Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1029 - Casanova’s Shock

Chapter 1029: Casanova’s Shock

“F*ck the Big-horned Rat God, f*ck the Night Demon Emissary, F*ck the descent and revelation. Are the pigs of the Ironhide Clan all idiots? They even believe such stupid nonsense!”

At the same time, in the Blood Hoof Clan’s temple, the strongest person among the younger generation of the clan, the master of the Blood Skull Arena, the new highest commander of the Blood Skull Battle Group, Casanova Bloodhoof, looked at the seven mutilated corpses with a gloomy face.

They were all the corpses of the elite warriors from the Blood Hoof Clan.

Yesterday, they were all fierce and awe-inspiring, but today, they had become lumps of rotten meat with missing arms and legs.

One of the corpses even had the horn on its head cut off.

For the Minotaurs, this was a great humiliation that was even more unbearable than death.

However, this was not done by the emissary of the Rat God, who was known as the “Night Demon”and had recently caused a huge ruckus in black-corner city.

Instead, it was done by the leader of the wild boar people, the “Masterpiece”of the Ironhide clan.

“The Ironhide clan has really gone mad. Do they want to wage an all-out war against the Bloodhoof Clan?”

Casavar kept rubbing the bridge of his nose. He felt that the situation was a little tricky.

Although he has had all the city, “Sava”all defeated, forcing them to change their names, thus winning the name “Kaka kaka kaka kaka sava”feat.

But even he had a headache in the face of the boar-man, whose brain was smaller than a fist and whose temper was more violent than a powder keg.

“Damn ‘Night Devil Emissary’. It was a ‘game of bravery’, but this bastard made it into such a state. The entire Bloodhoof clan, hundreds of clans, and all the ancestral spirits of the settlements were insulted!”

Kasavar gnashed his teeth and muttered to himself, “Don’t let me catch you. Otherwise, I will make you taste a taste a hundred times more painful than death. I will skin you naked, tear your flesh, and turn you into a clean skeleton. Even if the skeleton is turned into a skeleton soldier by the lich, the skeleton soldier will still tremble in fear when it sees me!”

Casanova had reason to be depressed.

Originally, the game of the Bravehearts was a huge clan. Since the communication conditions were backward and the members of the clan weren’t familiar with each other, it allowed everyone to quickly get to know each other, arrange their seats, and find their vassals, generals, and allies, the best way to gather a battle team into a battle gang, a battle gang into a battle group, and a battle group into a legion.

Although there would be a lot of casualties in the previous games of the Bravehearts, the casualties weren’t the goal. The goal was to let the entire Bloody Hoof clan get familiar with and unite as soon as possible.

In a sense, the game of the Bravehearts was a large-scale, ritualistic ‘meeting of friends with martial arts’.

Of course, the high-level orcs and the holy light humans had a big difference in their understanding of the concepts of ‘martial arts’and ‘friends’. A certain degree of casualty rate was completely acceptable and even encouraged.

However, there was a limit to everything.

Just like now, the wild boar warriors of the Ironhide clan had killed seven elites of the Bloody Hoof clan in just one day.

This was far beyond the standard of a ‘game’. It was not for the sake of unity and cohesion, but simply to vent their anger, demonstrate, and settle personal grudges.

The Ironhide clan said that someone from the Bloody Hoof clan did not follow the rules and did not care about morality. They even tarnished the common ancestral spirit of the Bloody Hoof clan.

They accused the bloody feet clan of having hired an expert to pretend to be the emissary of the Big Horn Rat God and secretly ambushed an elder of the iron sheet clan.

Not only did they strip the elder of his totem armor that was thousands of years old.

They also left an extremely humiliating mark on the elder’s forehead, which symbolized the stinky rat.

The proof was that the elder had ripped off the bloody feet clan’s battle emblem from the Elder’s body when he was resisting.

“Even if the torrential water of the Tulan River is poured out, it will still not be able to wash away the humiliation that the iron sheet clan has suffered!”

The wild boar warriors waved the battle emblem and said furiously, “The greatest humiliation that we have never suffered in the past thousand years can only be washed away with the last drop of the enemy’s blood!”

To be fair, Casava partially agreed with the iron sheet clan’s judgment.

The so-called “Night Demon”, the emissary of the Rat God who had been causing a lot of trouble recently, was not a rat citizen at all.

Instead, it was an elite warrior of the clan whose strength was unfathomable.

The reason was very simple.

How could a lowly rat citizen have such formidable strength and cause a storm in the city? The people were in a Panic!

Casava had long heard the rumor that the rat god was about to descend and save the entire rat population.

But he did not take it to heart.

He thought that the rat people were just cowards who had been inspired by the fear of death in the face of the upcoming glorious war.

Even if they were slaughtering pigs and sheep, the pigs and sheep would hum a few times before they died.

From the experience of the previous glorious wars, it was quite normal for 70 to 80 percent of the rat people to die.

So much so that there was a half-joking, half-serious, heroic saying among the clan warriors, “Before the last rat population dies, the Tulan people will never withdraw their troops!”

Realizing that they were doomed to die, there was nothing wrong for the rat population to be willing to daydream and even howl a few times.

Kashava felt that he was a very magnanimous master and would never care about the trivial matters of the rat population.

But this rumor was different from the disturbance that the rat people would have before the previous War of Glory.

This rumor was especially true.

Moreover, it rose from a pale and powerless language to a level of action.

Not only did a large number of strange and twisted runes appear overnight in black horn city, it was said that they represented the will of the Rat God.

There were also people who dared to poison the Honorable Samurai Lord’s wine and set fire to the strategic resources that the Samurai Lord used to seize glory for the ancestral spirits.

They even attacked powerful warriors in the dark!

This could not be taken lightly.

Casava felt that this was definitely not the work of the rat people.

The rat people who lived in the remote areas had only been in the majestic and glorious black-corner city for a few days?

They probably could not even tell the east, west, south, and north of black-corner city clearly. How could they have meticulously planned such a targeted sabotage operation?

Moreover, when the elders and priests of the bloody hoof family tried to send the loyal “House rats”that had been raised by the family for thousands of years and dozens of generations to break into the saboteurs’inner circle.

These “House rats”all disappeared inexplicably.

Not even half of their tails were left behind.

If the “House Rats”weren’t so bad at acting, they would have been seen through by the saboteurs right after they sneaked in.

It was because the other party had an extremely tight organization and had the guidance of an expert behind them.

Besides, so many elite warriors and even the elders of the iron sheet clan had been killed. How could the rats create such a ruckus?

Someone must have pretended to be the ‘Night Devil Emissary’that did not exist in order to fan the flames and fish in troubled waters to achieve their unspeakable goal

Casanova hits his fist hard.

The thing is, it wasn’t the bloody hoofs!

What reason does the blood hoof family have, want to fabricate a non-existence”night demon emissary”?

To ambush the Ironhide Family? Keep your “First Family”status?

You Got ta Be Kidding Me! Even the tin family in the era of prosperity, the overall strength of the rapid expansion, the emergence of a number of new generation of masters.

In the past ten palm years, the Bloody Hoof clan had also expanded continuously, and dozens of new experts like CASA FA had emerged.

They were absolutely unafraid of meeting any challenge in a fair and aboveboard way and defending the honor of the ‘Clan Leader’!

“The idiots of the Iron Sheet clan, don’t they have any idea about the overall strength of their clan?”Casa fa muttered to himself

Casa fa mumbled to himself, “In the past year, whether it was in our blood skull arena or their iron arm arena, in the open competition between the two clans, we had more victories than losses.

“Even if we really wanted to find someone to impersonate the ‘Night Demon Emissary’and ambush the elite warriors who were alone, the iron sheet clan would still be more suspicious, okay?”

In fact, there were indeed quite a few totem warriors of the Blood Hoof clan who had been attacked by the ‘Night Demon’.

Moreover, the battle emblem of the Iron Sheet clan was also found at the scene of the attack.

However, the bloody hoof clan was not so stupid as to assume that the battle emblem was made by the iron sheet clan.

“Don’t these pigs think about it? If we were really pretending to be the ‘Night Devil’, would it be necessary for us to carry the battle emblem of the clan with us and confess without fighting?”

Casa Fa didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Of course, he could more or less understand the actions of the iron sheet clan.

The elders and priests of the iron sheet clan might not really believe that the so-called ‘Night Devil Emissary’was a disguise sent by the Bloody Hoof Clan.

However, not only were the elders attacked, but the extremely precious ‘thousand-year armor’was also snatched away, and an extremely insulting symbol was carved on their forehead.

The Iron Sheet clan had lost all its face.

If they did not counterattack forcefully, they might not even be able to compete for the leadership of the clan with the Bloody Hoof clan.

They might not even be able to keep their position as the second most powerful family in a thousand years.

The other wild boar families, as well as the barbarian elephant people, Hippo people, and centaurs, would be happy to replace them at any time.

Therefore, the elders and priests of the iron sheet family knew that the attacker could not be a member of the Bloodhoof family, but they deliberately threw a badge of the bloodhoof family at the crime scene to sow discord between the two families.

However, they could only bite the bullet and attack the Bloody Hoof clan.

This was not real revenge.

Instead, they wanted to prove to the bloody hoof clan and the other powerful clans in the bloody hoof clan that the loss of an elder would never shake the strength and status of the iron sheet clan. Who Dared to underestimate the iron sheet clan, they would pay a terrible price!

“Damn Night Demon. He has completely grasped the mentality of the warriors of the family!”

CASA said with emotion, “The seemingly clumsy frame-up turned into a trap because the ancient family had no choice but to defend their honor!

“How could such a terrifying guy be a rat? He is definitely a very experienced elite warrior. That’s why he can grasp the mentality of the warriors of the family so well!”

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