Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1793 King Of Bearling -Part 31

"Oops. Sorry that I forgot about you. Most of the Mecha Dragons are on ground level."  Click said as she saw how Page was maneuvering around the Mecha Lightning Dragons with the Mindjacker Hovering Module. Her bullets were not doing much damage to the Lightning Dragons but at the very least, she had annoyed them enough that it warranted their full attention. 

"Just shut up and help." Page was not in the mood to talk and Click could understand why. She dropped the Flame Thrower and started to press some console commands within her Fortress Golem cockpit for the backpack to start synthesising pieces of equipment that would help Page out. 

And that was none other than Lightning Kites.  As hilarious as it sounded, it had the similar concept of a lightning rod. So when Click let them fly up to the high altitude skies, Page noted those kites and purposely flew towards them. 

Thus every time the Mecha Lightning Dragons were to release a burst of lightning, some of the energy would be attracted to the lightning kites, burning them away and reducing the effectiveness of their attack against Page who was already tired of evading the attacks and repairing herself due to the electrical damage she received from these Mecha Lightning Dragons. 

But because of the upgrades she had from Number Four, her entire constitution had changed for the better. Number four's muscle fibers were strong enough that when Page grabbed one of the Lightning Dragon's tails, it got crushed. 

The only thing that stopped her from continuing the attack was the immense electric attacks. So, with the advent of lightning kites, she was able to punch and kick without too much trouble from the electricity. 

It was then the Mecha Lightning Dragons devised a sphere of lightning around it, consistently moving around it so that Page was not able to move in to do damage with close combat. But the truth was that Number Four's skills were not fully shown in the fight against Jin. If Jin had fought harder with her and not surprised her with a killing blow early on, Number Four might have been able to win against Jin.

This was because one of Number Four's skills was Puppet Strings. "Heh, this skill should fit Yinn better than me though I understand this would make things easier for me since I am mainly a support character." Page thought to herself as she initially had no idea why Old Flammet had decided on such a module for her. 

That was the reason why the container full of Rocketeer Mechanoids that had yet to be activated was imported in for her powers. Initially, she thought it was an upgrade for the nanobots that could not only heal but control Mechanoids but later she realised she could have full control of the Mechanoid that she took over, unlike the nanobots where only certain commands can be given and the rest of its actions were independent of her. 

So, with her powers, she attempted to puppet string one of the Mecha Lightning Dragons, in hopes that she could control them. And as expected, the control was not strong enough as the Dragons' Ego was interfering with her Puppet Strings' power. But that did not mean that it was useless. The temporary paralysation from the use of her skill had caused the Mecha Lightning Dragon to stop the production of the electrical sphere that surrounded it. 

She then quickly moved in and tore its chest armour with Number Four's strength. And that feat itself had already caused the second Mecha Lightning Dragon to come to its aid wanting to rip Page away from his buddy. 

Yet, the good thing was that Page was small in size compared to those Mecha Dragons so she was able to evade quickly, especially with the Mindjacker Hovering Module. After which, she too used the Puppet Strings' ability to temporarily take control of the second dragon. Even if it is just for a second, it was more than enough to stop the attack, come close to her, and allowed her to use Number Four's ungodly strength to tear the claw away from the Mecha Lightning Dragon so that she could use it against the former Dragon who had its armour plate ripped out.

With all her strength, she stomped the claw into the exposed part of the Mecha Lightning Dragon, causing it to penetrate and destroy the power core within it.  As for the remaining Mecha Lightning Dragon, Page used her strength to flip the dead Mecha Lightning Dragon and slammed towards it forcing it to drop down to the ground with more than a loud thud. 

"Click, now!" Page said as she knew that the Mecha Lightning Dragon was going to retaliate by sending out a huge gigantic burst of lightning but before it could do that, the Necro Titan was around to slam its entire body down crushing the Mecha Lightning Dragon's torso. And that was not the end of it as Click had also summoned the Necro Giant Squid to wrap around its wings, tail, and limbs pulling them apart as the titan continued to dismantle the Mecha Lightning Dragon while Page continuously used Puppet Strings to get hold of the second Mecha Lightning Dragon's Ego.

With its mind stalled and limbs broken, it was a matter of time the Mecha Lightning Dragon would be decommissioned but it was not going to give up as it activated its self destruct sequence when it was out of the Puppet String's possession. 

"Too late buddy." Click said as her Fortress Golem was already right beside the dying Mecha Dragon as she moved her artillery barrel right at the power core and send a shot into it, causing it to malfunction and unable to activate its self destruct sequence. 

"Then all that's left is the Lightning and Posion or acid whatever Dragonlings that the Pandarens left." Click said as she used her Fortress Golem and raised a fist out for Page who was panting and catching her breath. The amount of steam coming out of her was insane that she could hide within her own smoke. Yet, she did not stop to return the gesture back to Click.

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