Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1677 - The Dice Have Been Rolled

Chapter 1677: The Dice Have Been Rolled

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shen Yuanbao did not send any more messages for the next two days.

However, Meng Chao believed that this old and strong Deity Realm warrior had to be like him, scheming in secret and trying to become a “chess player” who could control the overall situation.

There was no news until the dawn of the third day, during the darkest hour.

There were still seventy-two hours before the voting for the Mandatory Training Act for School-aged Children.

Shen Yuanbao finally sent him a new message.

Its contents were a series of simple numbers, including a time and a coordinate.

The time was 6.30 am, while the coordinate was 30 kilometers southwest of Dragon City. It pointed to a warehouse that seemed to have no connection with Universe Corporation.

It was the signal for action that the two of them had agreed on a long time ago.

The dice had been rolled, and the chain reaction that was related to the future of Dragon City’s civilization had officially started.

It was 5.57 am.

A convoy set out from an underground garage and slowly drove out of Universe Corporation’s headquarters.

The CEO, Shen Yuanbiao, who had worked hard in the headquarters the whole night, was sitting in a luxurious bulletproof car in the middle.

According to his schedule, he would return to his private residence to rest until twelve noon and then attend a public dinner. At 3.00 pm, he would hold a press conference to inform his friends in the media, of the latest investigation on a series of recent events by Universe Corporation.

However, because the necessary roads were undergoing pipeline maintenance, they were temporarily closed. As such, the motorcade had to take a detour and pass through an underground tunnel three blocks away.

They encountered a small accident in the underground tunnel.

Hence, they were forced to stop and wait patiently for the traffic police to deal with it.

Just five minutes after the motorcade stopped, Shen Yuanbiao had already exchanged positions with a substitute who had been arranged beforehand.

Next, Shen Yuanbiao’s replacement would return to his private residence to sleep.

Using nanomaterials that adhered to the skin, Shen Yuanbiao, who had completely changed his facial features, took the opportunity to enter a black SUV that had also been stopped in the tunnel due to the traffic accident. He was about to get a full six hours of free movement.

Five minutes later, the tunnel returned to normal.

After Universe Corporation’s convoy and the black SUV drove out of the underground tunnel, they went their separate ways.

When the black SUV passed through the next seven to eight intersections, more than ten cars, SUVs, and van-type trucks followed them. They kept their distance from each other and formed a brand-new convoy.

If one activated their enhanced vision, one would be able to see through the reflective film and the shell of these vehicles. One would be able to see that the drivers and passengers inside were all burly men with fierce expressions.

Many of them were covered in crisscrossing scars, and they were armed to the teeth. Even some of their limbs had been embedded with swords, spears, and halberds. They possessed shiny artificial limbs.

Shen Yuanbao sat in the back seat of the black SUV and changed into a bulletproof, stab-proof, and optical camouflage combat suit made of nanomaterials.

The nanomaterials were extremely elastic, and they perfectly outlined his muscles. At that moment, he looked murderous. He was a completely different person from when he was the chief executive officer of the headquarters.

These people were all trusted aides that Shen Yuanbiao had recruited and trained in the past ten years to seize Universe Corporation.

In the nameless warehouse thirty kilometers southwest of Dragon City, there were even more unspeakable resources, weapons, and dangerous people waiting for his orders.

However, Shen Yuanbiao knew that he was just bait.

He was not the winner of this shocking gamble.

The corner of Shen Yuanbiao’s mouth curled up into a cold sneer. He glanced at the minivan that had started to follow them three blocks away through the rearview mirror.

Although this minivan turned left at the next intersection, a pickup truck took the baton.

“Shen Chenglie, Shen Yuhe, Shen Yufeng?” Shen Yuanbiao mumbled to himself as he chewed on the names of his nephews and niece.

As soon as news of his brother’s death reached him, Shen Yuanbiao realized that the so-called blood descendants and foster children had temporarily put aside their disputes and turned their guns to work together to deal with him, the chief executive officer.

All of this might have been ordered by his brother, whose fate was unknown.

That man had countless pairs of eyes that could observe him twenty-four hours a day.

Perhaps his brother had even thoroughly investigated the power that he had accumulated for a long time.

He could not hide his “swap” from these people who were scheming to get rid of him.

Besides, he had no intention of hiding it at all.

“Now, everyone in the blood descendant faction and the adopted children faction must think that I’ve stored a large number of dangerous unspeakable items in the warehouse south of the city and I’ve also sheltered a lot of wanted criminals who can’t be seen in the light. They assume that I’m leaving the city to use these things to fight them to the death, right?

“As long as they get me and all the evidence in the warehouse south of the city, they’ll be able to destroy my reputation and make me automatically withdraw from the competition for the highest position in Universe Corporation.

“Therefore, they will definitely send all their elite soldiers to treat the warehouse in the south of the city as the battlefield for their final victory.

“Little do they know that I still have my trump card from the Blood Alliance.

“At this moment, Universe Corporation’s defense is unprecedentedly weak. Provided that the Blood Alliance is willing to risk everything, they will definitely succeed in assassinating my dear big brother and make him fall for his own cleverness!

“When Big Brother’s fake death becomes a real death, the people of the Blood Alliance will arrange sufficient evidence on Big Brother’s body to prove that he died a few days ago. Shen Yuhe and Shen Yufeng learned of Big Brother’s death earlier and even saw his body with their own eyes.

“Hehe, as the direct descendants of my eldest brother, they obviously saw my eldest brother’s corpse, but they deliberately concealed the news of my eldest brother’s death. Even before my eldest brother’s corpse grew cold, they used me, a meritorious minister of the Shen family and Universe Corporation, as an example. Aren’t the ambitions of these juniors obvious?

“Plus, how exactly did my eldest brother die? Who was the real culprit? Isn’t the answer clear?”

Shen Yuanbiao reviewed his entire plan again.

He was sure that everything was under control.

Right then, he was not worried about Shen Yuhe and his other nephews.

However, for some reason, the image of his big brother appeared in his mind.

The Shen Yuanbao in his mind was not the aggressive Deity Realm warrior of today.

Instead, it was of him decades ago. Together, the brothers, who had no other worries yet, fought with their blood and sweat.

“Brother, don’t blame me.”

Shen Yuanbiao closed his eyes and muttered to himself in a tone that was close to a moan, “Universe Corporation is the result of our blood and sweat. We need to be strong enough to protect it.

“Yet, you got yourself seriously injured during the final battle with the monster mastermind and lost the power to protect it.

“I-I don’t want to watch our life’s work be destroyed.

“I have no choice but to cooperate with the Blood Alliance!”

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