Chapter 1579: Immovable

Meng Chao looked on coldly as the middle-aged man confessed his crimes.

He had a very strange feeling in his heart.

Mankind had entered an information age with advanced technology and a flourishing culture, or even an interstellar age in a certain sense.

The various furnishings in the manor were also filled with a high-tech atmosphere.

The successors standing in front of him were clearly modern people who had received a new type of education.

However, their actions resembled those of ancient families from centuries ago or even thousands of years ago.

They would often say things like, “The family rules are in place. Father is allowed to do as he pleases.”

From the sounds of it, be it Shen Yuanbao or the successors, no one had the intention of handing the matter over to the police or the Supernatural Tower. It did not matter even if a life was lost, or even if a life was at stake.

“It seems that as the powers continue to expand, the organizational structure and ethics of the so-called nobel cultivation families have degenerated on a certain level.

“It’s just like how the Turan civilization, a high-tech civilization that controls the ability to travel through space, has degenerated all the way to the era of clans that feeds on raw meat and blood.

“Could it be that superhuman powers and modern civilizations are destined to be incompatible things? Superhumans constantly break through the limits of life and evolve into existences that resemble gods and demons. Are they destined to shatter the concept of equality and the rule of law that supports modern civilizations, thus completely destroying modern civilizations?

“Looking at Shen Yuanbao, I can tell that he does not feel that the law or the Supernatural Tower can restrain him. He has never even thought of leaving the matter to the authorities—or rather, in his mind, he is the ‘authorities’!

“Right now, I have also become a Deity Realm warrior. I am a Deity Realm warrior who is even more powerful than the seriously injured Shen Yuanbao.

“Our Superstar Company has also become a mega corporation that’s on par with the two overlords, Universe and Sky Pillar.

“Moreover, there’s a behemoth like the Azure Alliance standing behind Superstar Company.

“Then, what will I become in the future? Will I be like Shen Yuanbao, establishing my own noble cultivation family and becoming a supreme existence that transcends everything?”

Meng Chao shook his head in his heart.

The organization model of the nine aristocratic cultivation families was destined to have no future.

If he became a second Shen Yuanbao, who was even stronger, it would only turn the nine great families of Dragon City into the ten great families.

That still would not prevent the arrival of destruction.

Moreover, Shen Yuanbao was only acting mighty on the surface.

He could just ignore the middle-aged man’s expression that invited others to “do as they wished if they wanted to be killed.”

He was certain that Shen Yuanbao would not be able to do anything to him.

On the way to The Grand View of the Universe, Meng Chao and Shen Yuanbao had discussed the issue of the main assassin. They also had a preliminary understanding of the complicated relationships within the Shen family, including the factions among the heirs.

Both he and Shen Yuanbao agreed that the middle-aged man before them, Shen Yuanbao’s first adopted son, Shen Chenglie, was unlikely the mastermind behind the scenes.

The reason was just as Shen Chenglie had mentioned.

Everyone knew that he was the one who had established the Blood Flower virus laboratory. He was in charge of it, and he was also the one who had recruited ‘Doctor Monster’ Fei Qingyun.

If he wanted to assassinate Shen Yuanbao...

It would be impossible for him to send out a secret team from his own laboratory.

If that was the case, he would be the target of public criticism even if the assassination were successful. He would only be the vanguard of the king and the dowry of others. How could he seize the power of the Shen family and Universe Corporation?

Besides, Shen Yuanbao could not touch Shen Chenglie.

Back when the guy was under Shen Yuanbao’s tutelage, he was already almost twenty years old.

Under his tutelage, there was a team of tough men who dared to fight. They had made great contributions to Universe Corporation’s rise.

In a sense, Shen Chenglie was not exactly Shen Yuanbao’s foster son. He was more like a partner.

Although one could not speak for all the other foster sons, they all followed Shen Chenglie’s lead.

Should Shen Yuanbao boldly kill Shen Chenglie, the entire “foster son family” would definitely feel a sense of sympathy for him. That would cause chaos within the Shen family and destabilize the entire Universe Corporation.

Furthermore, Shen Chenglie’s wife came from one of the nine mega corporations, Soaring Dragon Construction.

The two sides were in a business marriage, and their interests were closely tied together.

If Shen Yuanbao wanted to touch Shen Chenglie, he had to be prepared to face doubts and hostility from the Soaring Dragon group.

That was a price that the seriously injured Shen Yuanbao could not afford.

As expected, before Shen Chenglie finished his sentence, several successors beside him stepped forth.

“Father, please realize that Big Brother is loyal to you and the Shen family. He would never do such a heinous thing!”

“Father, in the past, Big Brother led us and fought for three days and three nights to seize the Purple Dragon Scale mineral vein. He played an important role in the rise of Universe Corporation. However, he was seriously injured, and it has affected him until today. As a result, he has been stuck at the peak of the Heaven Realm and unable to break through the final barrier. If he was not loyal to the Shen family and Universe Corporation, why would he do that?”

“There’s also the Blood Flower laboratory. Everyone knows that it’s a taboo, and no one is willing to step forward to manage it. Only Big Brother doesn’t care about personal gains and losses and resolutely carries the heavy burden. How could such a person betray you and the Shen family?!”

“I think that someone has to be jealous of Big Brother’s loyalty and ability, hence he’s been intentionally framed. It’s a trick that kills two birds with one stone. If the assassination succeeds, the other party can seize the opportunity to gain class and power. Even if the assassination fails, they can point the blame at Big Brother and get rid of him, the loyal and unyielding obstacle!”

Those who defended Shen Chenglie were all members of the “foster son faction.”

The internal members of the “foster son faction” were not a monolith.

Nevertheless, someone deliberately mentioned that Shen Chenglie had been seriously injured and forced to deal with the effects. His strength had been stuck at the peak of the Heaven Realm ever since.

It was obvious that they wanted to say that Shen Chenglie did not have enough stamina and could only be the family’s valiant general. It was impossible for him to lead the entire Shen family and Universe Corporation.

However, the adopted children were at least united on the surface. Their emotions were stronger than gold, making it even more difficult for Shen Yuanbao to deal with them.

Moreover, while they defended themselves, they cast their sharp eyes at the “biological children faction” on the other side.

They almost claimed that the person who had framed Shen Chenglie and masterminded the assassination was standing right in front of them in the meeting hall.

Faced with the adopted children’s aggressiveness, Shen Yuanbao’s blood descendants would naturally not be indifferent.

“Enough. Is it interesting to talk about the Purple Dragon Scale mineral vein and trivial matters over and over?”

“In terms of merits, which Shen family member doesn’t have merits? However, the Shen family has never mistreated anyone!”

“On the contrary, some of the old veterans who once had outstanding military merits do not have enough stamina. When they see the latecomers taking the lead, they lose their cool. Who knows what they will do?”

“Perhaps, Shen Chenglie had that same kind of mentality and ordered Fei Qingyun to assassinate the old master as a result?” someone said sarcastically.

That immediately stirred up an even larger scale of anger and commotion.

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