Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1139 - The Real Surprise Attack!

Chapter 1139: The Real Surprise Attack!

Furthermore, the flames coming out of the burning tree were not the usual red or green color.

Instead, they were light purple with countless scarlet and pale white spots of light.

The smoke that was spewing out also carried a pungent sour smell.

When Meng Chao smelled it, he felt as if there were two bone-scraping steel knives stabbing his brain through his nose, ruthlessly scraping against the inner wall of his skull.

The wolves in the wolf cavalry were also badly burnt and torn apart by the sudden shock wave. They were either dead or injured.

Even if they were lucky and did not injure any vital parts, they were still scared out of their wits. They had turned from ferocious beasts into frightened birds.

A strong sour smell surged into the noses of the wolves, scaring the beasts even more. They let out sharp and shrill wails.

A few war wolves’ limbs went limp, curling up on the ground and shivering.

Some war wolves even peed out of fear.

There were even a few warwolves that had completely broken down, carrying their master as they ran around in the burning forest.

In the end, they either crashed into the tree trunk, causing both themselves and their master to have their tendons and bones broken.

Or they jumped into the swamp, and as they convulsed crazily, they were completely devoured by the black mucus.

“This sour smell seems to be the smell of some high-level totem beast,”thought Meng Chao.

Although the WARWOLF was ferocious, it was definitely not the king at the top of the food chain.

In the Deep Mountains and forests of Tu Lanze, there were many natural enemies that fed on the WARWOLF.

The witch doctors of the Great Horn Army must have chosen a few materials and carefully concocted a secret medicine that simulated the smell of the WARWOLF.

Normally, such a crude secret medicine might not have much effect.

However, at this moment when the wolf was on the verge of collapse due to the shock of the explosion, they used the Flames to evaporate the secret medicine and let the sour steam invade the wolf’s nasal cavity and nerves, dealing with these beasts in one fell swoop. This was the most troublesome fighting strength.

As a result, the Wolf clan’s reinforcements were completely paralyzed.

Even if they wanted to retreat from the forest, it would become an impossible task.

The interlocking strategies, the one-hit-one-throat victory, and even the wolf elites who were best at sneak attacks had suffered a huge loss.

Meng Chao could not help but be amazed at the tactics of the commander of the Great Horn Legion.

Of course, the price of successfully implementing the explosion tactics was also extremely huge.

Not only did the new warriors who had just joined the white bone battalion almost all died in the earth-shattering explosion of the marsh gas.

Even the commander of the White Bone Battalion, Meng Chao, saw him fly high in the raging flames. While he was still in mid-air, his upper and lower body had been blown apart by the shockwave.

When his charred upper body crashed down heavily, he had already stopped breathing.

He was extremely vicious to both himself and his enemies.

This was the tactics of the Great Horn Army.

It was also the only chance for the lowly rats to defeat the high and mighty warriors of the clan.

At the periphery of the forest, dense sounds of galloping could be heard once again.

It was like Rolling Thunder, getting closer and closer.

The tremors of the earth spread to the branches and flames. Even the raging flames started to tremble.

The elites of the Wolf clan also felt a strong killing intent. It was like a flood that had broken through a dam, rolling towards them.

Before they could recover from the dizziness and pain.

The black wall made of thick smoke in front of them was smashed into pieces.

No, it wasn’t a person.

It was a wolf.

It was hundreds and thousands of wolves captured by the Great Horn Army!

These wolves were either injured on the battlefield, their limbs were damaged, and they couldn’t bear the drive of the Heavy Armored Cavalry.

Or they were cruel and unruly, unable to be tamed into the mounts of the rat soldiers by their original masters using secret techniques.

The commander of the great horn legion used them as “Waste”, turning them into divine weapons to attack the elites of the Wolf clan.

These wolves were all covered with broken pieces of cloth, unable to see the flames that made the wild beasts instinctively fear.

They even used the rags soaked in the medicinal liquid to block their nostrils, preventing them from smelling the sour stench that mimicked their natural enemy.

Sharp steel needles were pierced all over their vital parts, stimulating them to unleash their final life potential, pushing their speed to the limit.

There was even a finger-thick, shining silver spike stuck straight into each wolf’s head. The spike was engraved with profound and complicated runes, and there was a circle of weak electric arcs, just like some kind of antenna.., the warwolves were able to receive information from the void and transmit it into their brains, turning them into unconscious, fearless killing machines.

Just like that, hundreds of warwolves that had been modified charged into the battle formation of the elites of the Wolf clan, giving these dizzy warriors a new round of torrential damage.

Many of the elites of the Wolf clan barely stood up from the ground despite the severe concussion.

The WARWOLF that was bombarded like a cannonball crashed onto the ground once again.

The WARWOLF that had been modified by its flesh and blood was already in a frenzy due to the intense pain.

Sensing the warm and delicious bodies, it immediately pounced on them and opened its bloody mouth, biting viciously.

The Wolf Clan Warriors and warwolves had an extremely close symbiotic relationship.

When many of the Wolf clans were just born, their families would give them a WARWOLF that had just been born as well. They would grow together as blood-related partners.

Even if they were hunting in the wilderness and encountered a survival crisis, under the condition of exhaustion and hunger, the warriors of the werewolf clan would rarely slaughter a WARWOLF to satisfy their hunger.

A Warwolf meant more to them than just a mount.

At this moment, they saw countless wolves pouncing on them ferociously.

Even the elites of the werewolf clan, who had been through hundreds of battles, felt their minds go blank for a moment.

Even though they reacted in the next moment and retaliated mercilessly.

However, huge blood flowers were already blooming among the elites of the Wolf clan.

Several of the elites of the Wolf Clan, who had already been blasted to pieces by the explosion and were severely injured, had their bulging chests and stomachs ripped open by the sharp claws and teeth of the Mount Wolf. Their organs, which were as messy as mud, were scattered all over the ground.

When the elites of the Wolf clan hardened their hearts and killed hundreds of warwolves, a new change occurred.

One of the elites, who was covered in blood, raised his zhanmadao high above his head. With a roar, he swung his Zhanmadao at a WARWOLF that was as big as a brown bear and was charging straight at him.

The bright blade light was like a sharp electric arc and instantly chopped off the WARWOLF’s head. The headless cavity continued to charge at this elite.

The Wolf tribe elite sheathed his blade and dodged. He gathered his strength again, and his gaze was already cast onto the next wolf.

Unexpectedly, a black shadow suddenly shot out from the abdomen of this headless wolf, instantly leaping behind the back of the Wolf tribe elite. Two short blades that were like fangs, one on the left and the other on the right, emitted a demonic light, deeply piercing into the neck of the Wolf tribe elite, it was firmly stuck in the cervical vertebra!

These were the true elites of the white bone battalion!

From several years ago, they were the rat tribe warriors that had been personally refined by the ancient Dream Saintess!

They were hiding in the bellies of the hundreds of wolf tribe elites behind them!

The hair of the Wolf tribe elites was fluffy and drooping down, perfectly concealing these carefully selected and skinny white bone battalion elites.

In addition to the flames and thick smoke obstructing their vision, the bellies of the hundreds of wolf tribe elites in front of them were empty.

The elites of the Wolf clan who had temporarily lost their ability to think and their acute vigilance due to the explosion of the biogas did not expect that there was an uninvited guest hiding in the bellies of the hundreds of wolves behind them who were not afraid of death.

In an instant, hundreds of black shadows shot out from the bellies of the wolves.

Taking advantage of the moment when the elites of the Wolf clan were distracted by the wolves, they pounced on the vital parts of the enemy.

The combat style of these old soldiers of the white bone battalion was completely different from the recruits of the white bone battalion who had just been completely annihilated.

Both of them did not lack the courage to face death with equanimity.

Even if their chests and abdomens were torn apart by the claws and teeth of the elites of the Wolf tribe, they would still dare to laugh maniacally as they dug out their own intestines and strangled the enemy’s throat.

However, the recruits of the white bone battalion often had unrealistic hopes.

They imagined that they would be able to defeat the elites of the Wolf clan.

When they attacked, they would attack the fatal parts of the elites of the Wolf clan and try to avoid the sharp attacks of the elites of the Wolf clan.

The result of having such a wonderful idea was that they would lose their lives before their attacks even reached their target.

The first impression that the veterans of the White Bone Battalion gave Meng Chao was the same as the elites of the Wolf clan who had charged silently just now. They were all ‘lifeless’.

The veterans of the White Bone Battalion knew very well that even if they had spent a great deal of effort to set up a series of traps, the explosion of the biogas, the burning of the venom, and the assault of the WARWOLVES had broken the formation of the elites of the Wolf clan completely, and their combat ability had been reduced to the bottom.

There was still a gap between them and the elites of the Wolf clan who were struggling to make up for with courage and loyalty.

Therefore, the veterans of the white bone battalion did not expect to be able to kill their enemies in one strike.

Their attacks on the vital points of the elites of the Wolf clan were usually a feint.

After the elites of the Wolf clan blocked the attack, they would quickly change their moves. They did not seek for lethality, but only for the success rate. They would only slash the chest or abdomen of the elites of the Wolf clan or near their joints and bleed a little, they would be satisfied with just a slight delay in the movements of the elites of the Wolf clan.

When the elites of the Wolf clan launched a counterattack, they did not seek to dodge perfectly.

That was because no one knew better than these veterans of the white bone battalion. Even if they tried their best to dodge, they would not be able to dodge.

They might as well try their best to contract their muscles and let the enemy’s blades, claws, and teeth pierce deep into their bodies.

As long as they sealed the blood vessels around the wound, they would not instantly lose strength due to internal bleeding.

They would be able to lock down the Wolf clan elites and launch a second wave of attacks before their ruptured internal organs stopped working.

The target of the second wave of attacks was still not the vital points of the Wolf clan elites.

This was because their vital points were all firmly defended and were not so easy to pierce through.

They would rather spend their precious strength on the largest area of the Wolf Tribe’s elites, their chests, or their limbs.

Success didn’t have to depend on me. Even if I burned my life away, as long as I could break two or three fingers of the Wolf Tribe’s elites, I would be able to gain an advantage for my comrades who pounced on me.

The advantage kept on stacking up. Using the lives of three or five white bone battalion veterans to exchange for the blood-covered wounds of one of the Wolf Tribe’s elites. After that, it would be the true moment of victory!

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