Number One Zombie Wife

Chapter 188: She’s here in B City.

Chapter 188: She's here in B City.

"Did you notice that?" The troubled men in the back seat looked up at Chen Hao in the driver's seat. "I felt someone was staring at us the other day in Cuihua Village."

Chen Hao said, "I was leaving Cuihua Village I felt it too."

Kong Zi Xu asked, "How many of you could have noticed that someone was staring at us? Why didn't you say that earlier?"

“I don't want to say earlier, because I can't feel someone else or a zombie nearby, so I think it's my illusion.”

Chen Hao said, "The reason I didn't say it was because it wasn't like the enemy was staring in the dark, so I wasn't sure. Anyway, it was chilling and creepy all the time."

Zhou Quan said, "In order to avoid accidents, we should rush back to B City as soon as possible."

Mu Yi Fan agrees with this: "After the journey, we take turns driving, who is tired can rest directly in the car, meals are also to be taken in the car, need to untie before parking."


Next, on the way back to B City, the car will stop only when it needs to change drivers.

Because everyone is a man, so it is very convenient to solve the problem of peeing by standing on the roadside at will. However, it is more troublesome to solve the problem by standing on the roadside at will. Nobody wants to squat on the roadside barefoot, so that others can smell what they have excreted, so they have to choose the roadside grass to solve the problem.

Before solving the problem, they will check the surrounding environment first to make sure there is no danger before they go to the grass to release their hands. Others are on the other side of the car and shout if anything happens. [1] Solving the problem= going number 1 or 2

They were cautious and nothing happened on the way. Seeing that the B City was approaching, an accident happened. When Chen Hao and Deng Xiao Yi were peeing something broke up in the grass, they were suddenly dragged deep into the forest by something.

Gao Fei heard the scream and turned around quickly. Mu Yi Fan used the wooden power to imprison Chen Hao and Deng Xiao Yi's bodies so as not to be dragged far behind.

However, the things that hold Chen Hao and Deng Xiao Yi's bodies still pulled Chen Hao and Deng Xiao Yi's bodies.

Gao Fei blasted it quickly, and Chen Hao and Deng Xiao Yi got out of danger.

Mu Yi Fan ran quickly into the grass and saw Chen Hao and Deng Xiao Yi with a wine around their waists: "Are you all right?"

"It's all right. Fortunately, you found us early, or we'll be dragged away." Chen Hao and Deng Xiao Yi quickly got up and put on their pants.

Mu Yi Fan looked in the direction in which they were towed, and there seemed to be a man standing under a big tree not far away.

The reason for his uncertainty is that he is a little far away and the other side is standing back-to-back. Moreover, he is wearing the same clothes as the tree bark, so he can only judge that the other side is like a person from the figure and the long hair behind.

At that moment, the figure turned around, showing purple lips and green eyes, while the skin on his face grew like bark.

Mu Yi Fan was shocked.

This man looks very similar to what Shen Qin Yang described as the strange man.

"Oh, my God, is that a human?" Deng Xiao Yi took a breath of air as he looked at the figure in the distance.

The strange man stared at Mu Yi Fan gloomily for a long time and slowly had on a cold smile.

Chen Hao looked at the eccentric man warily and said in a low voice, "That man looked at us and to me, that it feels like being stared at the other day it is gloomy and uncomfortable."

Deng Xiao Yi said, "It's not like he's been following us all the time, is it?"

"Very likely."

The strange `man' smiled a few times and leaned towards the next big tree. His body merged in the big tree in an instant.

Gao Fei, who came after him, immediately blasted the tree with a power. With a bang, the tree made a loud noise and fell faltering to the side.

Mu Yi Fan saw the tree fall like other big trees and said, "He's gone already."

Gao Fei wondered, "Didn't he get into that big tree? Why didn't it blow him up?"

Mu Yi Fan explained: "The tree is just the gateway he left with, and his body should be able to reach other places through the connection between the tree and other big trees."

If that's the case, then he also thinks that the person staring at them along the way is probably the weirdo, because it's not difficult to catch up with the speed of their car with the tree as the travelling channel.

"Yi Fan, do you know who that weirdo is?" Chen Hao asked.

Mu Yi Fan frowned: "It should be a mutant."

In his novel, these people should not appear until one year after the end of the world, and Chen Hao, Deng Xiao Yi, Zhou Quan, Kong Zi Xu are the first examples in the novel. After being swallowed by plants and animals, they become mutants with powers by virtue of strong and unyielding ideas and merge with the body of animals and plants.


"That's..." Mu Yi Fan explained it briefly.

Gao Fei and the other four looked at Mu Yi Fan in surprise: "There is such a thing."

Mu Yi Fan looked up at the sky and said, "It's not early, so let's hurry back to B City."

Six men returned to the bus and returned to the gate of B City at 11 p.m. First, they handed over one tenth of the material to the soldiers at the gate, then went to the inspection area to check for any wounds, and then they were sent to the isolation area for waiting.

When they came to the quarantine area, they saw a woman in a white dress sitting in a corner, quietly turning over her books, her long hair blocking half of her long face.

Moreover, the lights in the isolation area are very dim, so you can't see what the other person looks like, but in such a quiet atmosphere, it seems a bit weird.

Mu Yi Fan and Chen Hao couldn't help looking at each other more.

Because the doors of each room are made of iron bars, when you enter the isolation room opposite, they can still see the woman opposite.

After the soldiers brought them into the isolation room, they left.

Deng Xiao Yi said, "If you want to stay here for five or six hours, you can only stay here for one night tonight."

Chen Hao laid down casually on the ground. "Everyone is tired for several days, so they had an early rest."

Mu Yi Fan also found a seat and sat down. Just trying to close his eyes, he saw the woman in the opposite room stand up, take out a short comb from her skirt pocket, comb her hair and walk to the front of the iron bar.

The woman put her combed hand down, raised her eyes, looked at the other side, and opened her red lips: "Mr. Mu, long time no see. Do you remember who I am?"

Mu Yi Fan saw the beautiful face, opened his eyes and looked at each other in surprise: "Rong Xue?"

Why is Rong Xue here?

Speaking of it, Rong Xue did not know where to go after leaving their ranks in K City, and never heard of her news, let alone what Zhan Bei Tian had done to Rong Xue.

Rong Yan and Rong Mother asked Mao Yu about Rong Xue. Unfortunately, no one knows the whereabouts of Rong Xue.

Chen Hao looked at Mu Yi Fan: "Yi Fan, do you recognize that woman?"

Mu Yi Fan nodded.

Rong Xue chuckled. "Fortunately, Mr. Mu remembers me, does Mr. Mu knows how well my mother and sister are?"

Mu Yi Fan feels that Rong Xue is a little gloomy. He tightens his eyebrows and is reluctant to say more about Rong Yan's affairs: "Very well."

Rong Xue asked, "So Mr. Mu knows where my mother and sister live now?"

Mu Yi Fan's eyebrows tightened a little, worried about Rong Xue's disturbance at Zhan Bei Tian Camp. After thinking about it, he said, "They live in No. 105 Minxiang, Beicheng District."

This is Rong Xue's father's and stepmother's address, which he mentioned when he wrote the novel, and he doesn't know if Rong Xue's father and stepmother are still there.

Say this address, just want Rong Xue to find her father and them, and don’t come back to camp to find Rong Yan their trouble.

"Thank you Mr. Mu for telling me." Rong Xue picked up the comb again and combed her hair.

Deng Xiao Yi saw Rong Xue combing her hair again and immediately shivered: "This woman is really strange. What else does she comb her hair in the middle of the night make me feel like watching ghost movies? It has a creepy feeling."

Kong Zi Xu laughed and said, "It's women's nature to love being beauty. You don't even know that. No wonder you can't find a girlfriend."

"You know, so why don't you have a girlfriend?" Deng Xiao Yi was not angry to refute.

Kong Zi Xu hummed softly: "I just don't want to find one."

"That's right." Rong Xue suddenly asked again, "Major General Zhan, how is he?"

Mu Yi Fan said to herself that this woman is not still dead-hearted in love to Zhan Bei Tian, is she?

Without waiting for his answer, Rong Xue scoffed at herself and said, "Look at me, it's silly. The Zhan Family is famous and powerful in B City. How could he possibly lead a bad life?"

She stopped combing her hair and fixed her eyes on Mu Yi Fan. Then, her bright red lips burst into a bright, deep smile. "Surely Mr. Mu and Major General Zhan had a good time, too? You two really make me envy you so much! "

After that, Rong Xue let out a low laugh, raised his hands and grabbed the iron bar in front of him. "Mr. Mu, please tell Major General Zhan for me. I, Rong Xue, came to B City."

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