Chapter 792: The God of War!

Guided by the exploration team, the heavily-armed power armor corps and the armored airships occupied a series of high points, as well as strategic locations, in the Hidden Mist Domain. After clearing most of the monsters, undead creatures, and predatory etherealized plants, an even larger number of mechanized troops also appeared in front of Meng Chao through the indiscriminately bombarded attack tunnels.

First, there were ten thousand galloping horses and a deafening roar.

Following that, crystals that were not fully burned and colorful smoke bombs were released. It was like the breath of a furious giant steel beast.

Then, one after another, towering trees dozens of meters tall and as thick as three or five people were seen falling down in waves like ripe wheat ears.

The fallen trees, along with the snakes, insects, rats, and ants, which were still hiding in the tree canopies and trunks, got crushed into pieces by the heavy treads.

Armored bulldozers and automatic harvesters gathered into a torrent of steel. They represented Earth’s will and dominion over the mysterious foreign land.

The bulldozers pushed the charred trees, the corpses of monsters, and the gravel that had exploded from the ground to the side.

The bulldozers also pressed the soft humus and mud into a tight passageway that allowed the army to enter as well as exit.

The harvesters cut down the withered vines and branches on both sides of the road, making it impossible for the small monsters to hide in any tree tops. It further expanded the width of the passageway and even merged several attack passageways together.

All the war machines were covered in three layers of composite armor, a layer of reactive armor, and three to four fully automatic heavy machine guns.

Even if there were monsters that hid in the mud and tried to resist, the biggest result of their futile struggle would be nothing more than the destruction of a few pieces of reactive armor. Then, under the concentrated fire of the heavy machine guns and the pressure of the tracks, they became as thin as cicada’s wings.

When the construction machines completed the paving of the attack tunnel, the wheeled armored vehicles and runic machines finally appeared.

They brought hundreds of times more soldiers and firepower, like raging silver flames, quickly engulfing the ancient and mysterious land in the depths of the Hidden Mist Domain.

There were also a few attack tunnels that were specially prepared for the railway guns.

The automatic track-laying machine that looked like an ancient steam locomotive moved along the rolled and flattened road unhurriedly, and one rail after another appeared neatly behind it.

A large group of engineers followed closely behind. They waved their sledgehammers and tamped down the rails and sleepers in a well-trained way.

Soon, the simple tracks connected the headquarters and the frontline inside and outside of the Hidden Mist Domain.

The railway guns arrived.

They were like the Apocalyptic Beasts in a beast horde, the sun among the stars, and the undisputed God of War!

Although, due to the terrain and the environment, what appeared in front of Meng Chao was not of the largest caliber like “Railway Gun” Long Feijun.

However, even the railway guns of the second-tier caliber gave people a deep sense of an “almost destructive pressure” that was different from the Apocalyptic Beasts.

Hundreds of artillery soldiers surrounded the railway guns and operated them in a nervous but orderly manner. It made people feel that these guns were not only the dominators of war but also of everything.

“Woo! Woo! Woo!”

Dozens of high-pitched whistles indicated that the railguns were all in place.

Under the guidance of Meng Chao and the other members of the exploration team, they advanced to the place where the terrain was the smoothest and the foundation was the most stable at the edge of the sinkhole.

This place was only one step away from the sinkhole.

It was equivalent to pressing the muzzle of the railway guns against the temples of the monster civilization.

“Chi! Chi! Chi!”

More than ten sturdy legs extended from both sides of all the railway guns and pierced deep into the ground, further enhancing their stability. Only then could they enter “Siege Mode” with the maximum amount of ammunition.

As soon as the legs were extended, the artillerymen immediately stepped forward, raising their sledgehammers and smashing the anchor under the legs into the ground heavily.

If the rocks on the ground were strong enough, they use the impact drill and super-large rivets to reinforce the guns again.

After the reinforcement was completed, a series of rhythmic whistles could be heard. The sound of gears and bearings turning could be heard from the carriage attached to the rear of a railway gun.

The carriage quickly disintegrated and formed a small gantry crane.

The artillerymen operated smoothly and used the gantry crane to drag out giant shells that were more than the height of an adult.

The giant shells, which were carved with complicated runes on the surface, were filled with super-high-purity crystals inside.

The furious spirit energy had nowhere to surge. It was on the verge of being triggered at any moment.

Therefore, when they were stored and transported, they had to be placed in the mithril stabilizer. Crystals of different properties had to be embedded in the surroundings to neutralize them with the disturbance of magnetic fields of different frequencies.

Before firing, not only would the mithril stabilizer and crystals of different properties have to be removed, the warriors with abundant spirit energy would also have to activate their own vitality magnetic field to trigger the resonance of the cannonballs, so that the cannonballs would be “activated.”

Meng Chao saw that many artillery officers had gone into the battle in person and stood in front of the cannonballs. One hand was pressed against the offensive rune arrays on the cannonballs’ fuses, while the other hand was pressed on the center of their eyebrows, temples, or hearts.

Their eyes were tightly shut, and their faces were filled with piety as they chanted.

It was as if they were communicating with the cannonball. They had to make the first shot and win.

The ordinary artillery soldiers had yet to awaken their extraordinary powers, but they also chanted along with the officers. They gathered their brainwaves together, turning them into a crushing belief that fused into the runes on the cannonball.

On the battlefield on Earth, this might have been a rather absurd scene.

However, the Other World was originally a place where consciousness could change reality, and energy could determine matter.

As the artillery soldiers’ brainwaves continued to release, gather, and surge, an incredible scene was played out.

The runes engraved on the surface of the cannonball seemed to have been injected with invisible energy. One after another, they began to glow, and the light became brighter and brighter.

At first, the runes themselves turned into bright silver or light gold.

Gradually, the runes seemed to leave the shell and float into the air, forming a three-dimensional rune array with octagonal brilliance. A layer of unpredictable and unpredictable energy was formed outside the shell that was already enormous.

At that moment, the shell had become almost translucent. The crystals inside seemed to have been liquefied and turned into magma that was about to erupt.

Even Meng Chao, who was standing hundreds of meters away, could feel the surging waves of spirit energy.

His glabella and eyeballs seemed to have been stabbed by hundreds of silver needles. He narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

It was the most tense moment.

The cannonball had been activated, and spirit energy was about to erupt. If it was not launched in a very limited time, even if the cannonball did not explode on the spot, the spirit energy would leak out and break the genetic chains of the artillerymen by super radiation. The artillerymen would be sacrificed in vain in an extremely tragic way.

It was the experience that mankind had learned after countless blood and tears on the way to develop the “giant spirit cannons.”

As the cannonball shone, the dozens of artillerymen were seemingly whipped by an invisible whip, and they immediately accelerated their movements.

The thousands of artillerymen were packed, adjusted, and locked in less than a minute, like thousands of fingers of the same person.

“004, ready.”

“009, ready.”

“013, ready.”

The cannon heads of the railway guns, which represented “ready, locked on the enemy formation, ready to fire”, were raised.

Another artillery soldier waved the skeleton flag, which represented danger, and blew the whistle around the railway guns, reminding everyone to retreat beyond the cordon line.

Ordinary artillery soldiers had to wear special radiation-proof lead suits and helmets to prevent spiritual ripples.

Superhuman individuals above the level had to stimulate their spirit energy, strengthen their flesh, and even form a spirit defense layer on the surface of their bodies in order to resist the blast of the railway guns.

Flags of different colors were raised and lowered alternately at the cannon heads of the railway guns.

Some of the artillery soldiers were shouting at the top of their lungs with crystal megaphones in their hands, “Ten! Nine! Eight!”

The railway guns began to shake.

The rivets that had just been nailed to the ground were rotating, rising, and even being pulled out of the ground by force.

The runes carved on the barrel of the railway guns were glittering, too, turning the pitch-black barrel into red-hot glass and then into glowing tubes.

Wreathed in spirit energy, the railway guns—ancient weapon that had appeared since the First World War during the Earth era—was now like the electromagnetic cannon in the legends, full of magnificent and mysterious colors of the future.


The last war flag with burning skeletons on it fell heavily.

The muzzles of dozens of railway guns shot out tornadoes at the same time.

Glistening tornadoes, roaring tornadoes, burning tornadoes, and tornadoes that could destroy everything!

At that moment, Meng Chao did not hear any sound.

Even the sound of armored airships dropping bombs, bulldozers crushing, and soldiers roaring on the even wider battle line outside the artillery base had all disappeared.

On the silent battlefield, only pillars of light that were as majestic as the pillars of a majestic temple pierced through the burning sky and were thrown into the depths of the sinkhole.

Until the depths of the sinkhole, where flames and smoke were spewing out everywhere like volcanic eruptions. Meanwhile, the jungle hundreds of meters above and below were all scorched and curled up by the smoke. The shock wave carried with it the sound waves and bombarded in front of Meng Chao.

Even though Meng Chao had strengthened his eardrums with spirit energy, he still felt that his ears had been hit hard by the impact drill. It was as if there were a hundred little bugs squirming inside his ear canal.

After a while, he realized that it was blood that was meandering.

All the ordinary soldiers and extraordinary people on the entire battlefield were deeply shocked by the power of the giant railway guns. They temporarily stopped fighting and looked for the source of the sound waves, the shock waves, and the spirit storm.

When they realized that they were the guardians of Dragon City—when the railway guns opened fire, the earsplitting shock immediately turned into ecstasy, and the slight stinging pain caused by the spirit storms turned into heart-strengthening drugs instead—it made them even more excited and fierce about fighting the panicked and defeated monster soldiers.

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