Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1035 - Not a Spy? Then, What?

Chapter 1035: Not a Spy? Then, What?

In the ancient times when the Turan ancestors created glory, in order to make their blood descendants forever powerful and filled with courage, the ancestral spirits activated supreme wisdom and poured totem power into the monster’s body. The fiercest monsters wandering in Picturesque Orchid Lake were all modified into totem beasts.

The biggest difference between monsters and ordinary beasts was that monsters often had the characteristics of many kinds of beasts. They also had the “characteristics” given by the ancestral spirits, which allowed them to activate all kinds of skills in battle.

The more terrifying thing about a totem beast was that its body contained a huge amount of totem power. It could overflow from its skin and form an exoskeleton that covered its entire body.

This exoskeleton that emitted a metallic luster was made from the same raw materials as totem armor.

In fact, the totem armor of most clan warriors was created by hunting totem beasts, harvesting their exoskeletons and controlling their cores.

Among the totem beasts, the Tusk Growler[1] was both brutal and cunning. It was quite difficult to deal with.

This beast had lightning-fast speed and hunting skills that were not inferior to that of the advanced orcs. It also had at least three characteristics that allowed it to launch attacks that could not be seen by the naked eye.

Countless clan warriors and totem hunters had been pierced through by its tusks that protruded out, much like those that belonged to saber-toothed tigers.

Judging from the size of the beast on the opposite side, as well as the range and thickness of the armor covering its body, it was a Tusk Growler that had entered its prime and reached the peak of its combat ability. If it were in the deep mountains and jungle, it would definitely be able to kill a team powerhouse easily!

There was still a hint of grogginess in Ice storm’s brain.

However, it was immediately shocked into nothingness by the strong killing intent that the Tusk Growler emitted.

She looked past the Tusk Growler to the corner of the prison cell, where the iron fence was engraved with cuneiform characters.

Just now, it was this iron fence that was dragged by a chain that was as thick as an arm. It was slowly lifted up, and after that, the Tusk Growler, which had been deep in the tunnel behind the iron fence, was let in.

It was also the loud clang that came from the iron fence’s heavy fall that woke Ice Storm up.

So, someone had deliberately sealed her totem power and locked her with a Tusk Growler?

Ice Storm’s fangs were deeply embedded in her lips.

If she could awaken her totem armor and activate her totem combat skills, the Tusk Growler would be a delicious meal and a toy for her to play with before that.

However, when her totem power was completely sealed and she could only rely on the power of flesh and blood to fight, she ended up playing the role of “toy and food.”

Fortunately, the Tusk Growler was a very cautious and cunning totem beast.

Although it had locked onto Ice Storm, it was not in a hurry to attack. Instead, it slowly sniffed the air and observed its prey closely.

After all, Ice Storm’s body was still surrounded by the strong battle aura of defeating countless powerful opponents.

Her battle aura prevented the Tusk Growler form acting rashly. It only circled Ice Storm slowly.

The hungry fierce glint in its eyes became more and more intense.

Many thoughts flashed through Ice Storm’s mind. In an instant, she realized who the mastermind behind the trap was.

“Casanova, are you crazy?”

She cried out, partially shocked and partially angry. “What are you trying to do? You don’t have the right to treat me like this—I’m not a member of the Blood Hoof Clan, and I’m not your vassal! I’m a free gladiator. Even if I join the Blood Skull Battle Group, I’m still a mercenary!

“I’ve fulfilled all the obligations of a free gladiator and a mercenary. Plus, I’ve even completed more missions than I should have!

“In the past two years, I’ve gone all out in the arena. In the game of the brave, I’ve even helped you and the Blood Hoof Clan defeat countless competitors!

“Yet now, you’re treating me like this. Aren’t you afraid that you’ll be mocked by all the warriors in Black-corner City if word gets out? Aren’t you afraid of not convincing me with your charm and strength but using such a dirty trick to frame me, tarnishing the Blood Hoof Clan’s glory? Aren’t you a coward and a scoundrel?”

As she had expected, Casanova’s deep laughter came from the four ventilation tubes in the four corners of the dungeon as soon as she finished speaking.

“Don’t misunderstand me, Ice Storm. How can I be a scoundrel who wants to destroy you because I can’t have you?”

Casanova slowly said, “I’m very grateful for everything you’ve done for the Blood Skull Arena and me in the past two years.

“Although I hope to completely subdue you, fuse our bloodlines together, and fight side by side forever, I will not stop you if you insist on embarking on your own journey. I will only give you my sincere blessings.

“After all, like you said, as a free gladiator, your performance in the past two years has been brilliant and impeccable. If I were to attack you rashly, not only in Black-corner City, but the clan warriors in all of Picturesque Orchid Lake would despise my character.

“However, Ice Storm, you really shouldn’t have helped the Gold Clan by sneaking into Black-corner City, stirring up trouble, and even ambushing the Blood Hoof clan warriors in an attempt to stir up internal strife within the clan. Such despicable and shameless methods are really not the style of Turan warriors. Whoever does so would be giving up all their dignity and honor. Naturally, they can’t blame anyone else for using any means to deal with them, don’t you think so?”


Ice Storm was dumbfounded. She was stunned for a while before she shouted, “I’m not a spy from Red-gold City! Isn’t it rumored that the Night Demon who attacked the Blood Hoof warriors is a lion man powerhouse from Red-gold City?”

“That’s right. The Night Demon himself should be a lion man powerhouse, but he must have an accomplice. Otherwise, how could he be so familiar with Black-corner City’s terrain and the distribution of every street and alley?”

Casanova calmly said, “For an expert like him to be able to kill dozens of Blood Hoof warriors without making a sound, he should be someone well-known even in the Gold Clan, where there are countless experts. It’d be impossible for him to leave Red-gold City for a long time and come to Black-corner City secretly.

“Therefore, he must have an accomplice who sneaked into Black-corner City a few years ago to carry out reconnaissance and various preparations. Once he arrived, the accomplice would act as his “guide.”

“Isn’t the accomplice you, Ice Storm?” Casanova asked curiously

“Casanova, I don’t know what you’re talking about at all!” Ice Storm replied indifferently

Icy Storm’s face instantly turned ghastly pale. As she observed the Tusk Growler’s actions, she tried her best to refute Casanova’s claims. “I’m not a spy from Red-gold City. I hate the Gold Clan more than you do, more than anyone in the Blood Hoof Clan!”

“I really want to believe you, Ice Storm.”

Casanova sighed and said, “However, if you’re not a spy, I really can’t understand why you’re not willing to accept my blood donation and join the Blood Hoof Clan.

“I’ve never mistreated you in any way. I’ve given you more preferential treatment than the other trump cards, and I’ve never interfered with your freedom. I’ve never asked about your past or asked you to carry out those difficult tasks.

“As the strongest of the Blood Hoof family, there have been many War Chiefs in the history of our Blood Hoof Clan. They’ve launched great wars that could make all the creatures in the land of Holy Light tremble in fear, leaving behind countless brilliant heroic epics.

“I think that joining such a clan will not bury your strength, right?

“So, why? You just don’t want to?”

To be fair, Casanova’s doubts were reasonable.

If it had been a “normal” deserter of the Gold Clan, joining the strongest clan in the Blood Hoof family would be the best choice.

After all, even many of the elite soldiers, who had just joined the Blood Skull Legion, did not receive Casanova’s blood.

They had to fight valiantly on the battlefield, achieve meritorious deeds, and even suffer serious injuries. They had to use medals of valor to prove their strength. Only then would they be qualified to have the surname “Bloodhoof” attached to their names.

Yet, Ice Storm abandoned the glory that was yearned by countless people.

No wonder Casanova was so angry that he made such a move.

Despite that, Ice Storm’s reason could not be revealed to Casanova or anyone else.

“I’m not a spy.” She could only grit her teeth and insist.

“Well, actually, I also believe that you’re not a spy.”

Casanova agreed with her unconvincing rebuttal.

The supreme commander of the Blood Skull Battle Group changed the subject and meaningfully said, “The more interesting question is, if you’re not a spy of the Gold Clan, then who are you exactly?

“To be more precise, the ace gladiator who has lurked in my arena for two years and performed almost perfectly is… what?”

His words made Ice Storm’s face change drastically.

Before she could explain herself again, an ear-piercing shriek came from the ventilation tubes in the four corners of the dungeon.

The Shriek was beyond the limits of human ears.

It even stimulated the aggressiveness of the Tusk Growler and tore its caution to shreds. The red glow in the depths of its eyes intensified. The tips of its tusks, which were as sharp as daggers, were wreathed in circles of red glow. Deep inside its throat, it was swallowing with an ominous sound.

Without waiting for the ice storm to speak again…

The Tusk Growler dashed toward her.

The ferocious totem beast bent its limbs and flicked them. The runes on its exoskeleton, which seemed to be natural patterns, flickered with dazzling brilliance. In an instant, it slashed toward the head of the ice storm like a saber that was as fast as lightning.

Ice Storm was unable to use her totem power.

And her body of flesh and blood was also numbed by more than ten barrels of strong alcohol.

The speed of her muscles contracting could not keep up with the speed of her brain giving orders.

She tried her best to dodge to the left, but she still felt a sharp pain on her right shoulder. The sudden teeth roar tore a wound so deep that one could see the bones.

The white and flowery periosteum was exposed in the air. The sharp pain was like a needle piercing, reminding ice storm that death was so clear and close. If she was slightly careless, she would die here before facing her fate.

“Ca… Casanova, what do you want?”

The ice storm covered the bleeding wound on her shoulder and gritted her teeth, “If you want to kill me, then do it yourself. Why do you need to borrow the claws of the totem beast? Don’t you even have the courage to fight me fair and square?”

[1] Previously named Tusk Roar

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