Chapter 1157: Mysterious Runes

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the dream, Meng Chao’s setting was the childhood of the rat warrior, Tree Root.

Therefore, he had forgotten his identity as a member of the Great Horn Army.

Looking at the Big-horned Rat God’s statue, a hint of confusion and expectation appeared on his face.

“The Big-horned Rat God is the common ancestor of all the rat people, and also our only hope!”

The Ancient Dream Saintess squatted down and held Meng Chao’s shoulders with both hands. Her eyes looked straight into the depths of his soul. Her voice was filled with unfathomable magic as she attempted to implant the following words into Meng Chao’s soul and turn it into his innate belief, “He will lead us to completely destroy this old world that has been bullying and oppressing us. Then, he will create a new world that is incomparably beautiful above the blood and flames.

“In the new world, the rat people will no longer be forced by the clan warriors to pay such a heavy Mandrake Tax every month. In order to pick the golden fruit, they will have no choice but to enter the deep mountains and forests. Threatened by the totem beasts, they will work hard and work dangerously, yet they will not be able to eat even the skin of the golden fruit.

“In the new world, the rat people will also be able to eat the golden fruit. They will be able to eat as many as they want.

“As for the totem beasts, the Big-horned Rat God will also give us great power to suppress and tame them, turning them into our weapons and armor.

“So, come on, Root, clean up this statue with me. We can’t let the Big-horned Rat God’s statue get stuck in this place.”

Even though it was in a dream and the stone wall runes that contained mysterious power were nearby...

The Ancient Dream Saintess still cleaned the statue meticulously.

She first used the machete, which was placed diagonally at her waist, to cut off the mandrake branches. Then, she cut off the weeds and vines that were surrounding the statue.

Then, she peeled off the moss and mushrooms that were attached to the statue.

On many of the small vines, there were clusters of sharp thorns that pierced her hands until blood flowed out.

In the dream, she did not feel any pain at all as she sacrificed her own comfort. Her eyes were filled with happiness, and she cleaned the statue bit by bit until it was as bright as new.

When the last piece of the fungus blanket was removed from the surface of the statue and the mud in every crack was wiped clean, the statue looked brand new. She squeezed out a large amount of blood from the wounds on her hands and sprinkled it on the statue.

Her blood was immediately absorbed by the crisscrossing cracks on the statue.

It was as if the statue swallowed it.

“The Rat God’s statue needs to be watered with the rat people’s blood.”

The Ancient Dream Saintess turned around and explained to Meng Chao, “The blood symbolizes the rat people’s sacrifice. The Rat God will not wake up easily, and he will not bless those who do not dare to resist and sacrifice. They only want to sit comfortably and wait for salvation to fall from the sky.

“The rat people must first do their best to save themselves without fear of sacrifice. Let the Rat God see our valor, courage, and faith.

“Then, the Rat God will descend to this world to save those of us who are worthy of being saved.

“This is what a believer of the Rat God should have. Do you remember, Tree Root?”

Meng Chao nodded heavily.

He thought like he was the ordinary rat warrior, Tree Root...

After experiencing such an incredible dream...

He would definitely leave a deep impression on the Ancient Dream Saintess who had been guiding him in the dream. He would worship and love her even more.

His faith in the Rat God would also become fanatical until his death.

Leaf must have experienced a similar dream.

Hence, he was willing to sacrifice everything for her and the Big-horned Rat God even though he knew that the Ancient Dream Saintess was not his biological sister.


Speaking of which, the Ancient Dream Saintess’ performance in the dream was really unnecessary and even wasteful when analyzed from a cost-benefit ratio.

The reason was, even if she could bewitch Tree Root into confusion, it would be a waste.

Tree Root was just an ordinary rat warrior.

So what if she stimulated his potential tenfold?

At that moment, the elites of the Great Horn army were all out in launching a strategic battle against Hundred Blade City and the Wolf Clan’s heavy cavalry. Wasting so much time and energy on an ordinary soldier did not seem to be worth it.

The only explanation was that the Ancient Dream Saintess’ action of cleaning up the Big-horned Rat God’s statue and her words earlier were not a show. They did not contain too much utilitarian purpose either.

It was something that came from the bottom of her heart and was natural.

She really believed in the existence of the Big-horned Rat God.

Moreover, she believed and looked forward to the Big-horned Rat God’s arrival more than anyone else in the Great Horn Army.

“It seems that the Ancient Dream Saintess doesn’t know that the Big-horned Rat God is a man-made idol.

“She also doesn’t know that someone hidden has planted her faith in the Big-horned Rat God in the depths of her heart.

“She probably wouldn’t have thought that the Great Horn Army, which has seemingly risen in power, would be doomed to eternal damnation under her leadership.

“In a few days, her army, her beliefs, her ideals, and her ‘new world’ will all be crushed by the cruel reality and turn into nothing but a dream.

“Right now, the only question is who exactly planted the beliefs of the Big-horned Rat God into her heart and in what way?”

Meng Chao believed that he would find the answer soon.

The half of his subconscious that was above the dream realm extracted the materials for the stone wall runes from the depths of his brain.

Therefore, at the bottom of the cliff in the dream realm, something flickered behind the Rat God’s statue.

“What is that?”

The Ancient Dream Saintess was once again sharp. She solemnly bowed before the Rat God’s statue three times before she led Meng Chao to the place where the light shone.

After cutting down a thorny bush and passing through the gap between the two giant rocks, they found a secret cave.

Within the cave, magnificent light flowed out like spring water. It flashed continuously as if some mysterious force was inviting them in.

The two of them held their breath and walked into the cave.

The cave walls were crystal clear, emitting an indescribable purplish-red light.

The crevices in the cave walls were twisted in all kinds of incredible forms, as though they were ancient creatures frozen by a seven-colored ice layer.

As they bathed in the seven-colored mystic light, they gradually became sparkling and translucent. It was as if they could clearly see their internal organs, bones, eyeballs, and brains. Unknowingly, they had become one with the cave.

The scene was not entirely Meng Chao’s imagination.

Similar scenes could be seen in Ruins No. 1 at the center of Dragon City and Ruins No. 2 in the Hidden Mist Domain.

Meng Chao had personally experienced it, and it had left a very deep impression on him.

Now that he had “copied and pasted” the memory fragments, it was naturally seamless.

The Ancient Dream Saintess was in the scene and believed more and more that this rat warrior named Tree Root had truly entered such a magical cave when he was young.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a magnificent and wonderful memory to float in the brain of a rat warrior with a poor imagination.

It was not know how long it took for them to travel the winding cave in the dream.

Finally, they reached the end and saw the shining stone wall.

Words could not describe the magnificence and magic of the stone wall.

The length and width of the stone wall were not more than ten meters, but there were at most 1,800 runes engraved on it.

However, when people focused their attention on the stone wall, they would feel that the length and width of the stone wall extended to both sides. It looked like the area expanded to infinity, occupying their entire field of vision and even the entire world. There was also a kind of pressure that leaned toward the observer and was about to collapse, enveloping the observer inside.

At first glance, the seemingly ordinary and even careless runes on the stone wall appeared mysterious and complex to the extreme.

They seemed to be carved directly on a two-dimensional plane.

In reality, a very complicated three-dimensional precision micro-carving technique had been used. Even the people of Dragon City had yet to master it.

If it had to be described in a way that the people of Earth could understand...

Every stroke of the runes had been condensed from thousands of scratches that were thinner than cow hair.

It was as if thousands of nanometers of silk threads had been twisted into strands of ropes, and then these ropes were tied into different forms of knots.

On the surface, it was a very ancient notebook of knots.

However, it actually contained information that was billions of times more abundant than the record of knots.

In any case, the scientific research experts of Dragon City’s ancient ruins research center had not been able to figure out how many strands of the tiniest “threads” were hidden in each brush stroke even with the most precise microscope.

A powerhouse like Battle God Lei Zongchao, who had sat cross-legged in front of the stone wall runes and had been cultivating in seclusion for years, failed to understand the mystery either.

Now, facing the mysterious runes, what would the Ancient Dream Saintess present?

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