Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1154 - The Saintess Enters the Dream

Chapter 1154: The Saintess Enters the Dream

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

All the rat soldiers believed it.

They became a hundred times more devoted and fanatic, burning their own flesh and blood to ensure that victory would come soon.

In the huge whirlpool that was as hot as lava, only Meng Chao was still clear-headed.

He realized that the Great Horn Army had reached a turning point.

Hundred Blade City was the rat people’s limit.

In a few days, the situation would take a turn for the worse.

The rat tide formed by millions of fanatical rats would instantly fall apart and turn into ashes.

It was obvious from the food supply in their camp.

In the beginning, because they had taken a large amount of supplies from the Wolf Clan’s reinforcements, their food supply in the camp was plentiful and high-quality.

Even normal soldiers who were heavily injured could enjoy secret medicine and high energy food that the Wolf Clan’s witch doctor had specially prepared.

As for fried mandrake fruits and other normal food, they were all supplied freely.

Now, with the dozens of rebel rat troops gathering at the foot of Hundred Blade City, the Great Horn Army’s logistical pressure had increased tenfold.

Although they had obtained many spoils of war, they could not make up for the losses on the battlefield.

As the scale of the wounded soldiers’ camp continued to expand, the supply of food and medicine also gradually became insufficient.

Not only was the quality of the secret medicine meticulously concocted by the witch doctor turned into ordinary herbs that were being boiled randomly.

From baking golden fruits with cheese, it turned into ordinary mandrake paste mixed with sour cream at most.

The quantity was also greatly limited, so they had to implement a rationing system.

Many of the wounded needed a lot of nutrition to repair their wounds and recover their energy. They could only deal with the wounds blindly with clear soup and water. They were so hungry that they were moaning and sighing in the middle of the night.

Of course, in the mouths of the witch doctors, the priests, and the ordinary wounded, it was only a temporary problem.

Everybody except Meng Chao believed that the great horn army was about to take over hundred blade city.

At that time, all the granaries and armories in hundred blade city would belong to the entire rat population.

Not only would they be able to completely solve the logistical problem, but they would also be able to shock the entire Orchid Lake and expand the Great Horn Army.

“Three days, at most five days!”

The injured soldiers who were carried to the injured barracks were still filled with confidence and joy. “The defending soldiers of Hundred Blade City are exhausted. Even the city towers have been destroyed by us several times. They will collapse in three to five days at most.

“By then, there will be no more problems!

“Also, I heard that the lion men and tigermen in Red-gold City have started to fight among themselves. The entire Red-gold City is covered in corpses and blood. Half of the city is burning!

“As long as we can finish off the defenders of Hundred Blade City and the reinforcements of the Wolf Clan, and charge to the bottom of Red Gold City in one go, I’m afraid that Red Gold City, which has been torn apart, will be easier to conquer than hundred Blade City!”

The extremely optimistic mood hovered above the wounded barracks like a chirping lark.

Meng Chao saw it and was anxious, but he did not know how to convince the blindly optimistic rat warriors. Destruction was about to arrive, and the fall of the Great Horn Army was tomorrow. The real combat ability of the elites of the Wolf Clan was definitely not as simple as you imagined. The continuous victories over the past month were only because of “Jackal” Kanus, the nominal leader of the Wolf Clan. He was just dragging down the Wolf Clan’s leaders who actually held military power in the dark and even stabbing them in the back.

Right now, “Jackal” Kanus had already used the sharp blade of the Great Horn Army to kill and injure the leaders who hindered him from truly controlling the Wolf Clan.

Even the commander of the Wolf Clan, who barely managed to survive, was no longer qualified to strut around in front of “Jackal” Kanus and take advantage of his seniority.

Based on the methods that “Jackal” Kanus had displayed in Meng Chao’s memories in his previous life, it was likely that “Jackal” Kanus had already completed the internal integration of the Wolf Clan.

At that moment, he should have completed the internal integration of the Wolf Clan and made the surviving commanders submit to him so that he could completely control the supreme power of the entire Wolf Clan, right?

In that case, the sharp blade of the Great Horn Army had completed its historical mission.

In the future, there were at least a hundred ways for the Doomsday Wolf to let the ignorant rat citizens know what true terror and despair were.

Perhaps, Hundred Blade City was originally the bait that “Jackal” Kanus had deliberately thrown at the rat citizens.

In order to take down Hundred Blade City, the warriors who had the most resistance and fighting strength amongst the tens of millions of rat people had all gathered there. They had lost their mobility and logistical ability. They were like a mountain of meat that could not move.

If they could really take down Hundred Blade City and successfully take the armory and granary in the city, that would be great.

What if they could not take it?

Even if they did, what if the defending army ignited the armory and granary in despair and burned all the war resources?

What if Hundred Blade City was the core of the plot from the start, and the armory and granary in the city did not have enough war resources to give the Great Horn Army a chance to breathe?

Analyzing it from Meng Chao’s memories of his previous life, this was not a “what if.”

It was “history” that was destined to happen.

He could only watch as dozens of rebel army of rat people swarmed Hundred Blade City from all directions.

Meng Chao thought of the complicated and sophisticated large-scale rat catching equipment.

There was a seesaw that could move around, and in the middle of it was a huge and deep bucket. Perhaps there were a few pieces of fragrant cheese floating on the surface of the water, attracting the surrounding rat people to run up the seesaw at all costs. Finally, they fell into the bucket and drowned.

They waited and waited, but they could not find the Ancient Dream Saintess.

The anxious Meng Chao wanted to tear off his disguise and charge into the Ancient Dream Saintess’ tent.

However, the Ancient Dream Saintess herself appeared to be powerless under normal circumstances.

There were a few high-level priests with masks and big horn helmets around her at all times. Their auras were unfathomable.

Meng Chao wondered if the Ancient Dream Saintess herself was really an ignorant puppet.

These high-level priests were not as simple as her subordinates and followers.

It was very likely that they were controlled by the ambitious people behind the scenes. They had the responsibility of protecting and monitoring the Ancient Dream Saintess at the same time.

Meng Chao was confident that he could deal with these high-level priests.

However, he was not confident that he could do this without alerting the mastermind behind the scenes and alerting the enemy.

Therefore, he could only lurk, trust his judgment, and wait patiently.

Fortunately, his persistence paid off.

On the eleventh day after he entered the wounded camp, the Ancient Dream Saintess finally arrived.

It was the darkest moment before dawn.

It was also the moment when one’s nerves were the most relaxed and one fell into the deepest part of a dream.

Meng Chao was in a shallow sleep but had set up several layers of “warning nets” deep inside his brain. Suddenly, he felt that there was a shimmering thread of light licking the space between his eyebrows like a wriggling snake. A few nerve currents that could calm his mind and massage his brain cells were released into his brain.

Then, they crawled in and connected Meng Chao’s brain to a mysterious existence that was hiding in the dark.

“It’s finally here!”

Meng Chao was excited.

However, with high control of his body and the brain of a quasi Deity Realm expert, he had precisely manipulated part of the brain cells outside the cerebral cortex to simulate a deep sleep.

At the same time, he injected his spirit power into the memory cells and released some memory fragments that he had carefully constructed before sending them to the threads of light that had invaded his brain.

Meng Chao did not directly have the dream of being chased by totem beasts, falling off a cliff, and discovering stone wall runes.

Although he had mentioned this to the Ancient Dream Saintess the other day...

If the Ancient Dream Saintess discovered that he was having this dream right after she had infiltrated his brain, it would be too much of a coincidence.

Moreover, Meng Chao understood the mentality of experts like the Ancient Dream Saintess.

She would never feel at ease if she was allowed to move around in other people’s dreams. It was impossible for her to completely let her guard down.

Therefore, Meng Chao simply sent a large amount of fragmented “material” to her and let her construct the dream with her own hands.

Only when the Ancient Dream Saintess believed that it was a dream that she had created on her own and that it was her “home ground” would she be able to completely let down her guard and reveal her true self.

The Ancient Dream Saintess was indeed fooled.

The light threads stopped in front of the mottled memory fragments and skimmed through them quickly.

These memory fragments not only contained the incident of “being chased by totem beasts, falling off a cliff, and discovering stone wall runes.”

It also contained the identity that Meng Chao had fabricated, the scene of Tree Root growing up.

This included his carefree life in the village when he was a child.

After his home was deserted, he wandered everywhere. With the help of the runes on the stone walls, he escaped from hopeless situations of certain death time and time again.

Of course, there was also the series of arduous battles after he joined the Great Horn Army, as well as his pious, valiant, and fanatical performance in the battles.

Through these memory fragments, one could perfectly simulate the growth trajectory of a rat soldier.

Of course, all the memory images were vague, vague, and even mottled. A lot of details were lost.

This was also a normal characteristic of the memory images. It would be strange if all the memories were clear after ten or twenty years.

As for the “bait” that Meng Chao threw out, the glittering stone wall rune, Meng Chao had also let it flash through his memories.

It allowed the Ancient Dream Saintess to sense its magic, but she could not see the true meaning of even a single talisman.

The Ancient Dream Saintess wanted to carefully explore the mysteries of the stone wall talisman.

She had to create a dream, and Meng Chao’s subconscious would act as a guide to enter the deepest part of his brain.

The Ancient Dream Saintess had indeed taken the bait.

Meng Chao could feel that the light threads that had infiltrated his brain were like glittering stamens. They split into dozens of threads from the tip.

Each thread gently wrapped around a memory fragment that he had created and voluntarily sent over.

Then, like building a palace, they quickly and skillfully began construction.

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