When Meng Chao wore the Sevenfold Armor and boarded an aircraft with sixty-four crystal jet engines, he was shot thousands of meters into the sky by the Chaos Cannon. He was neither happy nor sad, and his expression was calmer than the frozen surface of a lake. 

It did not matter even if the experiment failed again.

He could still try a hundred more times, a thousand more times, or ten thousand more times.

Eventually, the time came when he deduced the best outcome for everyone, including himself and the billions of creatures in the Chaos faction. He found the perfect ending.

Since success was destined, what was there to cheer and rejoice about when it actually came?

Pushed by the Chaos Cannon, the aircraft broke through the troposphere and the stratosphere as fast as lightning. With interference from the planet's magnetic field, its acceleration approached zero.

The crystal engines were activated by Meng Chao's thoughts. They let out a deafening roar and emitted dazzling flames. 

There were raging winds and thunder on top of the blazing fire. It was the culmination of the planet's will and the wisdom, as well as courage, of billions. They were engaged in an epic confrontation.

Soon, the crystal jet engines exploded one after another due to an overload.

However, the spacecraft continued to accelerate past three hundred kilometers, five hundred kilometers, eight hundred kilometers, and one thousand kilometers. It continued to break through the ionosphere and reach the exosphere!

On Earth, a spacecraft that had reached the exosphere would not have encountered too many obstacles. It would have been able to fly straight into the sea of stars without much trouble.

However, in the Other World, the journey to the sea of stars had just begun.

On this thorny and fiery path, there were thousands of challenges and obstacles.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi!

As the electric arcs danced in a frenzy like thousands of golden snakes, they turned into roaring torrents and struck the aircraft's only crystal engine.

The last seven or eight crystal engines had been torn apart and detached from the aircraft like fireballs.

The aircraft's solid shell could withstand the full-strength attack of an Apocalyptic Beast. However, it was also distorted and riddled with holes thanks to the high-energy particles of cosmic radiation. Before long, the aircraft lost the momentum to continue moving upward.

Boom! Crack!

The moment an earth-shattering bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, the aircraft split into two. Meng Chao jumped out in his Sevenfold Armor and began his final sprint. 

The planet's magnetic field converged with the cosmic radiation and formed a tsunami that seemed to be thousands of feet tall. It stood before him and towered over his head.

The sounds of destruction could shatter a person's soul. It was as if a giant beast that stretched across the world was trying to devour Meng Chao and the entire planet beneath its feet. 

However, since Meng Chao had been in the aircraft, he was still in peak condition. He was full of vitality and surging spirit energy. 

He tore the lightning bolts apart and swallowed the flames. He advanced triumphantly amidst the tides of cosmic radiation and storms of high-energy particles.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

When he arrived at the upper edge of the outer atmosphere, a visible golden barrier suddenly appeared in the seemingly empty starry sky.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Golden lightning outlined countless hexagonal windows, which enveloped the entire planet perfectly. It looked like a virtual window system was projecting a carefully woven virtual universe to the living beings on the planet.

Meng Chao fell on the golden barrier and felt like a flying insect that had crashed into a glass window.

Even if he was just a "flying insect," he would hit the barrier a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times, a million times, ten million times, a hundred million times, and more.

One day, he would be able to break the glass window and fly into the vast universe, right?

Meng Chao roared like an injured beast that was trying to jump out of a pit. 

The Sevenfold Armor on his body could not withstand the power that was gushing out of his every cell. It broke apart, decomposed, and peeled off layer by layer.

Every time a layer of armor peeled off, Meng Chao felt as if he had been unshackled. Therefore, he gained more momentum as he approached the golden sky. 

When the fourth layer of armor cracked, the golden barrier before him dimmed and swayed as though it was running out of energy.

When the fifth layer of armor cracked, crisscrossing spider-web cracks materialized on the golden barrier before him.

When the sixth layer of armor cracked, the cracks on the golden barrier continued to expand and gradually covered the entire hexagonal window.

ƥandasnovel.com When the final layer of armor shattered, the hexagonal golden window shattered as well. Having nothing else to rely on, Meng Chao relied on his body of steel to successfully break through the atmosphere and charge into the vast universe! 

The magnificent but bizarre scene in front of him was comparable to a torrent of information flying at him. It shocked Meng Chao's eyes and soul deeply. 

Even though he had experienced thousands of reincarnations, his brain and face still froze for a moment.

The sea of stars was not what he had imagined.

At the very least, it was not the calm sea of stars that telescopes and spacecraft had captured during the Earth era.

It was true that thousands of stars were floating in the dark background of the universe.

However, these stars were larger, brighter, and more unstable than the stars observed in the Earth's solar system or the Milky Way. They resembled crazy geometric objects that were colorful, burning, and living. But they would only burn out after millions of years.

In theory, these crazy geometric bodies should be stars., but their current state went against the laws of astrophysics that Meng Chao knew from Earth. They gravitated toward each other and would get involved in violent crashes. Some were torn apart, some were scattered, while others were fused together. They became even more bizarre and released more enchanting, intense, and violent colors. 

In the higher dimensions, these crazy and twisted stars formed a vast galaxy.

Countless galaxies crisscrossed like crazy boas that struggled, squirmed, and bobbed in the mud called the universe.

Hundreds of galaxies intertwined and turned into enormous vortexes that expanded without limit like black holes. They extended their tentacles that looked like the galaxy's arms to the surrounding space zones. This attracted more stars, planets, satellites, and nebulae to jump into the vortexes and perform a soul-stirring "dance" together.

Meng Chao seemed to understand why the Ancients had set up a virtual window that perfectly enveloped the Other World. 

With how crazy the universe was, he did not even need to look at it. He only needed to be touched by the waves of cosmic radiation.

Most intelligent creatures would have experienced a brain overload and gone crazy in an instant!

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