Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1786 King Of Bearling -Part 24

"The nearest combat medic would take some time to come. The technician can take some of our medication, it aids with recovery but we are not sure how effective it will be on him since it might be a little too strong." Sigma offered but Jin refused. 

"It's fine, I can handle this. Give me some time and please no backstabbing. Thanks," Jin said as Alpha gave a short snort at his request. "Overall condition seems fine. System, you see anything major?" He asked in his head for his version of almighty to give a verdict.

"Other than a minor concussion and a few bruises, the System does not believe that he had any physical injury, based on the pattern of the Maqi that was travelling through him." The System reported. 

"Then I guess, it's time to jolt him up," Jin said as he turned the Maqi into electric currents. If the toxin isolation exercise was of any use, this was another application of it. Using offensive magic to the lowest possible energy so that when he jolts the Technician up, there should not be any problems with it.

Steele and the two Elite Assassins saw how Jin acted something like a defibrillator, shocking the technician up from his unconsciousness. By pulsating his electrical Maqi, it massaged the brain and forced the technician to come back to life. (Author's notes: Please note that in real life, a defibrillator does not act that way. Do not shock someone in a coma like state and read the instructions to use it properly.) 

"Oh my -cough cough cough" The Technician woke up in a fit and found himself surrounded by an unusual group of people which should not be mixed together. How could oil and water be in the same container? 

"…Lord Jin?? Commander Steele? The…Elite Assassins??!!" The Technician had a terrible time trying to make sense of the situation and thought that he had already been beyond hope. Death was not enough for him and he had to be tortured by such a waking scene.

"We do not have time to explain why we are not at each other throats. Do you have any idea about the interface that controls the Mecha Dragons and why the Dragons are being so rampant?" 


"I sense a lie," Sigma said as she readied her centipede armament, wanting to snip away something precious belonging to the technician. 

"As in…I did work on the interface but as a last minute temp. I have no idea why the controls were not working. But I can only suspect it is due to the interference of ego. There are too many dragons in one area and the AI logic circuits that had been created based on the Dragon's Ego when they are alive or …imprisoned, their Ego kicked in."

"We thought of this as a possible consequence considering how 2nd tier dragons always have command over the 1st tier dragons. And that big ass dragon you saw?" 

"No, I did not see any dragon yet. Just lots of roaring in the background." Jin said but Steele nodded his head.

"That dragon is 3rd tier. Instead of creating parts and putting up a dragon altogether. The Rocketeers furnished it based on the foundation of dragon bones. I am afraid that the console interface that controls each and every individual dragon is not working because of the various 2nd tier trying to gain dominance until the 3rd tier flew in and exerted his prowess to the rest of the group." 

Even as the Technician was giving the explanation, Royal Guards and civilians were being torn into pieces but there was no choice. The commander needed to know what was happening. 

"Then why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at Her Highness's side to fix this god damn thing?"

"Because…because…" Sigma's eyes lit up as she could see the Technician was about to lie. Her robotic centipede armament began to make creepy noises with its miniature legs and the Technician finally gave up and told them the truth.

"BECAUSE! IT IS NOT FIXABLE! Everything is working fine! The moment I try to restart their controls, the AI logic circuits probably take control due to their innate Ego. That is the only answer I could think of!" 

"If we kill the 3rd tier dragon, can you get the 2nd tier to be under control?" Jin asked and the Technician shook his head. "I am not exactly an expert in this and I am not part of their computing development so I do not have any idea. Please let me off. I might die trying to escape but at least I won't die facing the wrath of the Queen." The technician begged for his life and Steele sighed. 

He knew how the Queen would treat incompetent people and the victim was well aware of that as well. "Go. Run. But if the Dragons ever kill you, know that is of your own volition." Steele said and he thanked the Royal Guard Commander before limping away from them. 

"Sir, we have begun deploying the Mechanoid Armours as you requested but they need some time. The reserve tank company is on its way as well. We tried contacting the surrounding cities and they say their military is okay to send in some additional reinforcements as well as fighter jet planes."

"Oh yeah, where are our planes?" Jin asked the System since the Mecha Dragons had begun rampaging the city. 

"They are on standby at high altitudes, not planning to attack until the command has been given. A few dragons saw them initially but did not bother to do anything about it, especially with all the commotion that was happening on the ground. 

"Then I guess we are the first wave of reinforcements,"  Jin said to himself before he sent an email to the Leader of the Royal Guards. "Here are the IFF codes for my Grey Bear Squad and me. Put them up and if I ever see any one of your Royal Guards or Assassin attacking us during this period of time. Consider this a done deal. I do not give a shit about your Capital and I go straight to killing the Royals." 

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