Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 722 - Uglier Than a Monster

Chapter 722: Uglier Than a Monster

Faced with Meng Chao’s sincere and passionate gaze, Su Mulian found it hard to bear.

She was distraught and stammered for a long time before revealing the real reason. “I-I’m a little scared. I heard that the Battle God, Lei Zongchao, is very powerful. He can blow up a skyscraper with one punch!”

“That’s true. Lei Zongchao at full power is really like a god of war descending on the mortal world.”

Meng Chao laughed. “But what does it matter? Lei Zongchao only reveals his god of war appearance when he is facing enemies and opponents of the same level. When he is facing his compatriots, he is completely like a calm, elegant, and amiable little old man.

“Believe me, his battle intent and killing intent will only be directed toward monsters. Only warmth and hope will be directed toward us juniors.

“In fact, if I don’t tell you his identity and allow you to interact with him for a period of time, you will never believe that this smiling little old man is the legendary Battle God.

“Not to mention, he especially admires young people who are willing to fight for Dragon City and are full of dedication. In a literal sense, he will throw away all his possessions, as well as his entire life, and spare no effort to help such young people. Ms. Mulian, Elder Lei has seen how you endured the pain and treated so many citizens of Dragon City. Therefore, if you are willing to go to Battle God Palace, you will definitely be able to get endless benefits from him!”

“Mr. Meng Chao...”

Su Mulian was noncommittal, but her eyes were fixed on Meng Chao. She tentatively asked, “It seems that you especially admire Battle God Lei Zongchao?”

“Of course. He was a superhero who had protected Dragon City for half a century. He was an extraordinary person among extraordinary people. Until the last moment of his life, he didn’t think about himself at all. Instead, he thought about the children and the future of Dragon City. Is such a hero not worthy of our admiration?” Meng Chao said without hesitation.

He had always regarded Lei Zongchao, the Battle God as his idol.

After being in close contact with Lei Zongchao for half a year in Battle God Palace, he had a deeper and more three-dimensional understanding of the former “strongest superhuman of Dragon City”. After that, his admiration for Lei Zongchao was even more overwhelming.

In the future of Dragon City, with the continuous development of spirit energy martial arts, rune technology, and biochemical modulation technology, more and more experts might emerge. In the field of combat ability, they would be superior to Lei Zongchao, the pioneer.

Meng Chao himself was also working hard with the goal of surpassing Lei Zongchao.

However, how could Lei Zongchao’s true greatness be merely his combat ability?

How many supreme experts could restrain their desire for the highest power like Lei Zongchao and retreat at the most glorious moment?

How many supreme experts could be like Lei Zongchao, who had given away all his wealth, did not marry, did not have children, and did not establish his own businesses and family? Yet, he treated the entire Dragon City as his own “people” and treated all the citizens as his children, serving the citizens wholeheartedly.

How many superhuman experts could be like Lei Zongchao, revealing all the amazing skills and unique skills that he had learned after going through countless hardships for free, and even painstakingly compiling a large number of easy-to-understand and simple-to-understand teaching materials, teaching them to all his compatriots for free? It was as if he was afraid that everyone would be unable to surpass him.

How many superhuman experts could be like Lei Zongchao, galloping across the battlefield, living happily with gratitude and hatred, but adopting a large number of war orphans, painstakingly raising them up, and nurturing them into the pillars of Dragon City?

These were not hearsay.

However, Meng Chao had seen it with his own eyes over the past six months.

And Lei Zongchao’s silent contributions in the past would only be a hundred times more than what Meng Chao had seen.

Meng Chao believed that with his promotion, Dragon City would definitely have a large number of new generation experts whose combat strength would surpass Lei Zongchao in the future.

However, Battle God Lei Zongchao’s charisma was still shining brilliantly, and no one could rival him!

“I don’t believe in any savior. The future of Dragon City should be saved and created by all the people of Dragon City,” Meng Chao said seriously

“However, if we have to choose a savior, Battle God Lei Zongchao will definitely choose someone else,” Meng Chao said seriously.

“I believe that if he can fight for Dragon City for another ten years... No, even if he can only fight for five more years, he will be able to help us survive the most difficult moment and let our civilization advance and shine!”

That was not Meng Chao belittling himself.

As someone who had been reborn after the apocalypse, he believed that there would come a day when he would stand at the peak of the Other World’s continent and compete with the most outstanding experts among the ten thousand races in the Other World, as well as the gods and devils who controlled the fate of the Other World.

However, his growth required time.

If he had returned from the Apocalypse and triggered an unpredictable butterfly effect, the supreme experts of the ten thousand races in the Other World would discover the potential and threat of Dragon City’s civilization in advance. Then they would split the sky and arrive together to kill him. When that happened, with his own strength alone... obviously, he would not be able to be their match.

Moreover, he had to go deep into the enemy’s rear and contact the allies among the ten thousand races in the Other World. He had to actively participate in the major event that would change the Other World and get the biggest piece of cake from it.

When he was far away from Dragon City, who would protect his home?

If the Battle God Lei Zong was able to live five to ten years longer than in the history of his previous life.

With his realm, prestige, and combat ability, Dragon City was absolutely as solid as a rock. Meng Chao would not have any worries at all!

“But, you also said that Lei Zongchao is seriously injured and hasn’t taken action personally for a long time.”

Su Mulian was not affected by Meng Chao’s admiration at all. She did not know what he was persisting for. “The nine mega corporations in Dragon City are all controlled by Deity Realm experts. Isn’t it good that Dragon City has endured under their protection for so many years?”

“Ms. Mulian, why do you think so?”

Meng Chao widened his eyes, and his face was full of disbelief as if he did not know Su Mulian. “You are the granddaughter of Leprosy Village’s old chief. Don’t you know better than anyone else how miserable life is in Leprosy Village, which is exploited by the mega corporations, and how slim the villagers’ chances are?

“Of course, I believe that the mega corporations didn’t mean to turn the Lair and Leprosy Village into a chaotic mess. It’s only right and proper for capital to chase after profits, including the masters of the nine mega corporations. In the past few decades, they have indeed done a lot of good things for Dragon City and have been protecting us.

“I’m not against the mega corporations. Lu Siya is the best of Sky Pillar Corporation’s third generation, but we are the best partners who have shared life and death together. In the eyes of many people, our Superstar Resources has great potential to become the tenth mega corporation in Dragon City. It is indeed more convenient and efficient for enterprises to do many things.

“However, enterprises are still enterprises. No matter how big or magnificent they are, the ultimate purpose of their existence is to make profits. The source of motivation is also to make profits. Everything they do is for the sake of making profits nonstop.

“We can’t rely on a few enterprises to defend Dragon City and save the civilization. This responsibility is too lofty and heavy. No enterprise can afford it!”

Su Mulian trembled slightly.

“Meng Chao, do you mean that the future Dragon City should eliminate all the mega corporations?”

“That’s not it. This is too extreme.”

Meng Chao pondered for a moment and said, “What I mean is that if we really hope for the mega corporations to play the role that we expect them to play, we must create a force that surpasses them. We must supervise and guide them so that the mega corporations do not grow abnormally and lose control so that it will backfire on our civilization.

“I think that the examples of Leprosy Village and the Lair have vividly demonstrated how terrifying the mega corporations can become without supervision and control.

“Perhaps, the mega corporations that have gone out of control are the real monsters. They are a hundred times uglier, eviler, and more terrifying than the beasts that are shivering in the depths of Monster Mountain Range.”

“A power that surpasses a mega corporation?”

All along, when Su Mulian faced Meng Chao, she was either trembling in fear or overly attentive. She listened to his every word. Even when he did not have any evidence, she firmly believed that he could bring Leprosy Village out of its desperate situation.

However, on this... issue, it seemed a little early to talk about it. She did not know where she got the courage to confront Meng Chao head-on.

“Can you be more specific?” The girl bit her lip and asked.

“For example, the Survival Committee.”

Meng Chao did not notice the persistence in the girl’s eyes. He thought that she was confused by the colorful world outside the Lair and the mega corporations’ publicity campaigns.

The Meng family’s Superstar Resource Recovery Company also had a Public Relations Department. Lu Siya was a master in the public relations field. He knew the tricks too well, so he was determined to lure the girl back patiently.

“The Survival Committee should have more power and become the highest decision-making body in Dragon City so that it can control the nine mega corporations...”

Meng Chao resolutely said, “...Instead of being established and controlled by the nine mega corporations like now. Many representatives are merely the mouthpieces of the mega corporations!”

Su Mulian was silent for a moment. She clenched her fists and pierced her nails into her palms, trying to control her voice and tone with pain. “Mr. Meng Chao, is this your own opinion, or is it the opinion of the Battle God, Lei Zongchao?”

“What does it have to do with the Battle God?”

Meng Chao was slightly stunned. “This is the conclusion I came to after thinking rationally for a long time based on a large amount of... intelligence and information.”


Su Mulian took a deep breath and threw out a question as if she was throwing a spear. “You just said that in order to prevent the mega corporations from going out of control, we should create a force that is above the mega corporations.

“What I want to ask is, what should we do if the force that surpasses the mega corporations also goes out of control?

“The mega corporations’ loss of control is relatively easy to deal with. After all, there are nine mega corporations in Dragon City today, and your Superstar Resource Recovery Company will be there in the future. Perhaps there will be more new mega corporations. Even if some of them go out of control and compete with each other, there will always be hope to reach a new balance.

“But if the ‘power above the mega corporations’ loses control and no one can compete with it, our civilization will most likely... welcome the end of the world!”

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