Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 769 - The Incomprehensible Naked Ape

Chapter 769: The Incomprehensible Naked Ape

The Tree of Wisdom danced.

In the translucent light and shadow, a small town shrouded in mist rose from the ground.

Although the sparrow was small, it had all the vital organs. The dual stars, which were hundreds of meters tall, led the way. Dozens of skyscrapers outlined the magnificent skyline, exuding a completely different aura from the primitive forest.

“When I first saw Peach Blossom Town, I was stunned. I couldn’t believe that there was such a beautiful, wonderful, and magnificent forest in the world. Those shining ‘trees’ were tall, thick, straight, and branchless. They were even more magnificent than the towering trees in my world that had been growing for tens of millions of years. There were also the factories in the town that kept roaring day and night. They were even more terrifying than the roars of raging tigers. Even the black smoke that came out of the chimneys and the waste water that the factories discharged toward Peach Blossom Stream made me feel... a power that was completely different from the claws and teeth of monsters.”

The Tree of Wisdom slowly explained, “At first, I thought that my ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ were mistaken. How could there be such a strange forest made of metal and cement in the world? Did something go wrong with my neural network and accidentally connect to the most absurd dream of a crazy monster.

“Therefore, I sent out more ‘eyes’ and ‘ears.’ I used the eyes of tigers, jackals, pythons, and lizards; I used the compound eyes of insects; I used the tongues of anteaters; I used the noses of hyenas; I used dandelions that fluttered in the wind; I used the ultrasound waves of bats... I used hundreds of methods and hundreds of different angles to observe Peach Blossom Town back and forth. Finally, I came to a conclusion—it was a real ecosystem that was completely different from my world. Moreover, it seemed to be more advanced than my world, and there was something that I did not have that might help me touch the endless sea of stars.

“I also discovered that some of the naked apes that could change their skin at will and freely control metals, gunpowder, and crystals seemed to be the dominators of this ecosystem.

“This is really weird!

“In my world, there are quite a few ape-type monsters. I admit that their intelligence is indeed more advanced than other monsters. They can occasionally make some weird gadgets, but in general, the sticks and stone tools that they painstakingly polish are far inferior to the sharp claws and teeth of the liger-type monsters. They also don’t have the flying ability of falcon-type monsters, or the acidity, toxicity, mimicry, limb regrowth, and camouflage of reptilian monsters. Their sequence in the food chain is not high.

“Plus, the naked apes in this concrete jungle look even weaker than the ape-type monsters in my world. How could they possibly survive and occupy such a beautiful jungle?

“Not long after, I discovered that the ‘skin’ that they often changed was called ‘clothes’, and the big trees that soared into the sky, shining and without even a single branch, were called ‘skyscrapers.’ The clothes, skyscrapers, and everything in Peach Blossom Town were not natural creations, but created and constructed by the naked apes.

“This discovery shocked me even more.

“At first, I thought that the naked apes were just lucky and discovered a secret jungle left behind from the ancient era in the spatial fold area.

“This kind of thing isn’t rare in the hidden fog region. Even my tentacles and eyes and ears discovered some ancient ruins. It’s just that at that time, I didn’t have the wisdom and ability to explore and crack it.

“I thought that the naked apes were also such a lucky race. When the space completely stabilized and the fog completely dispersed, the powerful monsters discovered this glittering jungle one after another. But, the luck of the naked apes would come to an end.

“They would either be forced to abandon their warm and comfortable home and flee to the deeper parts of the Hidden Mist Domain, or they would become the food of the powerful monsters. Of course, the third option was to join my world and become a part of me.

“I admit that in the beginning, I did think of crushing Peach Blossom Town directly and using the simplest and most brutal method to integrate the entire town into my neural network. I believe that to the naked apes, this was the only way to survive.

“However, after realizing that Peach Blossom Town was not a natural product but the creation of the naked apes, I hesitated.

“My survival instincts, which originated from the depths of my genes, told me that the naked apes and the monsters that I had absorbed were definitely not on the same level. If I appeared in front of the naked apes recklessly, it might bring me the greatest survival crisis.

“On the other hand, what exactly were the naked apes doing? Why did they build such a large jungle made of metal, cement, and glass? Where did they come from? Where did they go? Why were their survival methods completely different from the monsters? Did they know about my existence, my origin, and my mission?

“This series of questions piqued my interest.

“Of course, I didn’t know what I should do in the first place. The neural network developed according to the original model has reached its end. There is no essential difference between a primitive jungle with a radius of 100 meters and a primitive jungle with a radius of 100 meters. is my continuous growth just to control an insect thousands of miles away and break out of its cocoon into a butterfly? That’s too boring!

“Besides, I still had to consider whether the naked apes could threaten my survival.

“Although their bodies are weak, the naked apes can use some rumbling metal to control other larger and heavier metals. Without any effort, they can cut down the towering ancient trees that are more than ten meters in diameter.

“If not, they can use the metal pellets that contain terrifying energy to blast out a speed faster than a falcon-type monster and kill ignorant beasts.

“I’m not sure if the monsters and etherealized plants under my command would be able to withstand them if they discovered my existence and locked onto the coordinates of my main body.

“Therefore, I hid in the dark and quietly observed the lives of the naked apes, trying to learn something from them that could upgrade my... still-developing civilization.

“In the beginning, it was naturally very difficult for two completely different ecosystems to understand and blend with each other. I could not understand everything I saw, and I could not understand the lives of the naked apes.

“I also tried to find a naked ape that fell off a cliff during the process of land clearing and was on the verge of death. I used tentacles to forcibly invade his brain, trying to pry into his senses and memories.

“But who would have thought that such a rich and crazy thing was hidden in the brain of a tiny naked ape? It was a hundred times more complicated than the most powerful monster.

“If the brain of an ordinary monster was a black and white drawing, then the brain of a naked ape was a high-speed rotating, three-dimensional kaleidoscope.

“A huge amount of information exploded in my body, and even my nerves were broken. Only then did I get rid of the terrifying naked ape!

“That attempt left me with lingering fear.

“But it also opened a brand-new door of wisdom for me, allowing me to understand a higher form of life.

“Through the scanning of fleeting light and fleeting shadows, I discovered that the naked apes call themselves the ‘spirit of all living things.’ They hold a faint disdain for all living things in the world, and they don’t even treat other animals and plants as real life.

“That is only natural because the naked apes are a race that have seen or even touched the stars.

“The race that has seen the sea of stars and the race that has never seen or even thought of looking at the sea of stars are obviously not on the same level of life.

“After discovering that the naked apes are so powerful and advanced, I couldn’t help but feel ashamed of my inferiority and fear. I wanted to learn from the naked apes from the bottom of my heart, just like a primary school student. Only then would I be able to develop my own civilization.

“Needless to say, learning was difficult. After all, in many aspects, I was far inferior to a human primary school student.

“Thankfully, Peach Blossom Town was expanding without restraint. Countless humans were driven out by their leaders to explore the wilderness.

“At that time, the Red Dragon River and the Raging Tiger River had just crossed paths. They were very unstable. Forget the hungry monsters in the jungle, the collision and diversion of the two rivers were enough to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people. I also received countless ‘samples’ that were worth studying carefully without anyone noticing.

“After sharing a lot of human senses and memories, I finally had a general idea of human beings and civilizations.

“I also learned about Peach Blossom Town’s early history after it transmigrated to another world.

“However, the fragmented, contradictory, ambiguous, and even absurd history in the minds of the human beings left me deeply confused.

“For example, I discovered that when Peach Blossom town first traversed, faced with the treacherous fog and the surging flood, some human beings chose to step forward and open roads in the fog with their lives, to subdue the raging flood beasts.

“In the most violent flood that could possibly engulf the entire town, some people were even tied up with explosives. At the cost of their lives, they blew up a mountain, blocked the collapsed dam with falling rocks, and forced the flood to change its course.

“However, while countless people sacrificed their lives for Peach Blossom Town, there were also many people who hid at the back and took advantage of the situation. They either used flowery words or seized the resources by force. They did everything they could to gather the resources in the town into their own hands. Then, they did not use the resources to hunt monsters, explore the jungle, or subdue the river. Instead, they continued to exploit their own kind to strengthen their rule.

“In my world, different creatures have different ways of living.

“When marching ants are in danger, they will not hesitate to huddle together and exchange the sacrifices of the marching ants on the periphery for the survival of the entire colony.

“When there are too many ferocious rats in the colony and they are in a food crisis, they will immediately kill each other and devour the corpses of their own kind or even their own blood relatives. Only the strongest ferocious rats are qualified to survive due to survival of the fittest.

“These two ways of survival are both natural ways. I don’t think that they are righteous or evil.

“However, you humans look exactly the same as naked apes, but your survival strategies are more different than that of marching ants and ferocious rats. It’s really weird.”

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