Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 728 - The Horror of a Foreign Land

Chapter 728: The Horror of a Foreign Land

Fortunately, this reconnaissance unit had strong logistical and communication support.

The engineering unit of the Red Dragon Army had built a large number of communication relay stations behind them.

They had also sent communication airships to risk their lives to break into the lightning-intersecting thunderstorm area above the foggy and deep extinction domain.

Before these relay stations were washed away by the mudslide and the communication airships were shot down by the lightning, the “man-eating pomfret” squad was still in intermittent contact with the rear.

The images and data that they sent back could give people a glimpse of the true colors of the monster’s lair.

“Now, I will play a few scenes that the man-eating pomfret team sent back from the hidden fog domain.”

As Long Feijun spoke, he clicked on a few videos above the three-dimensional sand map.

As the lights and shadows of dozens of three-dimensional projectors intertwined around the conference room, the god of Fog Mountain at the southwest corner of the sand map was suddenly magnified infinitely, making people feel as if they were in the depths of the hidden fog domain.

There were even waves of dense fog surging out, giving people the feeling of being in the same place and giving them goosebumps.

However, because the spiritual magnetic environment was too chaotic, the image signals sent back by the “Man-eating pomfret”team were seriously interfered with. The images were both blurry and distorted, and the readable fragments were in a long period of darkness.

Some of the images became black and white, while others were extremely gorgeous, as if they were vivid dreams.

Meng Chao saw that at the beginning of the video, it was a fully-armed ‘man-eating pomfret’squad that had been dropped to the edge of the hidden fog domain by means of armored airships.

The dense fog was like a white demon that was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws. The dark clouds were like a collapsed city in the sky. The thick and dazzling lightning seemed to tear the sky and the earth into pale wounds. The rainstorm was not a ‘downpour’, instead, it surged out of the void like a flood that had broken through a dam, adding fuel to the mudslide in the valley. It emitted deafening, continuous booms.

Just by browsing the video, Meng Chao could feel a primitive, barbaric, and boundless power surging toward him.

This was a power that was even more terrifying than that of the apocalyptic beasts.

Even he, who had cultivated with the ‘war god’for half a year, had goosebumps all over his body because of this power.

However, the members of the man-eating pomfret ignored them.

There were a few veterans with scars all over their faces who were still in the mood to joke around. They even told each other a few low-class and dirty jokes.

They didn’t stop talking, and their hands weren’t idle either. They skillfully put on their nano battle suits and power armors, counted all the battle materials, and adjusted the combat parameters of the thinking tank and the six-legged rune machine.

More than twenty elite members of the ‘man-eating Pompano’special forces and more than fifty thinking tanks filled with guns, ammunition, and communication equipment plunged into the fog.

The screen turned black and switched to the second video.

This place was not too far from the edge of the hidden fog domain, and the spiritual magnetic interference was not too strong. Relying on the mobile signal amplifier and the portable relay station, the images they sent back were relatively stable and clear.

However, the environment in the depths of the dense fog was already very different from the outside world.

One had to know that although the other world and earth were separated by a sea of stars, their ecosystems weren’t too different.

Other than being wilder and more dangerous, it was difficult to tell the difference between the jungles of the other world and the Amazon rainforest on Earth at a glance.

Many scientists suspected that the two planets must have been artificially designed by the archaic civilization, or else they wouldn’t be so similar.

However, this was not the case in the hidden fog domain.

Other than the relatively “Normal”wilderness and forests, Meng Chao also saw countless strange-looking plants through the main view of the man-eating pomfret team. In other words, he was not sure if they were “Things”of plants.

Some “Plants”did not have branches or leaves. They were like black electric poles that pierced straight into the sky.

They grew together in clusters, and each cluster had dozens of ‘electric poles’. If it were not for the unique texture and material of the towering trees, it would be hard to imagine that they were also a kind of living creature.

There were also some ‘plants’that were growing on the branches that were constantly forking. They were covered with round fruits that were absolutely accurate. They were scarlet, dark purple, azure blue, and dark green. They were the purest colors that were very difficult to extract from various natural environments, the surface of the ‘plants’was covered with rune-like patterns, which even showed the characteristics of crystallization.

It was as if the ‘plants’could extract the spiritual energy from the underground spiritual veins and condense it into something similar to crystals in their own bodies.

They were ‘living’crystals!

Some of the ‘plants’were crouching in the forest like monsters that were ready to pounce on their prey at any time.

When they first saw it, they even gave the man-eating pomfret team a big fright. All the elite Special Forces members were prepared to shoot the monster into a thousand holes as if they were facing a great enemy.

When they got closer to observe, they realized that it was not a monster at all. Instead, it was a shrub, vine, mushroom, and moss that had grown naturally in the shape of a monster.

It was really strange. All kinds of different types of plants had fused together, but they had simulated the characteristics of the monster. Even the “Eyes”and “Claws”were complete. It was lifelike.

Meng Chao knew that many monsters had “Mimicry”, which could mimic the characteristics of plants.

However, other than the memory fragments from his previous life, this was the first time he had seen plants that could mimic a monster.

Following that, the “Man-eating pomfret”team saw many strange and unbelievable “Plants”.

This mysterious foreign land was like an alien planet with a completely different ecological environment from Earth.

Of course, it was.

Perhaps, this was the true face of the foreign world.

What the people of Dragon City had seen in the past was just a “Habitable environment”that had been modified by the archaic civilization.

The “Man-eating pomfret”team was also moved by the strange environment around them.

Although they did not encounter any enemy attacks, the atmosphere became more and more depressing.

The scene gradually began to shake, and one could hear the heavy breathing of the team members and the sound of them continuously swallowing saliva.

Even the rudest and most unscrupulous veterans had their mouths tightly shut.

Suddenly, a roar came from the sky, and the torrential rain fell heavily on their heads without any warning.

Then, everyone fell into darkness.

When the picture was lit up again, the signal transmission became intermittent because of the greatly enhanced spiritual magnetic interference. The main view of the ‘man-eating Pomfret’team also shook, distorted, and blurred as if they had fallen into a nightmare.

Looking into the distance, the mist in the valley and the dark clouds on the mountain top seemed to have merged together, turning into clusters of gray chaos.

The weird ‘plants’that looked like alien creatures seemed to have woken up from hibernation under the nourishment of the rainstorm.

The ‘man-eating Pomfret’squad struggled forward in the rainstorm and the jungle.

Even with the power armor and the thinking tank’s struggles, it was still difficult for them to open a path in the wild and twisted jungle.

From time to time, the thinking tank would be hit by the falling rocks on the cliff and fall into the deep valley, in the muddy and rapid stream that had just been created by the heavy rain.

“F * ck!”

A clear swear word suddenly appeared in the voice-over. “Look, we’ve been here before!”

A scout pointed at the trunk of a towering tree in front of them.

On it was the mark that they had made with their sabers half an hour ago.

Although the moss quickly covered the mark at a speed visible to the human body, the mark was still visible.

However, the slight dent and the special paint that was smeared on the mark and mixed with the bone powder of the monsters were still recognized by the Scouts who had received special training.

“It’s the Space Wrinkle Zone.”

The commander said in a deep voice, “The area is covered in tiny space slits, like an invisible maze or the legendary ‘Ghostly Wall’. Together with the confusion of the fog and the torrential rain, it is easy to crawl into the space slits dizzily and return to the old road.

“It is not strange at all. The monster will fail. Mark the place and raise your five senses to the maximum with your spiritual energy. When you sense the space disturbance around you, you will always be able to map out the terrain. Then, summon the train cannons and the armored airships to blow the place up!”

The ‘man-eating Pomfret’squad was indeed one of the most elite Scouts of the Red Dragon Army.

In the next video, they indeed rushed out of the ‘area of space folds’and arrived in the wilderness between hills.

The Thunder and storm seemed to have gradually subsided.

However, the mysterious and oppressive atmosphere continued to grow.

“Look, what is that!”

A team member exclaimed.

The camera rotated and aimed at the center of the wilderness.

There stood alone dozens of green giants that were hundreds of meters tall with tentacles all over their bodies.

Among them, the tentacles of more than ten giants were still intertwining with each other, as if they were holding some strange ceremony.

The camera shook violently, and it seemed that even the experienced “Man-eating pomfret”team was deeply shocked by the visual impact of this scene.

When they held their breath and carefully approached, they discovered the true appearance of the Giants.

They were all earth’s ultra-high voltage transmission towers.

As an important industrial and military town in the Earth’s era, Dragon City was surrounded by a large-scale energy network.

When Dragon City passed through, a large number of power stations and transmission towers also passed through.

Because of space collision and overlapping, the wrinkles spread out like a wave, “Throwing”many satellite towns and ancillary facilities of Dragon City further away.

These ultra-high voltage transmission towers had been standing here since more than half a century ago, like huge metal skeletons.

A large number of mosses, vines, and grapevines that looked like creepers treated these iron towers and cables as the best habitat.

During the long half a century, they grew, climbed, split, multiplied, and wound around. Gradually, they filled the “Skeleton”with “Internal organs.”.

The iron towers turned into giants, and the cables turned into tentacles. Human creations were eroded by other worlds and transformed into a brand-new life form.

It was another false alarm.

The members of the man-eating pomfret team all heaved a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, a shocking change occurred.

As if sensing the aura of the intruders, all the Green Giants became ‘active’.

The vines that filled the iron tower, which were like internal organs, were wriggling like hungry growls.

The cables that were scattered around the iron tower were dancing crazily like the tentacles of an octopus under the control of a reptile, and they were swimming toward the ‘man-eating pomfret’team like pythons.

The Moss covering the surface of the iron tower changed its color one after another, as if a large patch of mold had grown out in an instant. The dark green moss had turned into blood-red!

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