Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1024 - Advice From a Professional

Chapter 1024: Advice From a Professional

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

This scene stunned all the rat miners.

After a few seconds of silence, there was a tsunami of exclamations, praise, and even worship.

“This is the divine weapon that the Rat God gave us!”

The rat man expert raised his long-handled ax that was shining with flames and roared in a strange tone that dragged out the end of his voice. “The glorious era that belongs to the rat people has arrived. The Rat God’s power is not only contained in this divine weapon, but also in the blood of every rat person. As long as you have enough faith in the Rat God, you can create an incredible miracle just like me!”

Deep underground, there was a cheer.

Meng Chao, who was hiding in a corner, was also amazed.

The long-handled ax with cuneiform characters carved on it was not just a simple cold weapon. It also possessed a powerful pure energy attack ability.

It could even use spirit ripples to interfere with the atomic sphere of matter energy, thereby changing the nature of things. Fundamentally, it could blast an indestructible object into powder and turn it into nothingness.

Rather than saying that the shocking crack in front of the rat expert had been hacked out by the ax, it was more appropriate to say that spirit energy had interfered with it. A large amount of solid materials like reinforced concrete were all turned into sand, while other semi-fluid and disintegrated from the inside.

‘The weapons of the ancient orcs are indeed domineering!

‘They were similar to the spirit attack patterns of the Ancients that I saw through the monster mastermind...

‘Or rather, they are the imitations and weakened versions of the Ancients’ technology.

‘Therefore, the secret organization that belongs to the great Horned Rat God infiltrated Black-corner City for the purpose of excavating the ancient orc armory deep underground in Black-corner City.’

Meng Chao thought carefully and concluded that it was not that simple.

Although the long-handled ax spear looked very domineering, it was limited in its usage.

First of all, the long-handled ax spear was quite heavy. Even with his abilities, the muscles of the rat expert who had broken through to the Heaven Realm, were already bulging when he waved the ax vigorously.

Meng Chao doubted whether the ordinary rat soldiers could carry the divine weapon.

Even if they could barely carry it, and if they could swing it fast enough, they would be able to hit the enemy’s vital points precisely before the enemy could react.

If it took a few seconds to gather strength before they could swing an ax, and if they were out of breath after three to five swings, it would be meaningless.

No matter how powerful the weapon was, it would be meaningless.

Secondly, based on the principle of conservation of mass and energy, it was impossible for any weapon to release unlimited destructive power.

If Meng Chao guessed correctly, the interior of the long-handled ax spear must be filled with or inlaid with high-purity crystals.

Otherwise, the rat-man champion would have activated the life magnetic field and charged the long-handled ax spear with his stored spirit energy.

The cuneiform characters carved on the handle of the ax could at best amplify the ripples of spirit energy and amplify the destructive power, but it was impossible to draw spirit energy from the void out of nothing.

This meant that the usage of the long-handled ax spear was rather limited.

Once the spirit energy was exhausted, it would become an ordinary heavy cold weapon.

The divine weapon that had unlimited durability, unlimited ammunition, unlimited spirit energy, and no usage conditions did not exist.

At the very least, Meng Chao did not find a similar divine weapon in the memory fragments of his previous life.

In his previous life, when the Turan civilization was on the verge of extinction, they did not equip themselves with a large number of divine weapons to turn the tables.

The more advanced the weapons were, the more complicated they would be. The more complicated the weapons were, the easier it would be for them to be damaged. After thousands of years of erosion, even if the rat militia found the armory of the ancient orcs, there would still be a big question mark as to how many intact weapons there were.

“Otherwise, why did the Rat Liberation Army only take out a long-handled ax spear?

“It is possible that there are only one or two weapons that can be used normally behind the bronze gate. Thirty or fifty at most, a hundred or so!

“A hundred or so cold weapons that can release spirit flames are not enough to decide the outcome of a war, let alone the fate of millions of people. At most, they can be used to boost morale.”

Meng Chao pondered that excavating the armory of the ancient orcs should not be the biggest goal of the rebel army of the rat people. It was just something that happened in passing.

Or rather, it was a necessary condition to achieve the real goal.

“Just now, the expert of the rat people said that the power of the Rat God was contained in the blood of all the rat people. As long as they believed in it sincerely enough, they would be able to create miracles like him.

“By the way, Half Face also mentioned the word ‘miracle’ to his companions.

“He also said that the miracle would shake the entire Black-corner City.

“From this, it can be seen that the secret organization that worships the Rat God is planning to make a big deal in Black-corner City with the weapons of the ancient orcs.

“And their real purpose... could it be that they are leading a large group of rat people to escape from Black-corner City?”

Meng Chao had just detected several tunnels that were more than five meters in diameter and were paved with ancient railway tracks, leading all the way to the dark depths.

Even though he was a hundred meters underground, he still maintained a clear sense of direction and could identify that these tunnels led all the way to the outside of the city.

In order to set off a huge storm that would sweep the entire area, the prerequisite was sufficient manpower, material resources, and soldiers.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of clan warriors and tens of times more rats were gathered in Black-corner City.

Many of them were hard-working slaves and well-trained servants.

They were the human resources that the Rat Liberation Army needed the most.

If Meng Chao was the leader of the Rat Liberation Army, he would also think of ways to save these people from the clutches of evil before a real storm arose.

“Of course, the other possibility is that the rat people’s Liberation Army did want to cause trouble in Black-corner City, but their plan was accidentally exposed and suppressed.

“After all, Black-corner city in my previous life wasn’t the main battlefield of the Rat People’s rebellion.

“The place where the Rat People’s Liberation Army caused the most trouble was still in the territory of the Gold Clan.

“That’s why the Gold Clan sent out the Wolf Legion to suppress the Rat People’s Liberation Army.

“Watching the Rat People’s Liberation Army being suppressed is not in the interest of me and the civilization of Dragon City. Putting aside morality and conscience, at the very least, the bigger the Rat People’s Liberation Army is in Black-corner City, the easier it will be for me to take advantage of the situation and take all the secret medicines, armor, and treasures of the Blood Hoof Clan!

“It’s decided. I should help the Rat God!”

“Let’s not talk about turning Black-corner City upside down. At the very least, I have to help more rat people escape from this man-eating demon cave!”

As Meng Chao was thinking, he smelled a familiar smell.

A rat warrior hurriedly ran to the rat expert and whispered something into his ear. At the same time, he handed over a piece of cloth decorated with a badge.

The rat expert grabbed the piece of cloth from Meng Chao’s cloak. His expression changed and he fell into deep thought.

“So, the rat expert wielding the long-handled ax spear is the emissary of the Rat God?”

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and quickly racked his brain. “How should I help them without leaving a Trace?”

He quietly left the underground and went back the way he came. Before he returned to the Blood Skull Arena, he had already thought of it.

In this matter of rebellion, the easterners of the ancient earth had extremely rich experience, and they even had the advantage of fusing with their bloodlines.

What was meant by a fish’s belly storing books, what was meant by the wild fox’s night howls, and what was meant by the Mo Dao stone man’s one eye... These were all things that the Easterners’ ancestors had left behind.

Thousands of years of rebellion and suppression had accumulated the lessons of blood and tears.

Along with the basic principles of the modern secret organization.

The slightest leak would be enough for the Mouse People’s Liberation Army to study deeply and gain endless benefits.

Based on what he had seen, Meng Chao pointed out three problems for the Mouse People’s Liberation Army.

The first was that the organization was too lax and did not have the slightest awareness of vigilance and anti-reconnaissance.

The most obvious problem was that the tentacles, which were scattered all over Black-corner City to mobilize the grassroots, could be directly connected to the command level, which was located in the depths of the nest and acted as the brain.

If that was the case, if a certain shrewd clan warrior caught a “tentacle,” would they not be able to follow the clues and take down the entire organization that the Rat People’s Liberation Army had set up in Black-corner City in one fell swoop?

Meng Chao suggested that the rat people’s Liberation Army should set up a few levels between the “tentacles” and the “brain.” Each member of each level should use a single line of communication. At most, they would know their upper and lower levels, with the identities of two to three people, even if they were caught, they would not cause fatal damage to the organization.

In addition, the regular transmission of news did not require two members to meet each other directly. It could be done through a dead mailbox.

The so-called dead mailbox was a place that had been selected by the people. At the same time, it was also a place where the members of the organization often had good reasons to go.

For example, markets, taverns, and casinos that specialized in dealing with the rat people, including the spectator stands of some of the lowest-level arenas, could set up dead letter boxes.

The advantage of using a dead letter box was that the person receiving the message didn’t need to see the person who sent the message. They didn’t even need to know who the person sending the message was. This undoubtedly greatly increased the safety factor.

The second problem was that Meng Chao felt that the rat militia setting up a cordon in the depths of the slums was too much of a joke.

If this ancient orc armory and the surrounding tunnels that led out of the city were really crucial to the rat militia’s plan.

Then, the three or five layers of cordon that Meng Chao could easily infiltrate would be useless.

Although the careless warriors of the clan were unlikely to have the professional standards of a Ghost Assassin.

However, since they were in the business of killing people, they could not pin their hopes on the stupidity of the enemy.

Therefore, as the Rat God’s emissary, Meng Chao introduced several ways to set up light and dark sentry posts.

There were also many ways to excavate the uninhabited warning lines and traps.

None of them were high-tech.

The simplest method was to tighten a few strands of hair on a route that was easily infiltrated by the enemy, hang a few bells on it, and put two or three small-scale animal traps in the back of the secret place.. This could possibly plug up a fatal loophole.

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