Ever since he ignited the Kindling, Meng Chao had trusted the Contribution Point System that had appeared in the depths of his brain. 

This trust, to a large extent, came from the incomparably intense mental blow that the apocalyptic nightmare caused.

Only the Kindling and Contribution Point System could save Dragon City—Meng Chao once believed this. 

However, in practice, he discovered that the Contribution Point System had its own problems, or rather, the matter of "changing the future" was too monumental. Every action was connected, and one butterfly effect could change the whole thing. Like ripples that interfered with each other, this made it impossible for people to judge whether the outcome of a certain matter was good or bad for the future.

To give the simplest example, when Meng Chao was in high school, he had experienced the first apocalyptic nightmare. Lu Siya had died at the foot of Raging Waves Mountain Range due to the eruption of the spirit energy tide. 

In the future, she would not exist at all.

She survived in the new timeline because of Meng Chao's interference. 

This change allowed Dragon City to gain an expert whose combat strength was comparable to someone in the Deity Realm.

The Monster War ended so many years earlier thanks to Lu Siya and Meng Chao fighting side by side and risking their lives. 

Apart from fighting, Lu Siya was also talented in both mining and organization management. Recently, she even joined forces with various large organizations to form the Azure Alliance, which greatly amplified the voice of ordinary citizens and ordinary superhumans in Dragon City.

Logically speaking, this was a good thing. It was an outstanding contribution to the future of Dragon City, right?

On the other hand, Lu Siya was also an ambitious person who had a strong desire for power. She had a strong personality and a profound mind. She would do anything to achieve her goals.

Worse still, there was a high possibility that the monster mastermind's power was still hidden in her body. She was the embodiment of a fully-upgraded monster civilization.

In another possible future, she even turned all the people of Dragon City into half-human, half-beast monsters. Even so, she never managed to prevent Dragon City from being destroyed by the apocalypse!

In that case, was saving Lu Siya a good thing or a bad thing? Did it contribute to Dragon City, or did it accelerate the destruction of Dragon City as Su Mulian said?

Also, Meng Chao, his father, and Lu Siya had joined forces to create Superstar Corporation. 

In the initial apocalyptic nightmare, Dragon City had embarked on the path of self-destruction because the size and power of the nine super corporations were too huge, severely squeezing the living space of small and medium-sized enterprises and ordinary people. As a result, it brought about problems such as "social tear, the solidification of social class, and widening individual disparity."

That was why Meng Chao had once believed that as long as he solved the problem of the nine mega corporations, he would be able to save at least half of Dragon City. 

Superstar Company was his best weapon against the nine mega corporations.

However, judging from the current trend, the wings of his "butterfly" seemed to be flapping too hard. Affected by the New Blood Alliance, the decline and even collapse of the nine super enterprises were far beyond everyone's imagination, including himself.

It was very likely that in the new timeline, the Superstar Company would accelerate its growth and completely occupy the ecological niche left behind by the nine super enterprises after their rapid decline. It would become the 'ultimate enterprise' that was the only one in Dragon City that could dominate the world and no one could check and balance it.

Here came the problem.

After becoming an ultimate corporation, would the Superstar Company be able to avoid the mistakes that the nine great corporations had made and were destined to make in the future because of Meng Chao's 'wise leadership'? 

Did the factors of self-expansion and self-destruction hidden inside the nine super enterprises not exist inside the Superstar Company?

Or, to put it more clearly, could Meng Chao control the Superstar Company forever and make it do whatever he wanted? 

That was impossible.

Any company that reached a certain scale would inevitably be partially or completely out of the control of the founder.

Life would find its own way out.

It was the same for enterprises.

The shares of the Superstar Company were very complicated.

In just a few years, he had made several shocking attempts to swallow an elephant with a snake, and the overall scale had expanded by dozens of times. Such rapid development was like practicing evil arts, and there was a price to pay.

The most obvious price to pay was that the shares that Meng Chao and his father had combined were still far from the minimum requirement of absolute control. 

Including Lu Siya, many people in the nine super corporations had part of the shares and the right to speak in the Superstar Company.

Another problem with the rapid development of enterprises was that there was a serious shortage of middle and high-level managers. They had to poach talents from the nine mega corporations. These high-paying middle and high-level managers brought rich experience and network resources, but naturally, they also brought a lot of outdated customs.

For the time being, it was only because Meng Chao had returned magnificently and was the hero who had turned the tide. He also held the golden key to opening up the huge market in Picturesque Orchid Lake, which was why he could suppress the entire Superstar Company. 

However, even if the Superstar Company's surname was still 'Meng', it did not mean that he could ignore the interests of the major and minor shareholders, middle and senior managers, and ordinary investors and forcefully stop the excessive growth of the Superstar Company.

In the end, the chairman was not the emperor.

Even the emperors in ancient times were not 'true dragons and sons of monarchs.' They were merely the representatives that interest groups, big and small, could barely accept.

Once the emperor was prepared to make enemies with more than half of the interest groups.

Prepare to wash your neck and wait for death!

"So, can the creation of Superstar Company and the replacement of the nine mega corporations by our own company really save Dragon City?"

Meng Chao recalled that he had once seen himself in a certain 'future possibility'. He was dressed in luxurious clothes, and he exuded a domineering aura. He had the power to rule the world. 

That should be what he looked like when the Superstar Company was at its peak, right?

Could he stop the apocalypse from happening just like that?

Meng Chao subconsciously shook his head. 

No, it wasn't like that.

That was not the problem.

The problem was not how today's decision would affect tomorrow.

Instead, it was about whether or not the possibility of tomorrow would affect today's decision.

It was still the same example.

Meng Chao did not know how saving Lu Siya would affect Dragon City's future. 

But at the very least, at the bottom of the Raging Waves Mountain Range, when the spirit tide erupted, Lu Siya was still just an ordinary miner. She was ranked very low among the successors of the Sky Pillar Corporation, and there was not even a trace of the power of the monster mainframe or the seed of the monster civilization in her body.

If it was just because some voices and images appeared in Meng Chao's mind, telling him that there was a "possibility" that Lu Siya would become a wild banshee, an ambitious monster queen, and the main culprit behind Dragon City's destruction in a few years' time… 

Therefore, Meng Chao chose to watch from the sidelines and watch her die. He even took the initiative to cause Lu Siya's death. 

Was this reasonable?

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