Chapter 1640: Lu Siya’s Oath

Lu Siya’s words caused many citizens to think.

The current Dragon City was wise.

Affected by the harsh survival crisis after their transmigration, all the citizens consciously or subconsciously thought about the question of life and death. They wondered about what the future Dragon City should look like.

Although everyone was filled with righteous indignation, they gathered in front of Universe Corporation’s headquarters, almost pushing the situation into an unpredictable whirlpool.

However, many people’s bloodshot eyes gradually cooled down after they heard what Lu Siya said.

“I know that the series of events that happened in the past few months have made everyone very disappointed with the nine mega corporations.”

Lu Siya struck while the iron was hot. “But I still hope that everyone can calm down and not act on impulse. Don’t go from one extreme to the other, and don’t assume that the nine mega corporations are all selfish and even evil.

“I always believe that good people tend to occupy the overwhelming majority, whether it is in the nine mega corporations or the entire Dragon City.

“Perhaps many people are fighting for their own interests, but this is incredibly normal. What is in line with human nature and selfishness are two completely different things.

“Therefore, we should give the nine super mega corporations some time and give them a chance in the future. I believe that most of them will make the right decision and stand on the ordinary citizens’ side!”

The discussions in the crowd grew louder and louder.

Many people began to waver.

Some people noticed the suspicious aspects behind the series of events as well. It was as if an invisible pair of hands was driving the confrontation between the various major forces in Dragon City and influencing them to kill each other.

Right then, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted at the top of his voice, “Lu Siya, are you afraid, or have you been bribed by Universe Corporation?”

The statement was clear.

The person’s voice must have been mixed with dense spirit energy.

Like a sharp needle, it pierced into the ears of many people, including Lu Siya.

“Who was that?”

Lu Siya’s reaction was extremely intense. She raised her eyebrows and sternly said, “Step out! What’s so great about hiding your head and showing your tail? If you have something to say, step out and stand in front of me. I’ll let you speak freely!”

Naturally, no one stepped forward.

Moreover, when the crowd reacted and tried to look for the source of the voice, they suddenly realized that they could not tell which direction the voice had come from.

It was as if dozens of hidden individuals had spoken at the same time from all sides of the crowd.

“What a bunch of cowardly rats!”

With a cold expression, Lu Siya shouted, “Citizens and friends, I hope that you can be more vigilant and see the suspicious people around you!

“Plenty of evidence has shown that, although the Monster War ended with a great victory for us, the monster remnants have not been wiped out. It is likely that they have changed their appearance and even sneaked into Dragon City in the form of bacteria, viruses, and other things that are ten thousand times more subtle than traditional monsters. They have stirred up trouble and caused chaos in Dragon City!

“In the past few months, there has been a lot of farce in Dragon City, and these monster remnants are behind it.

“Our Research Department is also investigating and hunting down the monster remnants, hoping to exterminate them.

“Before that, please stay calm and don’t be fooled!

“Look around you. How many members of the Azure Alliance with blue armbands do you see?

“There aren’t many, are there? It’s not as many as the time we gathered in front of the Xinhui Business Center, right?”?

“It’s because today’s event was not organized by our Azure Alliance. Instead, it was organized by those imposters, those with ulterior motives, and those monsters who are lurking among the humans under the Azure Alliance’s cover!

“The Azure Alliance’s purpose has always been to fight for Dragon City and for the benefit of the ordinary citizens living in Dragon City. We will not abandon you when the overwhelming beast horde comes, and we will not push you out as chess pieces in exchange for our own interests when we face a crisis!

“So, don’t listen to the lies from the monster remnants. If I never wanted to break away from my past self from the bottom of my heart and stand on your side to fight for your interests, why would I leave the Lu family and Sky Pillar Corporation? Sky Pillar Corporation was one of the two major crystal giants in Dragon City that was on par with Universe Corporation. I’m Lu Zhongqi’s biological granddaughter. He’s the chairman of Sky Pillar Corporation’s Board of Directors and the President of Dragon City’s Crystal Association. Think about it. Is there even the slightest possibility that I would be bribed by Universe Corporation?”

Laughter broke out in the crowd.

Indeed, if one were to ask which leader of Azure Alliance was most likely to be bribed by the nine mega corporations, then Lu Siya would definitely be the most unlikely one.

Originally, she had obediently remained in the Lu family and Sky Pillar Corporation. Relying on the glorious battle results that she had achieved together with Meng Chao, she had already accumulated enough capital for herself. Even if she no longer took any risks and developed step by step, it was likely that she would be able to control the Lu family and Sky Pillar in a few years.

Lu Siya had betrayed the noble cultivation families and sided with the ordinary citizens with a clear banner. Together with many lower-level superhumans, she had integrated the Azure Alliance. It could be considered the most important event in Dragon City in the past year.

Right then, the Azure Alliance was like the rising sun in the east. Its surging vitality was like a flood that had burst out of the dam. At such a time, when it was advancing rapidly with a limitless future, how could Lu Siya turn back?

“Lu Siya, what should we do now?”

Someone in the crowd shouted, “We’ll listen to you!”

“Yes, we’ll listen to you!”

Many people said, “We’ll do whatever you want us to do!”

It was unclear whether these people, as well as those who had questioned Lu Siya earlier, were plants that she had arranged herself.

However, they had successfully guided the emotions of thousands of people, filling them with trust and support for Lu Siya.

“If you are willing to trust me, please go home. Go back to your families and your jobs, take care of your family, work hard, study hard, and live happily. That is the best response to our enemies!”

Deeply touched and righteous, Lu Siya resolutely said, “As for the explosion of The Bright Light and the investigation on the Red Creek Project, I will investigate it on everyone’s behalf.

“I, Lu Siya, swear to the countless souls who have sacrificed themselves for Dragon City in the past decades that I will find the real culprit and comfort the souls of the innocent victims in heaven. It doesn’t matter how many difficulties and obstacles we face, it doesn’t matter how much time and resources we spend, and it doesn’t matter how terrible the price I have to personally pay!”

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