Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1096 - Round Bone Clubs Experience

Chapter 1096: Round Bone Club’s Experience

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I’ve been particularly agile since I was young, and I have innate premonitions of danger. Every time a Poisonous Rainbow Lizard tried to bite me, I would always be able to dodge in time. Even if it bit my cowhide sheath, I would still be able to untie it at the critical moment and escape the lizard’s poisonous fangs and acid. Therefore, many of my companions would either end up dead or injured while cleaning the lizard cage, but I would remain unharmed.”

Bone Club’s smile did not change as he continued. “This is both my luck and my misfortune. After discovering my uniqueness, the master arranged for me to clean the lizard cage much more often than the others.

“Besides, other people would only go in to clean the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard’s cage when it was full and sleepy. When they did so, they would ignite a pungent smoke that snakes, insects, rats, and ants hated the most, reducing the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard’s aggression as much as possible.

“Whenever it was my turn to clean, the master would deliberately not feed the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard until it had a full stomach, or he would add a lot of secret medicines into its food to increase its toxicity as well as offensive ability.

“In response, when I entered the lizard’s cage, I would be targeted by the giant lizard that was glaring at me ferociously. It was as if the giant lizard was going to eat me up, including my skin and bones.

“No matter how lucky a hunter is, he will run into totem beasts sooner or later after traveling through the forest all year round.

“I had to crawl into the lizard cage almost every day to clean up the excrement of the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard, and also the bones of the wild beasts that had been gnawed away by it. How could nothing have happened to me?

“Fortunately, I relied on my nimbleness and only received light injuries every time. I was never bitten by the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard to the point that I broke my bones, and its poison never penetrated my internal organs. I am still lucky to be alive.

“However, my body has also been corroded by the poison and acid to some extent. It’s too horrible to look at!”

As Round Bone Club spoke, he took off his soft beast skin armor, revealing his upper body.

His skin looked as if it had been torn apart by a sharp whip and burned by flames. Ugly scars were all over his body.

The skin and flesh in many places were completely necrotic, presenting a grayish-white texture that was like a rock. It was a stark contrast to the smile on his baby face.

Just one look was enough to make one’s heart skip a beat.

Many of the rat subjects had scars left behind by the clan warriors’ tortures.

They all felt the same way about Round Bone Club, and they sensed a common enemy.

“Your previous master deserves to die!” someone said.

“All the lizard warriors in the Dark Moon Clan deserve to die!”

There were also people who furiously expanded the range of their hatred.

“No, all the clan warriors deserve to die!” some people insisted.

Round Bone Club smiled and put on his soft armor again. “My previous master deserved to die, but if no one dared to fight back, he would not die on the spot for no reason!

“At that time, not only had I been too afraid to fight back, I never had the slightest thought of fighting back. I only felt that it was my life. Due to the despicable, cowardly, and unclean blood flowing in my body, I couldn’t blame anyone even if I became the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard’s food.

“Besides, the master seemed to be waiting to enjoy a wonderful and exciting show. He even made a bet with others to see how many days I could last in the lizard cage before I was completely eaten by the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard.

“Finally, the day arrived.

“I remember that it was winter, a particularly cold morning.

“Since we, the rat people, were curled up in our shacks, the wind was leaking from all sides, and we were sleeping in the cold and wet mud. Even the mandrake leaves that were spread in the mud were only a thin layer.

“After a night, I was already shivering from the cold, and my joints were stiff. Neither my eyelids nor my fingers could open flexibly.

“The first glimmer of light appeared on the horizon, and I had no choice but to crawl into the lizard cage to clean up.

“In such a terrible state, it was inevitable that I wouldn’t be able to dodge in time, and the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard pounced on me.

“I still remember that moment until today.

“I remember that giant lizard, which was almost longer than me, crawling on my body and constantly tearing my cowhide sheath.

“The incomparably tough sheath was torn to pieces by it. Even through the thick cowhide, I could feel just how sharp its claws were.

“Moreover, it kept shooting venom at my face in an attempt to blind my eyes.

“Even though I tried my best to turn my head so that the Venom wouldn’t splash into my eyes, the venom corroded the surface of the helmet and produced a sizzling sound. It stirred up a strong, pungent smell, but it made my nostrils seem to be on fire. What I inhaled into my chest was flames.

“Very soon, I felt my chest armor being torn apart by the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard’s tail, which was like a saw. Its tail was about to pierce through my chest and dig out my beating heart next. I had witnessed the tragic deaths of many of my companions, so I was very clear about its moves.

“I was extremely scared. Driven by my survival instincts, I struggled and resisted with all my might.

“Coincidentally, the previous night, the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard’s food had been a huge rhino leg.

“After it had consumed all the blood and flesh, there were still a few huge bone clubs left in the cage.

“The Poisonous Rainbow Lizard bit off a few bone clubs, creating sharp broken stubble.

“I carelessly groped for a round and sharp bone club. Then, with my eyes closed, I used all the strength in my body to stab above my head.

“By the name of the Big-horned Rat! I actually impaled the eyes of this Poisonous Rainbow Lizard, and the entire bone club sank into its head!

“This beast is still not dead. Under the stimulation of intense pain, it tore at my chest even harder.

“But I was also triggered by the intense pain and the ferocity hidden deep in my blood. No matter how the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard tore at my skin and flesh, I held the round head of the bone club tightly and didn’t let go. I even pressed my entire weight on it and spun the bone club desperately, turning the beast’s eyeballs and brain into mush.

“At that time, my entire chest was burning, and there was only one thought in my mind—even if I die, I will drag this beast down with me. I must not let it harm more of my companions.

“After an unknown period of time, the beast finally stopped moving, and I fell unconscious for a period of time.

“I thought that I was already dead. In a trance, I was reunited with my former companions and my parents, whom I had never seen before.

“However, when I woke up again under the stimulation of intense pain, I discovered that I was still lying in a messy lizard cage.

“Judging from the frozen sky and the dim sun, I was only unconscious for less than half an hour, or even in the time it took for a meal.

“Looking at the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard, whose entire head I had poked into pieces, I knew that something bad was going to happen.

“It was the master’s favorite pet. He played with it in his arms every day. He even gave it a name, Colorful Gem, just to show it off to other Dark Moon warriors during gambling games and banquets. It was said that another warrior had once offered him a hundred well-trained rat civilian servants, but the master had refused to sell it.

“The rat laborers were buried in the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard’s bloody mouth. Of course, they were unlucky.

“However, it was even more outrageous for me to fight back and kill the master’s favorite pet.

“I could almost imagine how furious the master would be once he saw the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard in such a miserable state, and what kind of miserable end I would meet.

“The incubation pond with hundreds and thousands of small lizards was specially prepared for the rebellious rat people like me who weren’t willing to die obediently.

“I’m not afraid of death.

“But I am indeed afraid of being swallowed by hundreds of finger-sized lizards in the incubation pond. In three days and three nights, or even longer, I would be completely devoured from the inside out. For the time being, I was still alive. My eyes could still move, and my brain could still perceive pain.

“Fortunately, it was still early, and the master had not woken up.

“Due to my outstanding performance, the master had gradually left the entire lizard cage in my care. There was no second person who had witnessed my fierce battle with the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard.

“I did not know where I got the strength to break open the lizard cage’s iron fence and run away.

“Before the first wisp of smoke rose in the town, I had already run into the forest outside the town.

“As expected, not long after, the town sent out pursuers.

“Although I didn’t know what the master’s expression was when he saw Colorful Gem’s corpse, judging from the number of pursuers, if they really caught up, I might as well cut my own throat and have a good time.

“However, after barely escaping the fierce battle with the Poisonous Rainbow Lizard and having my life hang by a thread, as well as feeling the reaper’s grim smile beside my ears, I didn’t want to die anymore. At least, I didn’t want to die so easily.

“I desperately escaped into the depths of the forest, breathing in the mountain air to my heart’s content, sensing the moisture of the soil and the fragrance of the plants, and so on. It was something that I couldn’t possibly taste when I was in the town and in the lizard cage.

“I thought that even if I lived for one more day... no, half a day more would be good.

“As long as I was still alive, the master would definitely fly into a rage and cry out in anger, unable to raise his head in front of his friends. At the thought of this, the originally exhausted me somehow gained a brand new strength from the pits of my bone marrow.

“It’s a pity that if I want to survive in the wilderness, I can’t just rely on my courage and strength.

“I had stayed in the town since I was young and helped the master serve his snakes, insects, rats, and ants. I had never lived in the forest for a long time, and I didn’t know how to avoid dozens of teams of pursuers in the forest and capture them all over the mountains and plains.

“I left too many traces between the grass and trees. The bloodstains that I rubbed against the rough bark of the trees were as clear as shining arrows before the sniffing bloodthirsty lizards that my master kept.

“Finally, after only escaping for one day, I was blocked by a team of pursuers in a col on that bone-chilling night.”

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