Chapter 1092: Escape!

However, the long line of people was winding around the maze-like underground passage, while the surrounding light was getting dimmer and dimmer.

The carbon dioxide exhaled by hundreds and thousands of people froze the air, like a thousand-pound boulder pressing on everyone’s heart.

Meng Chao became more and more puzzled as he walked.

It did not seem to be the way out…

He had once sneaked into the underground passage.

Based on the flow of the air, as well as the aura from the end of the underground passage and the wilderness, he could determine the general direction of the exit.

The air in the passage before them was like a rotten swamp. It was completely frozen. He couldn’t sense even the slightest ripple caused by the gentle breeze.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for a large block of blocked rocks to appear in front of them.

There was no way forward.

Other than where they came from, the other three walls were as hard as iron.

The crowd immediately panicked.

Some people could not help but cry out loud.

A few messengers of the rat god mixed in the crowd shouted, “Everyone, don’t panic. Kneel down and pray to the Rat God. As long as our faith is pious enough, the Rat God will definitely save us!”

Under their leadership, the helpless hamster people all knelt down.

Meng Chao and Bing Feng looked at each other and assumed the same posture as the hamster people.

Bing Feng, on the other hand, had a suspicious look on his face. He lowered his head and mouthed a question to Meng Chao, “What the hell? Are you sure this is the way out?”

Meng Chao’s mind raced and instantly denied the possibility that they were deliberately left to die.

This was because this team also included many strong adult rats.

Many of their hands had been stained with the blood of the Blood Hoof Warriors. Logically speaking, they were the best cannon fodder.

Moreover, there were also many rat God emissaries mixed in the crowd.

Such precious human resources should not be wasted like this.

Moreover, Meng Chao also discovered something very strange.

The team seemed to have been shortened.

They were at the back of the long team.

There should have been at least tens of thousands of people in the front.

They did not encounter many forks along the way, and there were no traces of large groups of people passing through the forks.

If this was really a dead end, where did the tens of thousands of people in front go?

“Wait, this is…”

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and adjusted the size of his pupils, stimulating his retina and the cone cells with his spiritual energy.

With the help of the dim light, he discovered that the walls and the ground of the ‘dead end’were carved with dense cuneiform characters.

As the rat militia prayed sincerely, the breathing, heartbeat, and life magnetic field of the people gradually fluctuated at the same frequency.

Their vitality seemed to have turned into a small stream and gathered into the cuneiform characters.

The cuneiform characters sparkled, and the strokes continued to extend, intertwining and entangling with each other!

Soon, hundreds of thousands of rat people’s volunteer army soldiers were enveloped by the radiance of the cuneiform characters.

The incomparably magnificent radiance seemed to have a magical penetrative power, and gradually seeped into the skin, flesh, and bones of every rat people.

The rat militia, who had been burnt by the flames of war and smoke, became translucent and translucent.

Meng Chao spread out his hands in front of him.

He found that his two palms had also become exquisitely carved works of art that looked like glass, crystals, and colorful gemstones.

Every blood vessel, every tendon, and even every nerve could be clearly seen. He was just like a “Translucent person.”.

He was not an exception.

Such wonderful changes had taken place in every rat citizen around him.

Under the guidance of the messenger of the Rat God, the rat citizens did not panic because of the wonderful changes in their bodies.

Instead, they were ecstatic to believe that the big-horned rat God had really listened to their prayers and sent a “Miracle”to save them.

This scene made Meng Chao’s eyes widen.

He was naturally no stranger to the miraculous changes that had happened to everyone.

He had tasted this kind of feeling countless times in Dragon City’s Archean ruin No. 1.

“This is…”

“A short-distance teleportation device on the planet’s surface!”!

“It can also be said to be a super large-scale ‘teleportation array’!”

Meng Chao suddenly understood.

No wonder the emissaries of the Rat God were confident that they could get thousands of rat people out of black-horn city.

Meng Chao originally thought that they were daydreaming — it was almost impossible to get hundreds of thousands of rabble who had not received professional training to do so in the dim light environment deep underground, it was almost impossible to travel dozens of miles in an orderly manner without any chaos, congestion, or even the tragedy of trampling on each other.

Moreover, even if they could escape a dozen miles away from black-corner city, they would be easily discovered by the bloody hoof army.

The centaurs of the Bloody Hoof clan were natural cavalrymen.

It was easy to catch up with the large-scale fugitives and destroy them.

The mastermind behind the temple thieves might be a lunatic.

But he was definitely not a foolhardy fool.

Since he dared to spend an astronomical amount of money to carry out such a grand plan.

He was naturally certain that he could make at least one-third to half of the rat population in black-corner city leave safely.

Meng Chao had never been able to figure out the crux of his trick.

“It seems that the guy hiding behind the Rat God has long discovered a super large-scale teleportation array buried deep underground in black-corner city.

“No, not just one. If the teleportation array was the creation of the ancient Tulan, a certain military facility wouldn’t have been built alone. Instead, there would have been several or even dozens of teleportation arrays scattered around, forming an enormous ‘underground port’that could absorb hundreds of thousands of tons of resources and thousands of troops in a short period of time.

“On the other hand, the other teleportation array must be very far away from black horn city.

“The reason is simple. If it was outside of black horn city, conventional transportation would have been enough. There was no need to build military facilities such as the short-distance teleportation system on the planet’s surface.

“The enemy’s entire plan revolved around the teleportation array.

“Yes. Of course, the sewage pipes in Black Horn City lead all the way to the outside of the city. Also, the enemy will certainly leave a lot of traces, which will mislead the blood hoof warriors into believing that most of the rats escaped to the outside of the city through the sewage pipes.

“However, it was just a feint.

“By the time the Blood Hoof Warriors wasted too much time inside and outside of the sewage pipes, the messengers of the Rat God would have long fled hundreds of kilometers away from black horn city with hundreds of thousands of rats and the trophies they stole from the Temple!”

Although they were on different sides.

Meng Chao did not necessarily appreciate the ruthlessness of the mastermind who used the lives of millions of rats as a bargaining chip.

However, he could not help but applaud the other party’s methods.

As for why the other party did not reveal the truth along the way and even pretended to pray at the last moment.

This involved a very mysterious psychological principle.

Humans would only awaken their most devout faith and believe in the existence of the Savior at the most desperate moment.

Meng Chao could guarantee that.

After such a reversal of “The last moment, the arrival of a miracle”.

All the rat people who had escaped would no longer have the slightest doubt about the existence of the big-horned rat god.

Even if the emissary of the big-horned rat God wanted them to face the blade of the totem warriors and charge straight forward, they would not blink an eye.

Soon, the light surging out from the cuneiform characters turned into a milky-white sea of light, drowning everything within Meng Chao’s vision.

The entire world began to melt.

Including his body of flesh and blood.

The teleportation array of the Tulan civilization seemed to have used a more advanced technology than the teleportation array that the dragon city civilization had just begun to develop.

Not only could it teleport more rational carbon-based intelligent life forms at once.

During the teleportation process, there were no strong dizziness, intense pain, hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and other adverse reactions.

Soon, the Sea of light that flooded Meng Chao’s eyes dissipated like a receding tide.

When his vision became clear again, the world around him had changed.

It was no longer the cramped and dilapidated walls, the burning city, the pungent smell of blood, and the rising and falling sounds of killing.

Instead, it was a field close to a dense forest. The blue sky and White Clouds, the gentle breeze, and the fragrance of the grass made people feel relaxed and happy. They almost forgot the exhaustion, pain, and fear from a moment ago.

On the distant horizon, black-corner city had become an insignificant black dot.

Judging from the thickness of the smoke column that shot up into the sky above the Black Dot, this place was at least 30 to 50 miles away from black-corner city.

Meng Chao looked around.

The rat subjects who had been teleported with him were staring at the world that had suddenly opened up in a daze. They could not believe that they had escaped.

When they finally realized that the man-eating demon cave named ‘Black-corner City’had been thrown to the back of their minds, many of them could not help but burst into tears. They kneeled down and kissed the cuneiform characters carved on the teleportation array, they thanked the ‘miracle’of the rat god that had descended on them.

“We are saved!”

“The Rat God has really saved us!”

“Praise the ancestral spirits. They are the ancestral spirits of the rat people!”

They were so happy that they wept. They danced and fell into madness.

Even the ice storm was stunned.

She was not as ignorant as the ordinary rat people. She believed that what had just happened was really a ‘miracle’.

However, it was also the first time that she had tasted the taste of ‘short-distance teleportation on the surface of a planet’. Unlike Meng Chao, who was already an experienced driver, she had never experienced such a thing before.

Right now, the ice storm was still immersed in the wonderful taste of a hundred miles in an instant. It stared at black-corner city for a long time before it spoke in a voice that only Meng Chao could hear, “I thought that only the few ‘Towers of Light’and ‘Towers of magic’in the land of Holy Light had the technology to transform the flesh and blood of the devout believers into light beams and teleport them to the other side in an instant.

“I didn’t expect to see a similar device in Turan ZE.

“Reaper, you are right. The ancient Turan people did indeed have an incredibly splendid civilization. The advanced orcs of today are far inferior to their ancestors!”

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