Chapter 106: What did Bella do?

"Move your hand."

Nadia's eyes blazed with an intensity that made those around her step back, sensing the storm brewing within her.

Even Evelyn felt intimidated by the air.

Nadia said again as she forcefully tore Bella's hand that was still gripping Oliver's.

She could not express this moment, but when she saw earlier Oliver getting defeated even after hiding that dark power and strength to defeat a minor-level demon, her mood had soured and was a little disdainful as well.

She could not believe that he still got defeated by that girl.

However, when she saw her moving up to him even after defeating him and roughing him up, her blood started to boil.

She could not control the sudden urge in her mind to kill Bella at that moment. It was an overbearing urge that almost made her lose her temper.

Before she knew it, she was there, stopping her hand.

She didn't know why…


Bella, whose hand had been yanked away, also jerked up.

A ripple of shock passed through the onlookers, everyone holding their breath as the tension crackled in the air.

Her eyes, which had been full of anger, also trembled.

She looked at Oliver, who was also speechlessly looking at this new drama unfolding.


His eyelids could not help but twitch wildly.

He was currently experiencing the feeling of a heroine in a TV show for some reason.

"I… I am sorry," Bella instantly bowed down to him, "Please forgive me for my earlier misconduct… I don't know what got into me that made me do that to you…even though you were already injured…"

Her eyes could not help but moisten up slightly; she was feeling like trash right now.

"Umm," Oliver also felt bad for making her feel like this because of his fake act.

In the end, she was still a little girl, he sighed, "It's fine. I am not angry."

He chuckled softly, "Instead, I can understand the feeling of not being able to fight to your heart's content with a rival, haha."

"I apologize for not being up to your expectation hahaha."

He lightly waved his hand and diffused the tense atmosphere.

Bella also nodded weakly, she was about to cry in front of so many people!

If she had done that, she would not have any face left in the future. Her expression was as red as a tomato.

While everyone heaved a sigh of relief that the situation did not escalate much, Nadia was still holding onto his kimono.

Oliver looked at her with question marks on his face as he whispered.

"Ahem, thanks, Nadia. Thanks for helping me."

Hearing his gratitude, she slowly released his clothes and went back without looking at anyone.

Oliver shook his head and retrieved a healing potion from his mind space and drank its contents to show others that he was really injured just now.

Why had he lost on purpose? Maybe he just wanted her to maintain an image in front of her sister, or maybe he did not want to get involved in the plot early?

It could be anything, but he did what his heart wanted at that moment.

Perhaps, in the future, he should not act like this in front of her…

The little incident was foiled quickly, and the next duel was between Amber and Daniel, the root cause of everything.

The match was intense. Daniel, being the sword prodigy he was, used a variety of sword moves and impressive sword arts as well.

Oliver was tempted to get those techniques, but the system did not detect him as a binding character.

Well, anyways, he could just get them from the Sacred Sword Clan in the future.

Amber, on the other hand, was an exorcist specializing in tools and was using all sorts of weird-looking tools Oliver had never ever seen before.

Of course, he was interested as they were helping her to stop Daniel very effectively.

He might consider buying them from her in the future if the chance arises.

The duel was a bit longer, and neither side was winning; both were looking exhausted but still kept their opponent at bay.

This was what a duel between the young heirs of five major clans should look like ideally, but well, the first duel ended up in crushing defeat of Alphonso and the second one was also quite weird, they still did not know the reason for Bella's sudden outbreak.

Seeing the state of the two, the elder finally stepped forward without wasting more of anyone's time and announced in a clear voice.

"This duel is now being declared as a draw between the two."

After the elder's words, both of them collapsed on their spots in exhaustion; they were equally matched with one another.

Both had a newfound glint in their eyes. Daniel got up and walked up to Amber as he extended his hand to her.

"I am sorry for before, I lost temper too suddenly… You are indeed quite skilled; there has never been a fight where I have not been able to reach my opponent close."

Amber looked at his hand and caught it as she slowly stood up.

"I am sorry too, I was rude in the beginning, it was my fault for ignoring you." she looked at him with apologetic eyes and an embarrassed look.

"No, well, I was also at fault for being partial towards women… I-I shouldn't have said that."

In the end, they managed to patch up things under the watchful eyes of the crowd.

"I believe you guys must be familiar with each other through this."

One of the elders came forward and said as he looked at the children present one by "Now we will be having you quiet down for a bit and tell you all about some of the plans we have for your future."

The crowd quickly settled in order.

"You all should know about the purpose of today's meeting; it was a joint-training program, but you should know what the end goal of this is? Why did we even plan this?"

He asked as Alphonso added, "Isn't it to make us stronger for the future?"

"Indeed that is one of the reasons behind this, but there's another major reason behind this, the end goal of this program is to make you all strong enough to participate in The Perpetual Plane."

Perpetual Plane!

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