Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1003 - The Ancient Operating System

Chapter 1003: The Ancient Operating System

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What an incredible armor!”

Meng Chao moved his arms vigorously to confirm the totem armor’s range of movement and defense.

The first feeling he had was lightness.

It was not as heavy and clumsy as when he was wearing the ordinary power armor in Dragon City.

It was not as heavy and clumsy as when he was carrying hundreds of kilograms or even three to five tons of steel on his back and relying on the mini engine, as well as transmission shaft, to exert force. There had been an unavoidable delay and a sticky feeling.

It was even smoother than wearing the nano battle suit.

It was as if a second layer of skin had grown on his body.

However, when he stretched out his finger and poked his chest lightly, he could feel the real existence of the totem battle armor.

It was not as hard as steel.

Yet, under the texture of a creature’s shell that was both hard and soft, it had a firmness could not be easily broken through, especially after Meng Chao clenched his fist and punched his heart.

He felt the entire totem armor suddenly shrink, and ripples spread out from the surface of the armor, distributing the power of his punch to all parts of his body.

Ninety percent of the power was released along the arc of the armor, and the remaining ten percent was taken by the muscles all over his body.

Without a doubt, such an active defense mode was able to break down, reduce, and digest attacks that the totem warrior suffered to the extreme.

When he took the most standard stance of the Reckless Bull Technique and threw a punch, Meng Chao could feel the totem armor continuously contracting. It adjusted his stance of exerting force slightly and even stimulated part of his nerves as well as muscle bundles. This caused the tens of thousands of muscle fibers in his body to participate in the exertion of force at the same time, increasing his originally terrifying fist strength by another 20% to 30% in an instant!

“The totem armor’s amplification to both the offensive and defensive ends can actually reach such a terrifying degree!”

The more Meng Chao tested it, the more he secretly clicked his tongue.

However, the amplification of pure offensive or defensive power was not what surprised him the most.

The function that surprised him the most was hidden in the totem battle armor’s helmet.

Although Big Buck’s totem battle armor only covered the upper half of its body...

It provided extremely tight head protection.

Apart from its helmet that had two horns, one big and one small, rising into the sky...

There was also a mask that had seemingly been fished out from the River Styx, and it was covered in death ripples.

However, the helmet and mask made of liquid biological metal completely fitted Meng Chao’s head and facial features, wrapping them up entirely.

Meng Chao did not feel debilitated or stifled at all.

Instead, he felt that his breathing was much smoother.

Biogas, poisonous fog, and unpleasant smells were trapped in the abandoned sewage pipes. Yet, they were all filtered out by a liquid metal polymer filtration membrane that mimicked the structure of activated carbon.

Moreover, his vision was not blocked by the helmet.

To be more precise, Meng Chao did not sense the existence of the helmet at all.

He still maintained a positive scanning range of nearly 180 degrees.

Only when he reached out and touched it lightly could he feel a nearly transparent “glass box” on his head.

Moreover, the “glass box” also utilized some incredible technology to project a large number of cuneiform characters before eyes.

While he focused his gaze on different places—such as his body, the cracks in the surrounding walls, and the ruins that blocked the sewage pipes at the end of the darkness—the shiny cuneiform characters would constantly change.

When Meng Chao fixed his sights on the cuneiform characters, he discovered that he could click on the characters that were constantly flashing, jumping, and surrounded by blood-red electric arcs.

After they were tapped open, even more cuneiform characters spewed out like water bursting from a dam.

These cuneiform characters were different from the runes that the people of Dragon City had discovered in the ancient ruins.

However, they had a very strong correlation.

Meng Chao had been a tester in the ancient ruins research center for half a year. Although he was not a serious ancient linguist, he more or less knew the meaning of certain ancient runes.

In addition, through the memory fragments of his previous life, he roughly identify the characteristics of more than ten different languages in the Other World.

Using these characteristics, he could extrapolate and guess the meaning of some cuneiform characters.

He speculated that the cuneiform characters contained all kinds of information related to battle such as temperature, humidity, relative speed, the surrounding environment and the condition of the totem armor, and so on.

The Dragon City civilization’s power armor and the large rune machines also had similar information displays.

Of course, the power armor allowed control to hundreds of commands through voice, eye movements, and the twitching of the fine muscles in a person’s ten fingers and ten toes.

This “operating system” that was composed of cuneiform characters could apparently use biological electricity and brainwaves to directly carry out complex interactions.

Meng Chao was not unfamiliar with such an “operating system.”

That was because, the moment he was reborn after the apocalypse, the Kindling that drilled into his brain adopted a similar operating system.

Of course, the information projected onto his retina by the totem armor was still much simpler than that of the Kindling.

Nevertheless, they were all stimulating the central nervous system and the visual cells, directly bringing a huge amount of information to surface in his mind. It was naturally much more advanced than Dragon City’s mechanical rune display screen and joystick.

This operating system’s appearance once again confirmed to Meng Chao that the Turan civilization in the past had indeed possessed a brilliance that surpassed the Earth’s civilization in the 22nd century.

Even if the level of their civilization had not reached the level of the Ancients and mother during the ancient war, it was definitely post-ancient war technology.

When the gods fell, the mother also fell apart and descended into a deep sleep. That was one of the most advanced and powerful civilizations in the Other World.

The totem armor, which was equipped with such an operating system, was definitely not as simple as an ordinary armor.

It should be similar to the Kindling that could allow its owner to undergo a rebirth.

However, the advanced orcs that had experienced a civilization decline or even a fault were far from being able to activate the totem armor’s full potential.

It was just like how they were far from being able to activate all the legacies left by their ancestors, even if it was only 1% of their potential.

To put it bluntly...

Today’s advanced orcs were simply a bunch of apes carrying electromagnetic cannons.

They still had not figured out the correct operating mode of an electromagnetic cannon. They just swung the cannon barrel and used the electromagnetic cannons as meteor hammers.

“In my previous life, the advanced orcs did not seem to understand what their ‘ancestors’ had left them until the destruction of the entire civilization.

“They only used their totem armor as an armor that could repair itself and increase their strength as well as speed.

“Perhaps I should, and I must spend some time to sketch out the Turan civilization’s true face...”

Just as Meng Chao was thinking, he suddenly felt a slight pain in the depths of his eyes.

Many cuneiform characters shattered and took the form of the totem armor’s the previous seven or eight owners.

They looked ferocious and seemed to be circling Meng Chao’s consciousness. Baring their fangs and brandishing their claws at him, they let out a series of roars.

After realizing that Meng Chao could not be swayed by force, they suddenly switched to submissive but anxious look, transmitting a series of gurgling noises into Meng Chao’s auditory nerves.

At the same time, a small and exquisite three-dimensional transparent model of himself wearing the totem armor appeared in front of Meng Chao’s eyes.

The totem armor’s helmet, mask, neck guard, shoulder guard, arm guard, breastplate... were broken down into dozens of modules, each of which emitted different colors and lights. However, there were also a lot of cuneiform words surrounding them. As long as Meng Chao focused his attention on one of the modules, a flood of information would jump out.

“No wonder the advanced orcs would treat the totem armor as a living armor that embodies the wisdom, experience, and killing intent of their ancestral spirit.”

Meng Chao thought to himself, “If I’m not wrong, these ‘fierce souls of the previous owners’ should be operating auxiliary systems similar to voice assistants.

“Two hundred years ago on Earth, many mobile phones, computers, and household appliances had voice assistants!

“However, the functions of such operating auxiliary systems are very powerful. They have long left the realm of voice assistants and can be considered as artificial intelligence.

“The poor Turan civilization has already degenerated to the age of the clan. Even their excrement that is piled up like a mountain cannot be processed automatically. How can they understand the meaning of ‘artificial intelligence?’

“It is understandable to regard the operating system as the ancestral spirits’ guidance, and even to regard the artificial intelligence as the ancestral spirits themselves...

“However, what is the artificial intelligence in the totem armor trying to tell me?”

Meng Chao pondered for a long time.

His gaze stayed on the oddly shaped cuneiform characters.

He also made the totem armor’s various modules continuously enlarge and shrink.

He guessed the AI was reminding him that this totem armor was too weak compared with his body and combat strength.

Moreover, many of the totem armor’s modules had been designed for warriors with larger bodies. Although they could be slightly adjusted to match Meng Chao’s body size, he could not unleash their ultimate destructive power. It was not exactly in line with Meng Chao’s fighting style.

He needed to fight.

He needed to defeat more totem warriors and seize more totem armor fragments.

He also needed to absorb these fragments and a large amount of cultivation resources into his body. Following that, he could integrate them with the existing totem armor modules to carry out a comprehensive upgrade.

Only then would he get his own unique and unrivaled ultimate armor!

“This suggestion... suits me just fine!” Meng Chao exclaimed smoothly.

The corners of his mouth curled up into a subtle arc.

His vision, which had a part of the perspective function, had been enhanced by the totem battle armor. He could clearly scan the abandoned sewage pipe, which was not visible on the surface.

Long ago, when he stored the totem battle armor, he had already thoroughly understood the structure of the abandoned pipe and the surrounding seven or eight pipes.

This included every crack that was scattered across the four walls of the pipe.

At that moment, the wild boar warriors and Minotaur warriors, whose average weight was more than half a ton, stomped their iron hoofs on the ground.

The cracks that were spread all over the pipe continued to expand, and plenty of dust and gravel fell from within.

Thus, like a whirlpool, Meng Chao effortlessly locked onto the intersection of a large number of cracks, the most vulnerable part of the entire pipe.

With the totem armor’s enhancement, he took a deep breath and squatted down. Then he stomped on the ground heavily, instantly pushing his speed to the limit.. He headed toward the intersection of the cracks and crashed into it.

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