Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1179 - Becoming the Future Leader!

Chapter 1179: Becoming the Future Leader!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Meng Chao believed that Dragon City’s gene modulation and spirit agriculture technology could break the cycle of “prosperity and famine.”

Most of the nutrients in the shallow surface of Picturesque Orchid Lake had been absorbed by the mandrake tree.

As a result, it was difficult for conventional agricultural methods to produce enough crops to fill the advanced orcs’ hungry stomachs.

However, deep underground in Picturesque Orchid Lake, there were spirit veins rich in spirit energy like on Monster Mountain Range.

There were even a large number of crystal ore veins growing at the intersection of the spirit veins.

Using the modern mining and smelting technology of Dragon City, the spiritual energy deep underground was channeled to the shallow surface and above the ground.

Using the spiritual liquid drip irrigation technology, one could use very little soil and water in a very small area to build a three-dimensional farm that looked like a beehive.

This was Meng Chao’s alma mater, the old profession of Dragon City Agricultural University.

Although Meng Chao wasn’t a spiritual plant master, he had dabbled in basic courses.

Even a steel-and-concrete metropolis like Dragon City could build hundreds of such three-dimensional farms within the city area in just half a century, filling the appetite of tens of millions of citizens.

A natural environment like Tulanze, which was free from pollution, and the excrement of high-level orcs could provide sufficient fertility.

There was no technical problem in building a honeycomb-type three-dimensional genetic farm.

In three to five years, as long as such a three-dimensional farm could bloom all over Tulanze.

Feeding thirty to fifty million or even more high-level orcs was not an extravagant hope.

Once the famine in Turanze is resolved,.

The people who benefited the most were undoubtedly the most populous, the rat people at the bottom of the food chain in the Old Order.

Meng Chao really feel, for thousands of thousands of people suffering from bullying, this is the real “Rescue”and even “Liberation”!

This, is he chooses ancient Dream Saintess, not”Jackal”canus becomes the first partner reason.

He felt that his proposal was more convincing and attractive to the ancient Dream Saintess and the Rat People’s rebel army.

After all, the latter was ambitious, too crazy, and too difficult to predict and control.

Of course, apart from the grandiose reason of “Saving thousands of rat people,”Meng Chao also had a small selfish motive.

It must be known that the Dragon City civilization at the moment was not a monolithic one.

Under the appearance that everyone seemed to be united and cheering “Marching into the depths of the other world”, the conflicts between the colonization faction and the homestead faction, the Super Enterprises and the Red Dragon Army, the extraordinaires and the ordinary citizens still existed.

Although the people of Earth had won the Monster War, the main brain of the monster, or more accurately, the predecessor of the main brain of the monster, which originated from the super fierce beast “Mother”of the primordial era hundreds of millions of years ago, was not completely killed, instead, it was very likely that it had split into countless pieces and released an evil power that invaded the hearts of countless experts of dragon city.

At the very least, Lu Siya, the best partner who had fought side by side with Meng Chao and trusted him with her life and death, had been eroded by a mysterious power and turned into a green-haired “Forest Banshee”who was neither human nor ghost!

Meng Chao had no idea what Lu Siya, who had been controlled by the ‘mother’, had become, how high she had climbed, and how many resources she had plundered during the half a year that he had been away from Dragon City.

Nor did he know how many of the super experts who had led all the people of Dragon City to march toward destruction in his previous life had turned into ‘monsters in human skin’just like Lu Siya!

If Meng Chao chose “Hu Lang”kanus, or the leader of the lion and tiger clans, or the chief of the five clans, to be his number one partner.

The powerful other party would certainly look down on Meng Chao, the single commander.

At most, they would treat him as a middleman. In the end, they would kick him aside and directly cooperate with the higher-ups of Dragon City.

If the target they chose to cooperate with was the Red Dragon Army.

Then, Meng Chao could also use his influence in the military to slightly guide the direction of cooperation.

If the target they chose to cooperate with was the nine Super Enterprises.

More specifically, if an ambitious madman like “Jackal”kanus actually got mixed up with Lü Siya, who had been invaded by the ancient powers and gradually fallen into the demonic path.

Meng Chao did not even dare to dream about where they would lead the Dragon City civilization and the Tulan civilization, the two brothers who were in trouble.

No, ever since the end of the world, Meng Chao had made up his mind that he would never control his fate in the hands of anyone other than himself.

The war between the two worlds was about to break out. He had to hold a strong enough voice in the cooperation between the Tulan civilization and the Dragon City civilization in order to become the helmsman of the Dragon City civilization who would dash out of the Abyss and fly to the other shore.

He had to do that.

He had to preserve the vitality of the great horn army.

Then, he had to firmly control the great horn army in his hands and make himself the only person the great horn army could rely on.

Then, he had to pull some strings to achieve the deep cooperation between the Great Horn Army, the Superstar Group, the Remnant Star Association, the Martial God Temple, and the Red Dragon Army.

At that time, tens of millions of rat people, who were armed to the teeth with genetic potions, synthetic food, automatic rifles, and anti-monster grenades, would become his strongest support together with the Red Dragon Army.

In that case, regardless of whether the opponent was “Jackal”kanus, the corrupted Lü Siya from the primordial era, the chief of the Five Great Clans, the leader of the nine Super Enterprises, or the ninth-circle mage of the land of Holy Light.

Meng Chao was confident that he would be able to deal with them to the end!

Perhaps it was because after going through this process, Meng Chao’s own train of thought was exceptionally clear, and the depths of his subconscious were shining brightly.

His thoughts were like golden blades, breaking through the fog that shrouded the depths of Saintess Gu Meng’s brain.

The white bone armor that was as hard as iron around Saintess Gu Meng’s body cracked.

The mental defense that symbolized her impregnable defense began to waver and collapse.

However, it was not an easy decision to change the strategic direction of an army of millions of iron-blooded soldiers.

Even though deep down, the ancient Dream Saintess was leaning toward Meng Chao’s judgment.

There were still a lot of specific but potentially fatal problems that needed to be solved one by one.

“I know that the Great Horn Army can not stop their attack on hundred blade city just like that.”

Meng Chao saw the ancient Dream Saintess’concerns and continued, “I suggest that the great horn army can maintain its current intensity and continue their attack for three days and three nights.

“During this period of time, the Great Horn Army can secretly open a passage to the south in the name of ‘protecting the logistics supply line’. At the very least, we must eliminate the Wolf Rangers active in the south and make ‘Jackwolf’kanus lose all the ‘ears’and ‘eyes’that are scattered in the south.

“Then, we can think of a way to test ‘Jackwolf’kanus.

“For example, we can spread the news that because hundred blade city has been unconquered for a long time, the ancient Dream Saintess is going to change the strategic direction and jump out of the encirclement of the Wolf clan.

“Moreover, the Great Horn Army is going to bypass the Wolf clan and negotiate directly with the Lion and tiger clans.

“Then, we will secretly arrange a second-line army to pretend that they have run out of ammunition and food, that their morale is unstable, and that there is a mutiny among them.

“I believe that ‘Jackal’Kanus is definitely the mastermind behind the entire conspiracy. Moreover, he will definitely seize the opportunity to play his trump card and completely swallow the great horn army.

“If ‘Jackal’kanus doesn’t make a move, I’ll admit that I’ve made a mistake. The ancient Dream Saintess can ignore my nonsense and even catch me and cut me into a thousand pieces. Then, you can continue walking on the path of victory that you insist on. After all, my proposal will not cause much interference to the Great Horn Legion’s strategy.

“However, if ‘Jackal’kanus really jumps out of the dark corner and reveals his most hideous face, by then, the ancient Dream Saintess will be able to retreat with the elite soldiers of the Great Horn Legion through the escape route that she has prepared long ago. Maybe, she will be able to make ‘Jackal’anus fall on the way back!”

Meng Chao’s suggestion was flawless.

As the supreme commander of the millions of iron blood army, they should have planned their retreat route in advance.

However, the ancient Dream Saintess had been distracted by the Big Horn Rat God. Her mind was filled with the scene of ‘Conquering Hundred Blade City and fighting to Red Gold City’. She had never considered the possibility of failure.

At this moment, Meng Chao’s will dispelled the fog that had been lingering in the depths of her brain.

She immediately displayed the qualities that a qualified leader of the rebel army should possess.

“Alright, I’ll…”

The ancient Dream Saintess nodded slowly and was about to continue.

At this moment, her dream suddenly trembled slightly..

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