Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1010 - The Rise of the Wolf King

Chapter 1010: The Rise of the Wolf King

The story of the big-horned rat had been passed down in Picturesque Orchid Lake for thousands of years, but it had never been taken seriously by the Warriors of the clan.

On the one hand, the Turan people paid attention to the worship of their ancestors. Even the lowest of the rat population did not come out from the cracks of a rock. It was normal for them to find a brave and fearless ancestor and put gold on their faces.

Even the high and mighty lords couldn’t deprive the slaves and cannon fodder of the right to daydream.

More importantly, the lords discovered that when the rat population believed in the existence of the Big-Horned Rat God, they were more able to grit their teeth and endure the torture and suffering of the modern world. As a result, the various clans were able to squeeze out more labor force and combat strength from these lowly, lowlifes.

After all, according to the faith of the Rat God, all the rat people must atone for the cowardice of their ancestors thousands of years ago.

When the atonement period is over, the bighorn rat will return to Turanze and lead them out of all their sufferings to establish their own clan.

In other words, for a devout rat believer, the only thing he should have done before the arrival of the Rat God was to settle for his humble status by the thousands-degree heat of the forge, on the arena that was covered in layers of organs and blood, in the battlefield that was littered with corpses, he should just silently atone for his sins and quietly die.

The lower-class rat race believed that the existence of the Rat God was not a bad thing for the various clans that ruled Turan ze.

At least, it was not a bad thing for the Turan civilization that had alternated between “Prosperity”and “Glory”over the past thousands of years.

The problem was that after experiencing the longest era of prosperity in history, the number of rat subjects with terrifying reproductive abilities had also swelled to a point where the dumb brains of high-level orcs could not calculate it clearly.

Although the main cities of the major clans and the small and medium-sized towns where the vassal families were located had sent out conscription teams to the depths of the wilderness, combing the entire land of Tulan over and over again like combs made of steel.

But for the clan civilization that did not have reconnaissance satellites, drone surveillance, and modern surveying methods, it was obviously impossible to plunder the last rat citizen and the last mandala fruit hidden in the depths of the grasslands and forests, it was obviously impossible.

After the conscription teams burned, killed, and looted, the remains of the ruins.

In the most hidden rat village between the mountains and the rivers.

In the depths of the valleys and caves.

There were always fish that escaped the net.

And among the mouse people who had narrowly escaped but could not see the direction of tomorrow, whose every vein was filled with boundless anger.

New rumors spread like lightning and wildfire like viruses.

“The ten thousand years of atonement has come to an end!

“We have washed away the sins of our ancestors with the sweat, Blood, bones, and souls of ten thousand years!

“Our bloodline is no longer dirty. It is as holy as the bravest warriors!

“The Rat God heard our prayers and saw how we proved ourselves in ten thousand years that we are qualified to reclaim the glory of the Tulan people!

“Therefore, the Rat God has descended to the human world with a brand-new look. He is going to command all the rat people, sweep over the entire Tulan Swamp, establish the sixth clan, and become the chief of war. He will command all the warriors of Tulan, including the five major clans!”

The crazy words that sounded like a fool’s dream lit up the resistance that countless rat people had suppressed for tens of thousands of years.

They gathered all the primitive beliefs and folk stories together and gradually created a well-structured and enormous army — an army that belonged exclusively to the rat people.

Right now, the crazy words had not reached the ears of the nobles who had ruled Tulanze for generations.

Even if they heard a few words, the high and mighty lords would not take them to heart. They would only treat these crazy words as the funniest joke in the world.

The lowly rat people also wanted to climb onto the Lords’heads and become the supreme war chief?

Could it be that the heaven and earth could flip and the Earth could stand above the Sky?

Meng Chao knew that the contemptuous smiles of the clan warriors would not last long.

When they saw the mighty “Demon rat army,”or the “Great horn rebel army,”with the encouragement of their fanatical faith, they were ten times or even a hundred times larger, they attacked their battle formation repeatedly like moths to a flame.

Whether it was the most irritable wild boar warrior, the largest barbarian elephant warrior, or the lion tiger warrior with the sharpest fangs and claws.

Their ridicule would turn into cold sweat that flowed along the twitching facial muscles and onto the battlefield soaked in endless blood.

This was the ‘Great Horn Riot’.

In his previous life, before the Dragon City civilization rushed out of the monster mountain range, the event that happened in Tulanze changed the entire pattern of the Otherworld and was also related to the survival of the Dragon City civilization.

Millions or even tens of millions of mouse people who couldn’t bear it anymore rose up under the so-called “Call of the big horn rat god”and formed a rebel army known as the “Big Horn Army”, they challenged the five big clans that had ruled Tulanze for tens of millions of years.

Although it was similar to the countless times that had happened on Earth and in the Otherworld since ancient times, the low-level uprisings that broke out relying on fanatical beliefs.

The ‘Great Horn Rebellion’could not escape the fate of being spiraled up and destroyed. After turning Turan ze upside down, it was jointly suppressed by the five great clans.

However, this large-scale rat uprising still dealt a heavy blow to the ruler of Turan civilization and deeply shook the ruling foundation of the five great clans.

When Dragon City civilization fought their way out of the monster mountain range, the great horn army had already been completely suppressed.

As a result, there was not much information about the “Great horn rebellion”stored in Meng Chao’s brain.

However, in the Dragon City of his previous life, even elementary school students knew that the “Great Horn Rebellion”led to the most direct and most serious consequences.

That was the rise of “Jackal”kanus.

“Jackal”kanus was also known as “Ghoul Dog, Wilderness Wolf, Netherworld Wolf, destroyer wolf, Doomsday Wolf”.

He was the first werewolf in the history of the Tulan civilization to sit on the supreme throne of the warchief.

He was also a war maniac in Meng Chao’s previous life, who was going to ignite the spark of the war between worlds in a year and a half.

If the citizens of Dragon City were divided into ‘ordinary citizens, elite citizens, special citizens, and heroic citizens’according to the Tinder, it would be a perfect example.

To judge the heroes and heroes of the various civilizations in the other world.

“Hu Lang”kanus was definitely a “Heroic unit.”.

Even if Meng Chao ranked the “Top ten people who changed the world”according to the depth of the memory fragments in his previous life, “Hu Lang”kanus would still have the chance to make it into the top three.

Werewolves were a member of the golden clan.

However, their position in the golden clan was always lower than that of the lion-men and Tigermen.

Although werewolves had a strong reproductive ability and could mobilize the largest number of soldiers in the entire golden clan.

However, their individual combat strength was far inferior to that of the lion-men and Tigermen.

Such a fatal weakness had never appeared in their lives. At least, they had never revealed their ambition to seize the power of the golden clan and rule the entire Tulanze.

Instead, they obediently obeyed the orders of the Lion Man and the Tigerman, appearing as the leader’s most loyal pawns.

Kanus was not even the most powerful werewolf.

This could be seen from the word “Jackal”in his name.

Jackal was a canine beast that was not much bigger than hyenas.

Although it was ferocious and cunning, compared to other jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards, it was too small and thin. It made them face congenital deficiencies in fierce battles.

Most of the time, they had to rely on scavenging to survive.

This was also the origin of kanus’s early nickname, “Corpse-eating dog.”.

If it were a normal era of prosperity or the era of glory, a clan warrior like Kanus, who was born with innate deficiencies, would never have the slightest chance to steal Turanze’s hegemony.

However, the Great Horn Rebellion made a miracle that overturned the entire Otherworld happen.

When the great horn army had just risen, none of the clan rulers thought highly of these peasant rats.

It didn’t matter if they were the lion men or the tigermen of the Gold clan.

It didn’t matter if they were the Tauren or the wild boar men of the Bloody Hoof clan.

According to the old tradition, most of the soldiers were put into the ritual competition, the five clans.

They were trying to defeat their opponents in a fair battle and become the new war chief.

As for the ragtag group of rats, the laughable “Great Horn Army”, they would let the Wolf Clan Army, which was equally large but relatively weak individually, deal with it.

In a sense, the rulers of the five clans were right about the great horn army.

Fanatical faith was not the same as powerful combat strength.

The rabble that could not stand it was just a rabble.

Although the rat population that had risen up had brought some trouble to the five clans with their terrifying numbers.

It forced the five clans to pour more war resources into the Wolf Clan Army time and time again.

“Jackal”kanus, who was in charge of the Wolf Clan Army, finally completed his mission and suppressed the mighty rat army.

However, the lion-men, Tigermen, and Tauren who had ruled Turanze for thousands of years did not expect that the Wolf Legion would expand into a terrifying existence that no one could control after they defeated and absorbed the remnants of the Rat Race Uprising army.

“Jackal”kanus, who was born with a lack of talent and did not have an impressive appearance, had ambitions that did not match his body size and was a crazy genius.

Meng Chao did not know exactly what had happened after the Wolf tribe Army, which had incorporated the rat people’s uprising army, had entered the ‘five races’War.

In short, when the Dragon City civilization in his previous life had rushed out of the monster mountain range and made contact with the Tulan civilization, the ‘Jackal’Kanus had already firmly controlled crimson gold city and the Gold clan, he had defeated and even killed most of the opponents. With the body of a ‘corpse-eating dog’that was born with a lack of talent, he had become the undefeatable war chief who had ruled over all the high-level orcs in the longest era of glory, he was the supreme king of Tulan.

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