!

Similar situations also happened to the few Apocalyptic Beasts that appeared later. They were enormous and had shocking auras, but they were still immature and clumsy.

There was an Apocalyptic Beast that looked like an alligator snapping turtle, and it was almost a hundred meters long. Its shell was covered in lumps of rocks that emanated a metallic luster.

However, due to its enormous size and the fact that its magnetic levitation and anti-gravity organs had yet to mature, its movements were extremely clumsy. It took a full minute before it could take a step forward. It was like a frozen statue that could do nothing to the armored airship that was circling it. Nevertheless, the armored airship that was spraying lines of fire in a frenzy could do nothing to it.

There was also a super ape that was almost fifty meters tall and had two heads. It was another story. Its magnetic levitation and anti-gravity organs had grown back, but the skulls of its two heads were deeply sunken. It was obvious that... its brain, which had been genetically modified and strengthened, had yet to develop.

The super ape, whose brain was not fully developed, did not listen to the monster mastermind’s command or distinguish between friend and foe.

Perhaps it was because the human target was too small to fit between its teeth, but after hammering its chest for a long time, it lunged at the enormous Ghost-eyed Golden Winged Flame Beetle next to it and tore off half of the latter’s wings. Following that, however, it was burned by the purple flames that the latter spewed. It was in so much pain that it rolled on the ground, turning the burning crater into a ridiculous wrestling ground.

Meng Chao watched the scene with his mouth agape.

The name of the famous ferocious beast that wreaked havoc in Dragon City at the end of the Monster War and heavily injured the Red Dragon Army, as well as the superhumans, in his previous life appeared in his mind.

He vaguely remembered that the Apocalyptic Beasts in front of him were all existences that had trampled on Dragon City and killed countless people in his previous life.

This super giant Ghost-eyed Golden Winged Flame Beetle with wrinkled and wet wings had an even scarier name in his previous life—the Nightmare Emissary.

Riding the surging purple flames, it could set off a spirit storm in the minds of several dozen thousand people in one breath. That would force people to descend into nightmares and be unable to extricate themselves. It even caused humans to over-stimulate their brain tissues in nightmares, leading their brain cells to vibrate and rub against each other at an extremely high speed. That could like result in spontaneous combustion of the brain and burn people to death while they were in these nightmares!

The one with dozens of blade limbs, which looked like a combination of a super-large flea and spider, was the infamous Hundred-blade Witch.

In Meng Chao’s previous life, that creature had three to five times more limbs than it did now. Despite that, it could swim in the sky above Dragon City like a jellyfish with the support of the magnetic levitation and anti-gravity organs.

Whenever all of its limbs were extended to the maximum at the same time, it could cover thousands of square meters and tear the airbags of several hundred armored airships apart. It was the most troublesome “natural enemy” for the Red Dragon Army’s air force!

The other Apocalyptic Beasts had almost brought the real apocalypse to Dragon City in his previous life.

‘However, because of my rebirth, the future has changed,’ Meng Chao thought to himself.

Ever since the great victory in the battle on Raging Waves Mountain Range, Dragon City’s civilization had expanded its territory and snatched many crystal lodes and paradises that belonged to the monster civilization. As a result, the Apocalyptic Beasts’ living spaces and resource supplies had been greatly reduced.

Like the Deity Realm experts, the Apocalyptic Beasts were existences that relied heavily on cultivation resources. Every cell in their body and every mitochondria deep in their cells operated at ten or even a hundred times the efficiency of ordinary carbon-based creatures. Naturally, their energy consumption was also a hundred times higher.

“Without sufficient fuel and ammunition, even the Huge Dragon’s Might Cannon will be nothing but a pile of scrap metal.

“The Apocalyptic Beasts that are always hungry will, naturally, not be able to unleash their unparalleled combat ability. They will not be able to give birth to offspring that are strong enough either.

“Perhaps, these Apocalyptic Beasts are still in the monster civilization’s ultimate lair and have to receive the monster mastermind’s biochemical modulation before they can evolve into their terrifying ‘ultimate forms’ from my previous life.

“However, my rebirth has set off a chain reaction. The time that Dragon City’s civilization launched the general attack is two to three years earlier than in my previous life.

“The monster mastermind was caught unprepared.

“The time is so tight, and the resources that can be mobilized now have been reduced by at least two-thirds than that point in my previous life. No matter how it struggles, it’s like a housewife trying to cook a meal without rice.

“It is not surprising that the ‘ultimate ferocious beasts’ that should have been majestic and roaring in this world have been reduced to poor premature babies!”

Such a realization made Meng Chao feel more confident and more determined.

This was the first time that he had witnessed it with his own eyes. Destruction was not destiny. The future could be changed!

“Then, let us continue to fight and change... no, create a new future!”

Meng Chao’s blood was boiling.

He could no longer hold back his burning arms.

He carried a dual-mounted anti-aircraft cannon, and together with the Red Dragon Army’s soldiers, who were in charge of defending the heavy cannon positions, opened fire on the Apocalyptic Beasts that were gradually approaching the edge of the sinkhole.

These Apocalyptic Beasts were premature babies, but despite that, they were still seeds of the Apocalyptic Beasts.

Even so, they were badly burned and disoriented by the dense human cannon fire. A large number of their broken bones and even trembling internal organs were exposed.

However, their astonishing speed of cell division, wound self-healing ability, and the incomparably dense vitality magnetic field still allowed them to withstand the indiscriminate bombardment, as well as advance step by step toward the edge of the sinkhole. It seemed that they would be able to flatten the Red Dragon Army’s heavy artillery with just one slap.

Faced with the colossi that were right in front of them, the Red Dragon Army’s artillery officers continued to frantically reset, reload, and fire.

Since they had fired too many crystal cannonballs consecutively in a short period of time, the area within a hundred meters of each railway gun had risen to an extremely high temperature and become a high-radiation hell on Earth.

Neither ordinary soldiers nor low-level monsters were able to survive in such a terrible environment. The first second they stepped in, either their skin was burned to charcoal or their internal organs were directly boiled.

Even though the artillery officers were protected by spirit energy, they were still steamed like hot prawns.

Their eyes became bloodshot, and blood flowed out of their orifices. Their skin was torn apart by the explosions of the giant cannons, but their faces were frighteningly pale.

Even their radiation suits were melted and stuck to their wounds. Every movement was excruciatingly painful.

However, they did not realize it at all. They had even forgotten the iron rule of “one minute of homework, one minute of rest.” Many of them had been working for more than twenty minutes and had fired several thunderous crystal cannonballs furiously. After that, one of them finally fell from a burning railway gun, and he was carried out by artillerymen, who risked their lives to enter the radiation zone.

“Kill these monsters!”

“Come on, I’m right here. Take one of my cannonballs!”

The artillery officers who were still at their posts had their throats filled with spirit flames, and their voices were hoarse.

However, because of their hoarse and gunpowder-filled voices, they were able to express their current emotions more freely.

They laughed out loud and almost slammed the railway guns into the Apocalyptic Beasts’ heads and nostrils, bombarding them one after another.

Facing such a fearless, carbon-based creature, the Apocalyptic Beasts began to hesitate and tremble.

From the tiny human in front of them, they sensed a power that had nothing to do with flesh, blood, claws, tendons, and bones.

Perhaps, it was this power that allowed humans to control such terrifying steel beasts, set off a destructive burning storm, and conquer thousands of monsters as well as the entire Other World.

In their short lives, the Apocalyptic Beasts that had not fully evolved experienced a feeling that their ancestors had never experienced in their entire lives—fear.

They were angry because of fear, and mad because of anger. They bared their fangs and brandished their claws in front of the humans, putting on the most ferocious but weakest posture.

Confronted with the Apocalyptic Beasts’ threats, many artillery officers simply took off their lead helmets and radiation-proof masks. Their faces, which were full of scabs and pustules, revealed contemptuous smiles. They spat at their enemies, who were hundreds of times larger than them.

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s buy more time for the artillery and fire a few more rounds!”

“A lot of armored airships and mechanized troops are closing in on us. I can also sense several unparalleled auras. They are approaching at supersonic speed. They are deities!”

“The reinforcements have arrived. We will be victorious if we persevere to the end!”

Inspired by the artillery officers who had risked their lives, Meng Chao, Lu Siya, and Long Feijun, the Heaven Realm warriors, were all overloading their vitality magnetic fields. Spirit flames spurted out of their bodies and turned into glittering wings before they flew toward the Apocalyptic Beasts’ heads. They were trying to attract the enemy’s attention.

Higher up in the sky, almost twenty rainbow-like bands of light were rushing toward them at a speed several times faster than the speed of sound.

If one were to comment on the three major realms of the extraordinary system, the biggest difference between the Earth Realm experts and the Heaven Realm experts was whether they could activate the magnetic levitation force, counteract the influence of the gravity, and float in the air like a hot air balloon.

Meanwhile, the biggest difference between the Heaven Realm experts and the Dity Realm experts was that they could change from just floating to being able to fly as they pleased, or even fly faster than the speed of sound.

The ultimate force of the Dragon City Civilization—a Deity Realm warrior had finally made a magnificent appearance!

Twenty lightning-fast light belts smashed onto the heads of the Apocalyptic Beasts like meteors, instantly bursting out fireballs and even more violent shock waves than when a railway gun approached.

Several mountain-like Apocalyptic Beasts stumbled and fell backward after being hit by a Deity Realm expert, causing an earthquake-like noise in the crater.

Even a Apocalyptic Beast that had a particularly fragile structure—the Hundred-blade Witch, which looked like a flea and a spider that had been magnified ten thousand times—was pierced through by a Deity Realm warrior, leaving a transparent hole in the front and back. It was literally an arrow that pierced through the heart!

The Apocalyptic Beast let out a terrified cry.

However, all the humans present felt that rain was pouring down from the sky. The spirit energy tides were constantly massaging their flesh, blood, and vitality magnetic field, causing their cells to tremble faster. Their wounds were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a brand-new power was surging out from the depths of their bloodlines, which were almost exhausted.

When superhumans individuals reached the six-star Spirit Armor Realm, they would be able to expand their vitality magnetic field and envelop their comrades within a certain range, giving their comrades a boost in all aspects.

Heaven Realm experts had even evolved such co-enhancement into a power known as a “domain.”

Different domains had their own mysteries. Some could speed up the healing of wounds, some could increase the instantaneous explosive power of an entire army, some could increase their comrade’s hit rate and critical strike rate, while some could even make their comrade’s skin petrify or even metalize, greatly increasing their defense...

At that moment, 20 Deity Realm experts appeared above Meng Chao and the rest of the artillerymen. More than 20 layers of domains descended from the sky, and they were stacked together. Needless to say, every cell in Meng Chao and the rest’s bodies cheered and jumped with joy.

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