Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1102 - Most Important Achievement

Chapter 1102: Most Important Achievement

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ice Storm secretly made a comparison between Meng Chao’s hair, her own, and the other rat people.

She had to admit that Meng Chao was a very perceptive guy. He was absolutely right.

Even if they could adjust their muscles and bones to mimic the posture of the ordinary rat people, they would still be able to see through their hair.

However, no matter how much dirt they smeared on their bodies or how much dust they sprinkled on their bodies, they would not be able to completely cover their oily hair.


Puzzled, ice storm said, “There are indeed quite a lot of experts in the Great Horn Army, just like the temple thieves who sneaked into black-horn city. They are all experts above the level. It’s not surprising that such a hair fell, is it?”

“So, I followed the hair and found a footprint of the enemy.”

Pointing at one of the messy footprints on the ground, Meng Chao said to ice storm, “Take a look. is the footprint light and even when it touches the ground? Does it look like it can walk on snow without leaving a Trace?

“You must know that after the bloody battles in black-horn City and the day-and-night march, the ordinary rat soldiers were so tired that their calves and stomachs were shaking. It was only through their willpower that they were able to march forward. They could not control their flesh and bones at all. The force exerted by the soles of their feet was uneven. One of them was deep, while the other was shallow. The footprints were uneven. They were even dragging the soles of their feet, leaving deep marks on the mud.

“None of these phenomena exist on the footprint that I found. If I’m not wrong, this must be the footprint left by a thief of the temple.”

“I still don’t understand.”

The ice storm said, “Since the thief of the temple had succeeded, he naturally had to retreat to the border between the territory of the Bloody Hoof clan and the territory of the Gold clan with a large group of rats. This was the last place to draw water before entering the sunken grassland, and it was also the route that the fugitives had to pass through. What’s so strange about the thief of the temple staying here and filling his water bag with water and leaving a footprint?”

“Indeed, as you said, the temple thieves mixed among a large number of rat people. It’s not surprising that they appeared here and left a footprint.”

Meng Chao said, “What’s strange is that so many temple thieves only left this footprint.”


Ice Storm did not understand what Meng Chao meant for a moment. She thought for a moment and said, “Maybe they left more footprints, but they were trampled by the later fugitives?”

“Or perhaps, they cleaned up the traces they left behind and only left behind this ‘fish that escaped the net’,”Meng Chao said.

Ice storm frowned. “There’s no need to clean up the traces they left behind, right? The Blood Hoof clan already knows of their existence. Even if they wiped away all the footprints, the Blood Hoof Warriors would not give up on chasing after them all the way to the sky-sinking Prairie!”

“What if they didn’t walk into the sunken grassland?”

Meng Chao said, “What if these temple thieves did the opposite and used everyone’s preconceived notions to walk into the war drum forest?

“Then, should they clean up their footprints before entering the forest?”

Icestorm’s eyes widened.

Then, his mouth opened.

“I know. You think that this is just my speculation, and there is no evidence to support it.”

Meng Chao said calmly, “Then, apart from this hair and half a footprint, I also smell a fragrance. The special fragrance from my tracking powder came from the depths of the war drum forest.”

Icestorm narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

“I still remember that when we encountered the temple thieves who died in battle in black-corner city, I would secretly sprinkle some tracking powder into their hair. I hoped that the surviving temple thieves would rub some tracking powder on their bodies when they moved the corpses, leaving us with precious traces.”

Meng Chao smiled and said, “Now, it seems that the unintentional intervention has been a great help

“Are you saying that the thieves of the temple have all gone to the ‘dead end’on the right?”

“Yes,”ice storm said hesitantly. “However, deep inside the war drum forest, there is a military town where elite Blood Hoof Warriors are stationed

“That is usually the case

“In the past few months, all the warriors of the clans from the entire blood hoof territory have gathered in black horn city to participate in the ‘game of the Brave’. They even have to arrange their seats and make a blood sacrifice as an alliance.

“This is a major event that concerns the immediate interests of every clan. Will the bloody hoof nobles, who are entrenched in the depths of the Forest of war drums, not send their elite soldiers to show their skills in Black Horn City?

“I reckon that the most elite forces of these clans are certainly not stationed in the depths of the Forest of war drums at the moment — the Elite Forces are all behind us!

“Moreover, hundreds of thousands or even millions of fugitives have suddenly barged into the sunken grassland, which is just a line away from the war drum forest. Will the war drum forest not deploy their elite troops to intercept them with all their might?

“After splitting up the troops again and again, I feel that the number of Blood Hoof Warriors stationed in the war drum forest must be very small.

“Not to mention that the blood hoof warriors who are in a terrible situation have to deal with a huge trouble.”

“What trouble?”

“The rat people in the forest of war drums!”

“I think that you have underestimated the seriousness of the ‘arrival of the Rat God’,”said Meng Chao.

“Do you think that turning black-corner city upside down is the greatest result of the war?

“Wrong. The greatest result of the war is not the number of rats that escaped from Black Horn City.

“But the rats that lived in every corner of Tulanze and outnumbered the warriors of the clan by dozens of times suddenly realized that the warriors of the clan were not as invincible as they had imagined. Their seemingly rock-solid rule was not unshakable.

“The Blood of glory that flowed in the bodies of the warriors of the clan was not invincible. The rat people were not born to be cowardly and lowly. Although their bodies and appearances were vastly different, who was not a body of flesh and blood with two shoulders and one head? “If one knife was not enough, one knife would be stabbed again. No one was absolutely invincible!

“The shattering and reshaping of such a concept was far more powerful and lasting than blowing up black-corner city.

“Even if Tu Lanze’s message was not delivered conveniently, the other four clans still did not know such a shocking feat.

“But the Forest of war drums, which is not far from black-corner city, must have received the news a long time ago.

“What do you think the rats living in the Forest of war drums will feel and their attitude?

“And what will the Blood Hoof Warriors, whose numbers are far from enough to control so many rats, feel and their attitude when they see the surging, unpredictable rats?”

The more ice storm thought about it, the more he felt that Meng Chao’s words made sense.

Although all the elite soldiers and generals of the Blood Hoof clan had gathered in black-corner city.

The rat subjects were not like that.

Because there were too many rat subjects. Normally, no one counted the number of rat subjects.

Neither the rulers of black-corner city nor the local towns knew how many babies the unrestrained rat subjects had given birth to in the past 50 years, nourished by the abundant mandala fruits, how many pups did these pups give birth to in just over 10 years.

The recruitment team formed by the Warriors of the clan merely combed through the territory of the Bloody Hoof clan and captured a large number of strong and strong rat people, enough to squeeze them for a while.

There were also a lot of smart rat people who either heard the news that the old warriors were “Recruiting”or heard the elders talking about what would happen when the mandala flowers bloomed.

Before the recruiting team arrived, they had already snatched all the mandala fruits near their homes and hid in the deep forests and underground caves.

How could the honorable warriors hide in the deep forests or even underground caves and play cat and mouse with the dirty and smelly rats?

The rats that stayed in their homes were enough to be exhausted for a while, so they didn’t need to worry about the hiding guys for the time being.

When their food was slowly depleted, they would eventually come out of their hiding places and approach black-corner city and the major towns to serve the Lords.

Even the rats that had been ‘recruited with honor’were not all brought to black-corner city.

Many of the rats were brought to the mines and mines that were scattered all over the territory of the bloody feet clan.

Some of the rats raised totem beasts and ordinary wild beasts that had been tamed by the warriors of the clan on the prairie.

There were also a large number of rat people who had to carefully take care of the accompanying crops of the mandala tree, trying to harvest a tiny bit of food from these accompanying plants.

Originally, when the mandala tree was full of fruits, the high-level orcs did not care about these dry, tasteless, and rarely produced accompanying crops.

However, since the mandala tree no longer bore fruit, no matter how small the grasshopper was, it was still meat. In any case, the cost of driving the rat people was close to zero. It could fool the Rat People’s stomachs and help the lords save a few mandala fruits stored in the warehouse, it was also good.

Therefore, in the territory of the Bloody Hoofs clan, there were still ten times more rat population than in black-corner city.

In the local area, the ratio between them and the bloody hoofs warriors was even greater than the ratio between the rat population and the Warriors in black-corner city.

The war drum forest was the most typical example.

It was originally the Big Granary of the Bloody Hoofs clan. In the prosperous era, it naturally gave birth to countless rat population.

Moreover, since it was called a forest, there were always places to hide no matter how sparse the trees were.

Nobody knew how many ‘legal’rat subjects who were enslaved and oppressed were living in the Forest of war drums.

Nobody knew how many ‘illegal’rat subjects who were hiding in the darkness to avoid ‘conscription’.

If the rat subjects heard about what had happened in Black Horn City and were incited by a few ’emissaries of the Rat God’..

The Blood Hoof Warriors who were stationed in the depths of the Forest of war drums were not only in a terrible situation, but they were also having a hard time protecting themselves!

“Now that you mention it, it seems that the forest of war drums is easier to break through than the desert!”

Ice Storm’s eyes brightened before they dimmed again. He frowned and said, “If that’s the case, why did the Great Horn Legion allow the fugitives to break out of the Desert?”

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