Offer To The CEO

Chapter 448: Lazy weekend - Part 1

448 Lazy weekend - Part 1


Waking up to Anna in his arms, it dawned on Hou Yi this was the first time since they had admitted their true feelings they were in the same bed without Anna having a cast on.Yes she still had the moon boot, but she was on the road to recovery.

The only downside, was they had still not been given permission to resume s*xual relations, which he so wanted.He did recognise that they had been so lucky, that everything that happened just after she conceived had not caused issues to date with the baby, and that she had remained pregnant.

Noticing the time was 8am, was surprising, as he had not returned from the Japan business trip until 2am, Hou Yi carefully moved trying not to disturb Anna.He moved around the bed to Anna's side, and while knowing he had a fifty-fifty change to wake Anna, he could not help but to give her a brief kiss.

That kiss immediately woke Anna, who saw her husband leaning over her with a sweet smile on his lips.Before she could say anything, she started to feel that she would vomit again.Damn morning sickness.

Seeing the change in Anna from a sweet smile when she awoke to the look he had seen on previous mornings, rather than waiting for her to get up and struggle into the bathroom, Hou Yi swept Anna into his arms and quickly carried her into the bathroom before settling her at the toilet to allow her to vomit.

While she was still throwing up Hou Yi readied a glass of water for her to rinse her mouth out when she finished, and keeping her hair from her face.About ten minutes later at Anna's signal, Hou Yi handed her a glass of water to rinse her mouth out.

When she was finished Hou Yi lifted her up, and asked "Do you want to go back to bed, have a shower or a bath?"

Anna turned and shyly asked "A bath together and then return to bed?Only if you have nothing to do?"

"Sweetheart while I have some work to do, I can do it from the study.Presently though you are the most important thing."

Given Anna's desire for a bath, Hou Yi filled the bath with enough water before helping Anna settle into it before slipping in behind her.When he was settled Anna lent back resting on her husband's chest.This felt so peaceful, but Hou Yi soon lost the struggle not to kiss her and started to kiss her neck.

Anna tilted her head to the left allowing Hou Yi easier access to her neck and he started to caress her body, while Anna used her hands caressing his legs and the areas of Hou Yi's body she could reach.Within minutes Anna could feel how aroused Hou Yi was as a result of this, and she wanted to turn and straddle him.Given the warnings she knew she could not place pressure on her leg to properly turn.She twisted and asked quietly "Yi, could you please help me turn to face you?"

Hou Yi carefully assisted Anna to turn, so she was facing him.She lent over and started to kiss him, with the kisses becoming quickly passionate.Very quickly they both started to use their hands along with their mouths to start to pleasure each other …

Thirty minutes Hou Yi added hot water to re-warm the bath, while they simply sat there resting as despite not being able to take it to the ultimate conclusion they both wanted they just could not move.

Before they knew anything, they heard a gasp at the ensuite doorway, and then three voices together saying "Apologies Young Master, Young Madam.We will leave your breakfast in the lounge area and leave you be."

Hou Yi noticed Anna blush, and twist and bury her face in his chest.It was only when the heard the door shut that they knew that they were alone in the suite.Anna lifted her head and commented "That was embarrassing."

"Apologies sweetheart I forgot I told Butler Ge when I arrived home at 2am, if we had not come down by 9am, to bring breakfast up to us."

"Well you better help me out then and feed me," gently laughed Anna.

Hou Yi, then gently moved Anna so he could climb out, and he quickly dried himself before lifting Anna out.While she was drying herself, he put on a fresh pair of Boxers, and grabbed her a fresh nightdress, and then helped her put back on the moon boot, before carrying her out and settling in the lounge area to have their light breakfast, before returning back to bed.

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