Chapter 764: Double-Edged Sword

“There’s one more thing. I think you can rest assured, Sister Ya.”

Meng Chao looked into Lu Siya’s eyes and seriously said, “Although many forces in Dragon City, such as the Red Dragon Army, Battle God Palace, Broken Star Club, and Blue Home, are dissatisfied with the nine mega corporations monopolizing everything, we can distinguish right from wrong, as well as prioritize things. We will not be easily provoked by the enemy and harm things that are dear to us.

“At this moment, all the people of Dragon City have only one goal, which is to be beautiful and obtain the ultimate victory in the Monster War.

“Therefore, I believe that most of the exploration team members, including “Railway Gun” Long Feijun, will not be brainwashed by the monster mastermind so easily.”

Biting her lip, Lu Siya snorted and finally shook Meng Chao’s hand off. “In that case, we must stop the Tree of Wisdom before it reveals its most hideous face!” she said.

“What do you mean?” Meng Chao asked

“Do you think that the so-called Harvest Ceremony will be over so easily? It’s just the mayor’s nonsense and the inhalation of hallucinogenic pollen and spores. It’s not really brainwashing.”

Lu Siya said, “It’s just an appetizer. The show has just begun. I heard from the townsfolk that the Tree of Wisdom can connect the brains of all the human beings and the monsters together during the Harvest Ceremony, allowing everyone to share their feelings, memories, and thoughts. In such a way, the human beings and the monsters can deeply understand each other and build a bridge of empathy and communication.

“If I’m not wrong, this ‘deep understanding’ is just a cover to break through our brains’ defensive lines and read our thoughts and memories. Then, it will plant more secret and dangerous information deep inside our brains. That is the monster mastermind’s purpose!”

Before Lu Siya finished her words, the crowd suddenly surged up.

All the residents of Peach Blossom Town stood on their tiptoes and stretched out their arms toward the tree’s canopy that blocked out the sun.

On the tree canopy, thousands of crystal-clear flower buds slowly bloomed, blossoming into colorful flowers.

Their color was so rich that it made them look like not only plants but also the organs of some giant super creature that was slowly moving.

The pollen, which was already flying and shining in the air, suddenly increased in concentration by a level.

Everyone’s heads, faces, hands, shoulders, and bodies were covered in pollen.

They cackled and danced hand in hand, spinning tirelessly. The pollen sprinkled on each of them like a colorful fog.

Chi li li li, chi li li li li... Suspicious voices abruptly came from the tree’s canopy of luxuriant branches and blooming flowers.

Colorful and translucent tentacles were slowly swimming among the branches.

Seeing the translucent tentacles, the residents of Peach Blossom Town became even more excited.

“...I have a bad feeling.”

Meng Chao licked his dry lips and stared at the translucent tentacles that were slowly hanging down from the branches and the flowers. He asked, “Sister Ya, what’s your plan?”

“In the past few days, I’ve contacted a batch of trusted members of the exploration team who haven’t been brainwashed yet. I’ve also found a batch of crystal bombs, mainly anti-monster grenades, weapons, and ammunition that I dismantled from the Bread Crab and Peregrine Falcon.

“Our plan is to take advantage of the Harvest Ceremony when the Tree of Wisdom reveals its hideous face and brainwashes all the members of the exploration team deeply,” Lu Siya said. “We will use the crystal bombs to remove the root of the problem.

“It will not be easy to implant information into the brain of the determined members of the exploration team. We estimate that the Tree of Wisdom will be at its weakest, and our surprise attack will have the highest success rate.”

“That’s it?”

Meng Chao frowned and said, “Before we figure out whether everything in front of us is real or not, your plan is to pretend to be brainwashed by the Tree of Wisdom, sneak up on it, and blow it up with crystal bombs?”

“That’s right. It’s the only idea we could come up with in such a hurry.”

“Even if everything in front of us is fake and the crystal bombs that we’ve retrieved are fake, it doesn’t matter, because imagination is a very powerful weapon in an illusory world,” Lu Siya said.

“As long as we believe in the existence of the crystal bombs, an explosion that only exists in our imagination can also stimulate our brainwaves to the maximum. Through the chain reaction of brainwave resonance, we can awake all our companions who are lost in the depths of the nightmare and cause the monster mastermind a powerful psychological backlash too.”

Meng Chao was an expert in mental attacks.

He knew that Lu Siya was right.

After pondering for a moment, Meng Chao continued, “The latest exploration teams, Long Feijun, and the others who got lost in the town with me, do they know about your plan?”


Lu Siya shook her head and said, “You’ve only been here for a few days. I haven’t found a chance to get rid of the residents’ surveillance of the town and get in touch with you. It is time for the Harvest Ceremony.

“Right now, I only hope that you’re right. Long Feijun and the rest of the railway gun squad are not really affected by the monster mastermind and still remember their mission. Once we start our operation, cooperate with us immediately, and together, we will destroy the Tree of Wisdom!”

“It’s too risky...”

Meng Chao raised his head and stared at the translucent, fluorescent tentacles that were growing out of the branches.

As if hearing the cries of humans and the roars of monsters, the tentacles descended slowly, getting closer and closer to the brains of the humans and monsters.

While they seemed like colorful vipers that were part of a huge luminous jellyfish, they were more like the nerve bundles of some invisible prehistoric creature.

From the ends of these “nerve bundles,” thousands of colorful electric arcs were released. Like a giant electric net that covered the sky and earth, it enveloped all the carbon-based life forms under the Tree of Wisdom.

“Sister Ya, don’t act in a hurry.”

Meng Chao gnashed his teeth. “Let me divert the Tree of Wisdom’s attention first.”

Lu Siya was dazed. “What?”

“Your plan is too simple and insecure. If this Tree of Wisdom in front of us is really the mastermind of the monster civilization, I don’t think that we can blow it up so easily.

“But you are right about one thing. When the enemy shows its true intention and launches the most powerful mental attack, it will be in its weakest and most vulnerable state,” Meng Chao said.

“If someone can divert its attention at that moment and disrupt its brain with strong brainwaves to restrain its spirit energy, our success rate will be much higher.”

“That’s too dangerous!” Lu Siya blurted out.

Pausing for a moment, she added, “I mean, what makes you so sure that you can get the Tree of Wisdom’s full attention?”

“I’m the one who stopped the White Spirit, earthquake, Demonic Abyss Eye, and Vortex one after another!”

Meng Chao’s eyes were sharp, while his body emanated strong confidence and determination. He said with great certainty, “If you were a monster mastermind, wouldn’t you have developed a strong interest in exploring this guy’s brain and turning this guy into your strongest puppet?”


Lu Siya was speechless.

Meng Chao was not acting on a whim. He had planned to establish a deep contact with the monster mastermind before entering the Hidden Mist Domain.

Thinking back, he had just been reborn from the apocalypse. He had thought that if he wanted to change Dragon City’s fate, he only needed to win the Monster War and turn all the monsters into minced meat.

However, after his rebirth, he had come into contact with more and more secrets, especially core secrets related to the ancient ruins. It gave him a deeper understanding of the Other World, the upcoming war, and the mysterious power that summoned the Earthlings to this strange planet.

Simply and roughly destroying the monster civilization was far from enough to help the Dragon City civilization win the war in the Other World.

He had to crack the monster mastermind’s secret in order to digest and absorb the monster civilization’s power. He needed to inject an extremely powerful “accelerant” into the Dragon City civilization.

What exactly was the so-called monster mastermind? Was it really a human powerhouse called Jin Qianxi, who had turned into a monster after he had fallen into the Red Dragon river and gotten eroded by the mysterious power in the depths of the mist?

Why did Dragon City cross over and land precisely at the center of the basin surrounded by Monster Mountain Range? Was it a coincidence, or was it some kind of fate?

Where did the sinkhole come from? If it was really a “crater” left by an attack from the outer atmosphere during the primordial war hundreds of millions of years ago, then what was hidden under the sinkhole? What made it worth using such a terrifying space-based orbital weapon?

If the overwhelming beast tide had all been artificially created, could mankind have grasped such technology and mass-produced monsters in the genetic farms or industrial production lines as a powerful supplement to their torrents of steel?

What did the X-shaped Eye, which originated from the bowels of the ancient ruins, have to do with the monster civilization’s birth? It should be known that the same pattern had not appeared only in the memory of the supernatural entity, the Demonic Abyss Eye. It also appeared to Battle God Lei Zongchao, and on the back of the future Dark Witch, Bai Jiacao’s hand.

Could it be that the mysterious power that had created the first supernatural entity had already existed inside Dragon City?

Was the Monster War and the upcoming war between the two worlds completely independent wars, or was the former the prelude to the latter with a dark and subtle connection?

These secrets could only be uncovered via deep contact with the monster mastermind.

Although such contact was a double-edged sword.

Meng Chao was still willing to take a gamble.

At the very least, the human army was gathering strength in the outer regions of the Hidden Mist Domain.

Even if something went wrong on their side, they could still make up for it by bombarding them with a torrent of steel.

“There’s no time to hesitate, Sister Ya. You can only trust me.”

Meng Chao looked above his head and said in a low voice, “Be careful, those tentacles are coming!”

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