Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1614 - You Can’t Cook Hot Porridge in a Hurry

Chapter 1614: You Can’t Cook Hot Porridge in a Hurry

“It was us, the peerless warriors, who protected Dragon City!” Shen Yuanbao said.

“In the near future, we will lead the Dragon City civilization and dominate the entire Other World. When that time comes, all the citizens of Dragon City will benefit!

“The Supreme Combat Command Center that you are going to set up will only tie up our hands and feet, as well as hinder, the civilization’s progress!”

“That’s the thing. Judging from the nine mega corporations’ rate of consumption, why should all the citizens of Dragon City believe you?”

“I don’t believe you,” Meng Chao said. “Even the cultivation resources on Monster Mountain Range can be sold for seven to eight times the price in the underground black market, and this is under the condition that the mega corporations aren’t divinely powerful.

“Who can guarantee that you’ll still be loyal to the Dragon City civilization and all its citizens once you’ve carved out most of the Other World’s resources and make yourselves stronger than the Dragon City civilization?”

“We are all Earthlings!” Shen Yuanbao said.

“Doesn’t our identity provide enough guarantee?”

“Even among Earthlings, there can be deception, oppression, slavery, and even slaughter,” said Meng Chao.

“Moreover, even if you sincerely believe that you are an Earthling, what about your children, your children’s children, and your children’s children’s children, Senior Shen?

“Look at Dragon City today. The descendants of some of the high and mighty superhumans are well-dressed and well-fed, while the poor children are curled up within the poor streets and alleys. They can only eat synthetic food and do manual labor that the runic machines can’t handle for the time being. The rich and the poor have almost nothing in common. A hundred years from now, five hundred years from now, and a thousand years from now, would their descendants—if the poor children still have descendants at that point—really be able to join hands? Would they unite as one city and fight for the same civilization on the basis of their identity as Earthlings?

“Perhaps, with superhumans becoming more and more powerful, their reproductive activity will be a hundred times more than that of ordinary people, and there will be a reproductive isolation!

“Well, there’s no need for me to even say, ‘perhaps.’ There has already been a reproductive isolation among the different groups of people in Dragon City. Which one of your children and grandchildren would take a good look at a construction worker, or even have children with a construction worker?

“There are many superhumans now, but when they see a construction worker who is drenched in sweat after a hard day’s work, their eyes are filled with disgust. They subconsciously pinch their noses and avoid him. How can this construction worker believe that the superhumans will always fight for him, and the descendants of these superhumans will always fight for his descendants?

“To the construction worker, isn’t it normal for him to restrict the superhumans’ armed forces, build weapons that belong to the ordinary citizens, rely on his own hands, hold swords that he has forged, and defend the interests of his family?

“To put it bluntly, ‘conquering the Other World’ has never been the natural goal or something that must be done after transmigrating.

“If conquering the Other World doesn’t bring benefits to the majority of Dragon City’s citizens, especially the ordinary citizens who don’t have extraordinary powers, and instead causes them to suffer a counterattack from the Other World’s natives, then, from the standpoint of 90% of Dragon City’s citizens, it’s better not to conquer the Other World!

“Therefore, it’s in the majority’s interest to establish a combat command center that is above all the superhuman ones and allow it to control Dragon City’s highest military force, as well as coordinate all the affairs related to colonizing the Other World. It’s something that must be done. I will spare no effort to push this matter to the end!”

“I understand,” Shen Yuanbao said coldly.

“You are from the Red Dragon Army and Battle God Lei Zongchao’s most valued disciple. You are closely related to Battle God Palace.

“Once the Supreme Combat Command Center is established, it will definitely be filled with people from the Red Dragon Army and Battle God Palace. The corporate arms of the nine mega corporations will be gradually weakened and suppressed. Over time, the Red Dragon Army will become the most important force in Dragon City.”

“The Red Dragon Army is a regular army. A civilization’s regular army is the most important guarantee of its military power. Isn’t that common sense?”

Meng Chao said, “If it were the other way around, the regular army would have no morale and combat ability at all. They would have to rely on the corporate arms and the peerless fighters while they fly around like headless flies. How could such a civilization win in the end?”

“That sounds reasonable, but it’s a pity you can’t do it.”

Shen Yuanbao sighed and said, “Meng Chao, I can see that your ambition is ten times greater than Lu Siya’s.

“If Lu Siya is ambitious and desires to replace us and develop Superstar Company into the ‘ultimate corporation’ that is superior to the nine mega corporations, then you are simply... simply...”

He thought about it for a long time, but he still could not come up with a word to describe Meng Chao’s ideal.

Naive? Childish?


However, no one could conclude that an unrivalled fighter who had broken through to the Deity Realm before he was thirty was “naive” or “childish.”

“You will destroy Dragon City.”

Shen Yuanbao could only say, “Some of the ‘suggestions’ that you’ve put forward are to cut the flesh from the nine mega corporations, some are to drain the blood from the Deity Realm warriors, while others are simply to kill us.

“If your will is also the Azure Alliance’s will, then there is no room for compromise between the nine mega corporations and the Azure Alliance. If you force the foundation, Commercial Crime Bureau, and Supreme Combat Command Center onto the people, it will only blow up the conflict between the rich and the poor, as well as the superhumans and the ordinary citizens. It will tear the entire Dragon City apart!”

“That’s right. That’s why I didn’t look for Lu Siya and the Azure Alliance as soon as I returned to Dragon City.”

Meng Chao sighed. “I know that I can’t cook hot porridge in a hurry. I can’t do it recklessly by relying on mere tyrannical force.”

“At least you still have some sense,” Shen Yuanbao said.

“In that case, how do you plan to slowly cook this pot of hot porridge and realize your own ideas?”

“If the nine mega corporations are really united and their interests are tied together to an impenetrable extent, it will be useless no matter what I do.”

Meng Chao’s eyes were bright as he said, “But what if there is a life-and-death competition between the nine mega corporations? What if the companies and the families have their own ideas, plans, and interests?

“Hence, I plan to sneak into the nine mega corporations and look for an opportunity. It would be best if I could rope in one or two mega corporations to support my proposal.

“As long as one of the mega corporations joins hands with me, things will develop in a good direction.”

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