Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1602 - The Future of the Mega Corporations

Chapter 1602: The Future of the Mega Corporations

Shen Yuanbao remained silent for a moment before he laid his cards on the table.

“Meng Chao, what exactly do you want?”

Shen Yuanbao asked, “Do you want to exterminate all the nine mega corporations just like Lu Siya?”

“No, I’ve never thought of exterminating all the nine mega corporations.”

Meng Chao shook his head slowly, “There’s just one question I think about often. If the nine mega corporations, which have two Deity Realm warriors, continue to develop like this and expand to the limit, what will Dragon City look like in the future?

“As the saying goes, ‘thinking in the day, dreaming in the night.’ Perhaps I think too hard during the day. Many nights, I dream about Dragon City’s future.

“Senior Shen, do you want to know what the nine mega corporations and Dragon City civilization look like in my dream?”

Shen Yuanbao was slightly stunned.

He did not expect Meng Chao to talk about his dream for no reason.

However, Shen Yuanbao knew that Meng Chao’s dream must have something to do with his decision.

The decision of a Deity Realm warrior who was less than thirty years old was destined to decide many things, even the fate of countless people.

Therefore, Shen Yuanbao patiently asked, “What did you dream about?”

“In my dream, the nine mega corporations were three to five times larger in scale than they are today. At that time, you completely controlled the Dragon City civilization’s economic lifeline and strategic resources.”

Meng Chao said, “Not only the cultivation resources such as crystals and monster materials, but also the necessities for the ordinary citizens such as water, electricity, public transportation, and public safety were all regulated by the nine mega corporations. You could set the price however you want. The ordinary citizens had no room to resist.

“The pursuit of profit is the instinct of any corporation, and the pursuit of profit without caring about anything else is the instinct of the mega corporations. After you occupied the position of absolute monopoly, you, of course, exploited the last drop of blood and sweat of the ordinary citizens by sucking the marrow out of their bones. You also converted their blood and sweat into training resources so that the higher-ups of the corporations, the core members of the nine noble families of cultivation, your descendants, would become stronger and stronger. The ordinary citizens would continuously lose the ability to compete with you.

“Since the Red Dragon Army suffered a heavy blow in a certain battle, they became your vassals. The once extremely proud warriors can only follow the peerless experts and play the role of servants or even cannon fodder. Such a servant army is destined to be unable to fulfill its sacred mission, which is to protect every ordinary individual in this civilization regardless of their status.”

Shen Yuanbao was deep in thought.

All along, he had been trying to expand the strength of his family and company based on his survival instinct. He did not feel that there was any problem in doing so.

However, his goal sounded awkward when it came out from Meng Chao’s mouth.

“After draining the blood and sweat of the ordinary citizens, the peerless experts led by the upper echelons of the company naturally want to expand outside as well.”

Meng Chao continued, “In the beginning, your expansion was very smooth. The nine mega corporations attacked from all directions, establishing large numbers of forward bases and colonization points all over the Other World. They also expanded these colonization points into brand new cities.

“The Dragon City civilization was illustrious for a time, becoming a new aristocrat that all the factions in the entire Other World were eyeing.

“The problem is that these cities are not restricted by the Supernatural Tower, nor are they under the leadership of the Survival Committee. In name, they are the arms that the Dragon City civilization extended to the Other World, but in reality, they are not controlled by the brain of Dragon City, but an independent kingdom of the nine mega corporations.

“In these cities, the laws issued by the survival committee are just empty words. The internal rules of the nine mega corporations. In other words, the will of peerless experts like you is the true law of the heavens.

“Ordinary citizens can only come to these new cities as employees of the corporations. They can not enjoy the benefits of conquering the Other World at all. They can only work for you day and night for the high cost of living and the slim hope of cultivation. Often, they work all year round. Even if they work overtime for more than half of their normal working hours, they can not save even a single cent of their salary. Instead, for the sake of their own or their children’s cultivation, they owe the company debts for twenty to thirty years, and they are completely enslaved by the company.

“During the expansion of the nine mega corporations, there will be conflicts with the natives of the Other World, and even protracted wars.

“If you win the war, you will be credited with all the credit to the unparalleled experts who are the leaders of the company. You will be bragged about how powerful you are and how smart, romantic, and cool your children and grandchildren are. You have saved the civilization and protected all mankind time and time again, and you are the only saviors. Naturally, you are qualified to enjoy 99% of the war dividends.

“If you are unlucky and lose, you will activate the propaganda machine that is firmly controlled by the company and preach to the employees of the company—my fellow countrymen, our civilization has reached a critical juncture, and everyone must work together and sacrifice themselves one after another!

“In the end, the employees of the company who did not enjoy any benefits during the process of conquering the Other World and were instead constantly exploited by you will inexplicably rush to the battlefield and face a group of ferocious natives of the Other World who have never met before.

“In short, when the company was thriving, everything was because of your leadership, and you naturally got the biggest piece of the cake.

“But when the company encountered difficulties, you would not hesitate to drag all the employees and even the entire civilization to take the blame for you or even die with you.

“As you can imagine, such a dragon city civilization has no real unity and combat ability at all.

“Because all the employees will gradually realize that everything in this world is fake after they get used to eating the flatbread that you have painted, especially the words of the executives of your companies. They are all f*cking farts.

“Only when you are strong is it true.

“Only when you are strong can you constantly change jobs among the nine mega corporations, get promoted, and even get a place in the gap between the nine mega corporations, so that you can take a breather.

“Only when one is strong enough can one obtain more cultivation resources so that their children can wake up as soon as possible. There is a little hope that they will not have to be born again and become your children’s slaves.

“Therefore, no one will fight for civilization wholeheartedly like they did in the past half century.

“No one will be so stupid as to be stimulated by lofty slogans.

“No one would fight to the death for the sake of everyone.

“As a peerless expert in the top management of the company, he was indeed fighting for his shares in the company and his position in the family.

“Ordinary employees would slack off if they could, and take advantage of others if they could. Even if they only had power the size of a housefly, they would use that power to exchange for a little bit of cultivation resources and a little bit of combat ability that would only be used on themselves.


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