Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1065 - Meng Chao’s Invitation

Chapter 1065: Meng Chao’s Invitation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

His faith was like an unstoppable golden sword.

It shattered the brutal world that was formed from countless battle data.

When the massive amount of data fragments turned into crystal clear blood-red butterflies that danced, they resembled blossoming flowers that merged into the core of Meng Chao’s brain.

Meng Chao’s consciousness returned to the real world, inside his own body.

His five senses were connected again. The first things he noticed were his taller figure and better eyesight.

Looking down, he found the totem armor that had earlier attached itself to the legendary gladiator, 249’s body. It was comparable to a black fortress, with magma flowing between the gaps of the armor. It had now wrapped itself around his body obediently.

A moment ago, the magma that was enough to cook his internal organs, as well as burn his bones and flesh into ashes, had turned into streams of warm current that nourished the thirty-six thousand pores on his body. He felt cozy all over as if he was soaking in a hot spring, and he could not help but moan in satisfaction.

As for the pair of fierce, unparalleled flame war hammers, the Skull Crushers, they were bound by chains to his arms and connected to his bloodline. Spirit waves that represented “submission” were vaguely transmitted to him.

Meng Chao knew that the Skull Crushers’ submission was only temporary.

If he was defeated by an even stronger enemy, he would lose the possibility of training and fighting again.

The Skull Crushers would abandon him without any hesitation.

Just like how they abandoned 249.

Nonetheless, Meng Chao was still very satisfied.

“I won’t fail, at least not before I destroy the apocalypse!” he said to the Skull Crushers and also?to himself.

The Skull Crushers seemed to sense his determination. The mysterious and complicated cuneiform characters carved on the hammers’ surface of kept flashing with a red glow, like a dancing flame.

It made the brand new totem armor even more powerful and domineering.

Meng Chao could read shock and fear on Ice Storm’s face.

He knew how powerful and terrifying his current state was.

He gestured to the other party, indicating for Ice Storm to be patient.

He pried open the thick protective mask under the helmet and projected a clear and determined gaze as he spoke in a deep voice. “Don’t worry, I know who I am. I’m fine.”

His eyes still emitted a rational light, which shocked Ice Storm even more.

“You... You’re fine?”

Ice Storm blinked forcefully. She swept her gaze between Meng Chao’s calm expression, the ferocious totem battle armor, and the even more ferocious flame battle hammers, the Skull Crushers. She could not hide her amazement. “You actually subdued the Skull Crushers. How is this possible?”

“I have a guess. Actually, the totem armor doesn’t necessarily have to turn its master into an Origin Warrior,” Meng Chao said.

“Let’s assume that the totem armor’s purpose is to gather more battle data and continuously evolve into a true ‘ultimate individual weapon.’ If its master becomes a crazed killer, it will not be of much benefit to the totem armor.”

“Of course, the Origin Warrior is very powerful, but because of his lack of rationality and wisdom, it is difficult for him to plan out an effective battle, let alone retreat from battle and map out the next battle.

“In other words, the Origin Warrior is a one-time consumable and lacks the ability to fight for a long time.

“It is also possible that he will be captured and sealed, hence he will not be able to fight for decades or even centuries.

“If the totem armor does possess a certain level of intelligence, is there anything more terrifying to it than not being able to update its battle data for hundreds of years?

“It’s a pity that the civilization of the advanced orcs is slowly declining. Well, the word ‘slowly’ is quite polite. To be more precise, it is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye, like an avalanche. As such, many advanced orcs have lost the correct way to unlock their totem armor. They don’t even know why they are fighting or what the meaning of killing is.

“A battle is always a means rather than an end. It is impossible to understand this point. The advanced orcs who are lost in the whirlpool of slaughter and unable to extricate themselves instantly obtain the terrifying power contained in the totem armor. It is like a three-year-old child who has received an explosive barrel that is about to explode at any moment. It has become a deformed and twisted puppet. It has even been blown to pieces. What is so strange about that?

“However, I am different from an advanced orc.

“I will never forget the meaning of my battle. I will never forget why I’ve come all the way here on this journey filled with thorns and flames.

“That’s probably the biggest reason why I was able to subdue the Skull Crushers.

“It’s not just me. I feel that you’re different from the other advanced orcs as well. Lady Ice Storm, if I’m not wrong, there should be a second power in your body that is constantly suppressing the killing intent that comes from your beastly nature. That’s why you were able to absorb a large number of totem armor fragments in such a short period of time without losing yourself.”

Meng Chao’s eyes were bright as he looked at Ice Storm.

When he was fighting with 249 just now, he noticed something in the huge icicle that Ice Storm had released. There seemed to be an incomparably dazzling light besides her totem power.

After holding the Skull Crushers, his perception had increased greatly, and he could accurately distinguish the difference between the light and totem power.

While Meng Chao did not like to meddle in other people’s business, he felt that only by understanding the source of Ice Storm’s power could he help her better and gain benefits from Blood Skull Temple.

Ice Storm hesitated for a moment.

Perhaps the destruction of her tail’s disguise had caused her to have the mentality of a broken jar, or...

Perhaps Meng Chao’s performance earlier had completely conquered her, making her feel that there was nothing worth hiding in front of this black-haired, black-eyed monster. It was also useless to hide.

She made up her mind and generously said, “That’s right. My mother is a Holy Light human, and she’s also a witch who is wanted by the entire land of Holy Light. Long before I was born, she was engaged in research that involved stealing the power of Holy Light. I don’t know if it’s because of her mysterious research that I was born with the dual power of totems and Holy Light.

“Every time my blood boils due to the desire to kill, the power of the Holy Light keeps me awake.

“Maybe that’s why I can withstand the totem power’s backlash better than other advanced orc, or even Casanova Bloodhoof, whose combat strength is above mine.”

After Ice Storm explained, she stared at Meng Chao nervously.

She was afraid that she would see a look of disgust on his face.

After all, the hybrids of the Holy Light humans and advanced orcs were full on “b*stards.” Wherever she went, she would be bullied, despised, and even hunted down by others.

However, she only saw an epiphany on Meng Chao’s face.

“I see. Then all of this makes sense. You were never willing to join the Blood Hoof Clan. You were willing to give up the honor and bright future of a clan warrior to escape Black-corner City. Moreover, you were willing to cooperate with a black-haired, black-eyed monster like me!”

Meng Chao grinned. “So, we’re all monsters!”

Meng Chao, who came from Earth, would naturally not discriminate against a mixed-blood who had fused the power of Holy Light and the power of totems.

He would not be like the ignorant berserkers and night watchers, who regarded such a mixed-blood as an “inauspicious and unclean” symbol either.

In Meng Chao’s eyes, or the entire Dragon City civilization’s eyes, power was power. There was no distinction between good and evil, and there was no distinction between “divine power” and “magical power.”

Those beings known as gods and demons were nothing more than higher-level intelligent life forms or remnants of intelligent life forms.

The communication and integration of power systems was a matter of course.

If it could not be integrated at the moment, it was only because of insufficient technology and research. there was no power system that could not be “absolutely” integrated.

In his previous life, the people of Dragon City had also attempted to fuse the power of Holy Light into Dragon City’s own spirit cultivation system after witnessing the power of Holy Light Magic.

However, due to the great loss of vitality in the Monster War, many scientists and supreme champions were assassinated by Supernatural Entities. In return, their scientific research abilities plummeted.

In addition, the war between worlds was in full swing, and most of their resources were invested in the war before them instead of long-term basic scientific research.

In his previous life, the Dragon City civilization had not made much progress in the research field of Holy Light Magic.

But now, they had an Ice Storm.

Looking at the snow leopard warrior’s Holy Light human bloodline, Meng Chao’s eyes suddenly become both friendly but also particularly seering.

Ice Storm was taken aback by Meng Chao’s eyes.

To this day, she still remembered when she was still in the land of the Holy Light, hunted by the ascetics and the night’s watchers. She would occasionally be exposed to passers-by, who treated her how they would treat those with half the blood of advanced orcs flowing in their body.

She also remembered the greedy look in Casanova Bloodhoof’s eyes when he discovered her identity.

However, she had never met someone like Meng Chao, who did not care about her race and bloodline at all.

She could see from Meng Chao’s eyes that he did not care even if she had three or five types of power, let alone the power of Holy Light and totem power.

“What kind of strange place could produce such a strange guy?” Ice Storm could not help but ask herself this question.

Meng Chao guessed her thoughts.

“Don’t worry, I know that in history’s greatest glorious era, the curtain has already been pulled open. With the Holy Light and totem power on your shoulders, your identity is indeed a sensitive subject. Many races in many places probably don’t welcome you.”

Meng Chao smiled. “Even so, I don’t care. My clansmen won’t mind such trivial matters. After you have settled your affairs at Picturesque Orchid Lake, I welcome you to my hometown as a guest or even to settle down. Believe me, it’s a more beautiful place than Black-corner City and Red-gold City.. You will definitely like it there, and the people there will definitely like you.”

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