Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1077 - Commanding Heights

Chapter 1077: Commanding Heights

Before the hooded rat elites entered Blood Skull Temple and found out the truth, Meng Chao and Ice Storm silently left the Blood Skull Arena like two shadowless ghosts.

At that moment, Black-corner City was still in chaos.

Groups of rat people were everywhere. Led by the hooded rats, they attacked the granaries and armories that had been destroyed by the explosions.

First, they used the lives of hundreds of rat slaves to exhaust the strength of the clan warriors and the sharpness of their weapons.

The hooded rat elites appeared in the darkness at the most critical moment, giving the exhausted clan warriors a fatal blow.

When they encountered really hard bones, they would blow them up from underground.

With this method, dozens of arenas and the granaries and armories of the major clans were broken through, swept up, and devoured by the Rat Tide.

The mandala fruits that were looted from the rat village by the conscription teams, as well as the weapons that were refined by the rat slave workers after they had squeezed out their blood and flesh, returned to the embrace of their true masters.

After eating the mandala fruits, the rat soldiers who were fully armed and had their faces smeared with the mud-like corpses of the clan warriors, and the fresh blood that they had wiped off, were gradually trained into a decent rebel army.

However, the true challenge for the rat rebel army had only just begun.

In the wilderness tens of miles away from Black-corner City, the various battle groups of the Blood Hoof Clan that were carrying out actual combat exercises had finally regained their organization and order.

The Blood Hoof powerhouses, high-level priests, and chiefs, who had been badly battered, had also discussed the strategy of returning to defend Black-corner City and suppressing the rat rebel army.

The furious Blood Hoof Legion marched toward Black-corner City, which was just a few feet away, at lightning speed.

The biggest difference between a newly-formed and inexperienced rebel army and the iron-blooded soldiers who had been through hundreds of battles was that they could be let go, but they could not be let go.

Under the stimulation of their passion and fanatical faith, it was possible for the newly-armed rat militia to charge toward the enemy without fear of death or even to be completely annihilated.

But now, the brains of many rebel army of the rat people were burning hot with the series of “victories” and the spoils of war.

They were so overjoyed that they forgot that their most important goal was to escape Black-corner City.

They had infiltrated their inner circle three to five months ago, the hooded rat elites, the messengers who had instilled in them that the Rat God would come, that all the rat people would be saved, and that they would establish their own glorious clan, had also mysteriously disappeared.

As a result, although the morale of the rat people’s rebel army, which had seized a large number of armories and granaries, was extremely high, their ability to organize had been greatly weakened, and they had become a ragtag group armed to the teeth.

Before many of the rat militia rose up, they were trapped in front of the forge and iron felt in the foundry.

They had seen the clan warriors’ most incisive methods, which were nothing more than whips wrapped with thorns in the hands of supervisors.

They were not like the rat militia in the arena, who had a very clear understanding of the clan warriors’ combat strength.

After relying on the surprise attack of the hooded elites to kill the third-rate clan warriors guarding the granary and the arsenal, many of the rebels even had the idea that, “The clan warriors are just so-so. With the swords, armor, and shields in the arsenal and the burning ruins, they can collide with the Blood Hoof Battle Group for a while.”

Of course, even if they wanted to escape Black-corner City at this time, it would not be so easy.

Although they had long been led by the Rat God’s emissaries to find, dig, and re-connect a large number of secret passageways left over from thousands of years ago in below Black-corner City, they could directly escape outside.

However, it was not easy to find these passageways in an environment where the entire city was ablaze with fire, smoke, and war.

Moreover, there were millions of rat people living in the entire Black-corner City.

All of them swarmed forward and soon, the secret escape route was completely packed.

If they wanted to let most of the rats escape Black-corner City, they needed time.

Time was more precious than golden fruits and the flesh of totem beasts.

In such a chaotic environment, Meng Chao and Ice Storm took back their totem armors and smeared a large amount of black mud on their faces and bodies. They also put on a few ragged rags, they disguised themselves as ordinary rat people.

After passing through the waves of rats who had red eyes, excited faces, and were shouting hysterically but meaninglessly, they found a high point nearby.

This was a large water tower.

It was also a construction miracle left behind by the ancient Turan people.

The clean water stored inside could meet the daily consumption of thousands of clan warriors.

As a result, the outer wall of the water tower was as hard as iron. Even in the harsh environment of the explosion in the city, it was not destroyed. Only a few cracks were created, and there was only a slight leakage.

From this water tower, one could overlook the gathering of Clan Warriors and the panoramic view of the noble areas in the deep mansions and courtyards.

Meng Chao activated his extraordinary vision and indeed saw a few figures draped in gray linen on top of the water tower. They were almost integrated with the environment.

Those should be the scouts of the rat militia.

They did not move for a full three minutes, and seemed to blend into the environment.

If Meng Chao had not condensed his psionic power onto his retina and cone cells, and had rich experience in stealth and hibernation, it would have been extremely difficult to discover their existence.

With such tactical literacy, it was impossible for them to be ordinary rat civilians, but the elite rat civilians that had been meticulously created by the mastermind for several years.

Meng Chao gestured to Ice Storm, signaling her to go up and finish them off.

Ice Storm also gestured back, indicating that these people were looking down from above. There were no blind spots in their field of vision. It was easy to finish them off, but it would be very difficult if they did not make any movements, making it impossible for them to send out even half a message.

Since they were elites, they must have something like signal fireworks on them. As long as they twisted, spun, and pulled lightly, their accomplices would notice.

Meng Chao agreed with Ice Storm’s judgment.

He quickly scanned the battlefield environment. All Kinds of information turned into complex data in his mind. The data, including wind direction and wind speed, instantly condensed into a simple and effective battle plan.

Meng Chao bent over like a giant gecko, swimming silently among the broken walls.

Soon, he sneaked to the southwest of the water tower, behind a burning house.

The house had been burned to crisp.

The beams and columns inside were cracking.

Meng Chao circled to the back of the house, calculated the angle, and stomped heavily, causing the house to collapse.

The fire immediately spread in all directions with the rolling beams and columns, igniting more houses nearby.

The smoke immediately spread out, several times denser than before. It also drifted toward the water tower under the push of the southeast wind.

Just as the smoke blocked the sight of the sentry on top of the water tower.

Meng Chao and the Ice Storm turned into two arrows that left the bow, flying wildly between the broken walls, their feet not touching the dust.

When the smoke dispersed, the two of them had already arrived under the water tower, stuck close to the high wall, and were in the blind spot of the Sentry’s sight.

Meng Chao closed his eyes and adjusted the sensitivity of his cochlea and eardrum to the highest level.

Immediately, they heard clear heartbeats, the sound of lungs contracting, the sound of blood flowing, and the sound of bowel movement coming from the water tower.

There were three sentry soldiers on top of the tower.

By the standards of the mouse people, their combat strength was considered quite formidable.

But in Meng Chao and Ice Storm’s eyes, it was nothing.

The two looked at each other. Without even making a plan, they jumped up at the same time.

When they instantly climbed to the height of dozens of arms and jumped onto the water tower, the three sentries were still curled up in the gray linen cloth, concentrating on observing the battle situation around them.

They did not realize that they were already three pieces of meat on the chopping board.

It was not until Meng Chao grabbed one of the sentry’s ankles and shook him hard, causing his joints to scatter and he was in so much pain that he could not move, that the other two sentry realized that things were not looking good.

One of the Sentry had just jumped up, and he had only pulled out half of the saber at his waist when he was smashed to the ground by the huge ice block formed by the condensation of water vapor formed by Ice Storm.

At this moment, in Black-corner City, blood was steaming from the raging flames, causing the smoke to faintly turn scarlet red, and it was filled with a viscous and moist texture.

The ice formed by Ice Storm was also like a red crystal. It completely swallowed the sentry and froze him in the ice.

The third sentry was scared out of his wits.

He made a prompt decision and gave up drawing his knife. Instead, he took out a thin and long metal tube from his pocket.

It should be something like signal fireworks.

However, before he could break the pull ring at the bottom of the metal tube.

The dozens of crushed stones that shot out from Meng Chao’s fingertips hit dozens of joints and numbness tendons around his body at the same time, making his ten fingers feel as if they were struck by lightning.

Ice Storm also managed to unleash a layer of icy fog in time, freezing his hands firmly, as though he had been thrown into a pair of ice crystal shackles.

Finally, the sentry collapsed to the ground.

Meng Chao pounced forward and held this guy’s jaw tightly, not letting him make a sound as a warning.

At the same time, he released a strand of killing intent and asked in a deep voice, “Who exactly are you people? Who is your leader?”

Unexpectedly, the sentry was not affected by his killing intent at all.

Instead, it was activated by his killing intent in a certain area of his brain.

His eyes immediately turned red, and his expression was both fervent and ferocious.

“The Big-horned Rat God has already descended. The blood of tens of millions of rat people has long drowned the entire Picturesque Orchid Lake. The incomparably glorious Big Horn Clan will definitely rise in the torrential sea of blood!”

He was obviously stuck in Meng Chao’s jaw, but he still struggled and squeezed out these words through the gaps of his teeth.

Meng Chao frowned slightly and backhanded chopped at the neck of the elite rat people, knocking him unconscious.

“The mouths of these diehard elements aren’t so easy to pry open. Moreover, I reckon that they are only chess pieces and tools, and don’t know the real secrets. They even think that the one they believe in and serve is really some Big-horned Rat God!” Meng Chao said to Ice Storm.

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