Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1776 King Of Bearling -Part 14

The day of the challenge had finally come as the clock struck 12 in the middle of the night. The Royal Guards and Assassins had already positioned themselves to protect the Bearling Palace and Steele even sent some for patrols. 

It was without saying that everyone was anxious as the Guards had repeatedly watched the video that the Masked Announcer had shown over the public broadcast over and over again. This was mental training by Steele to show them the capabilities of their enemy and what they should do to overcome him.

It was also in hopes that one of the guards could see a certain pattern in his attack and perhaps utilise that weakness. It was like watching matches of the opponent they got to fight before they went up into the ring. But this time around, they only had one video to go by. 

"The Airspace is opened." One of the tactical officers said as Steele was in that hastily prepared war room within the Bearling Palace. They should have put the war room in a much safer place but considering the fact that Steele had the pride of the Royal Guards to protect, he wants it to be in the Palace to show that the Guards can stand their ground even against such formidable enemy.

It's a testament to their faith in the Royal Guard's strength, the cornerstone of the Empire for it to not falter. The Royal Assassin Leader Shai was also in the War Room as she coordinated her assassins in a more cryptic form that even the Royals Guards could not understand. To her, she cannot trust the guards even though they were built in such a way that strength matters more than everything else. When she saw some of the guards dropping their weapons and leaving the area, all she could think of was betrayal happening right in front of them.

However, Steele was the one who told her to let them go. 

"It's better they leave now rather than staying behind to drop the morale when it really matters," Steele said and Shai had no choice but to keep her blade sheathed. 

"Turn on the radar signal to the maximum and make sure to check how many bogeys we are going to counter." As Steele gave that order, the tactical officers already shouted that they noted one particular bogey and from the looks of it, it was a helicarrier.

"A helicarrier? Not a fighter jet plane? And only one?" Steele thought about it for a moment and felt that something was amiss.

"Yes, Sir. Multiple radar feedback had shown there is only one bogey although the signal is oddly weird." 

"How so? The Helicarrier seems to be taking its time to come here. It's not travelling at full speed or anything."

"Probably wasting time to make full use of the limited time they have in the airspace before coming in," Shai commented. "We should just shoot it down." 

"No, as long it is not in Bearling's Airspace, we cannot do that." 

"Why bother? Those airspaces also belong to the Empire and shooting an enemy down in our airspace is a valid thing to do." 

"I know. But that is not how the challenge works. Respect the challenge. You saw how the Masked Announcer, a minion of the Three Winged Angel killed a few of your respected assassins before they could do anything." Steele tried to calm her down and continued overseeing the operation.

"Send out all our readily available planes the moment they enter our airspace. If they are flying a helicarrier, then it's most likely they want to prioritise defence more than offence. Make short work of the helicarrier and they will come crashing down to the Northern Fields. Prepare some Empire Military guards there if they are available.

"No sir, they are still working to get the people out of there." The tactical officer said and Steele wondered if Jin was going slow mainly due to the fact that he wanted to buy more time for the people to get out of the city as fast as possible. "Impossible, he would not care that much for…" 

"Sir, the Helicarrier is requesting Montash City for landing. They stated that the city had yet to fully evacuate and coming in now would block the airspace for people to run away." The Tactical Officer shouted and Steele was confused. Did Jin read his mind or something or is he plotting something even more sinister?

"Belay that order. Tell them to come straight for the challenge. Energy Barriers had already been configured and set up to ensure the evacuation proceeded smoothly. The Royal Guards had always been responsible for the people they swore to protect." 


"Huh…interesting," Jin said as he received the message from the leader of the Royal Guards. "He said he already put barriers up. So, all we have to do is to fly in. That also means that they are going to send out their entire armada of planes." 

"You know, Jin. I feel like my lifespan has shortened drastically ever since I met you." 2LT Cloudie said and Jin tapped on his shoulders firmly. 

"Hahaha. Survive this and you get promoted to Captain. Archduke Dyke guarantees it." 

"Wow, so stingy," Cloudie remarked.

"Hey, you are getting free full salary for not doing anything after this. It's free money man." 

"Whatever, Ex Interim Leader Jin. So, how are we going to fight against a fleet of fighter jets again? The helicarrier doesn't really have that much manoeuvrability even though we have upgraded shields. This is practically suicide."

"That's why I brought you with me. But I am surprised you did not ask for a co-pilot." Jin sat beside him leisurely.

"And bring that co-pilot to certain death? No thanks. I rather die and get a double promotion myself." 

"Hahaha! With this scenario of not allowing to land be completed and we are already halfway there, I guess I can tell you a secret. Can this particular camera look upwards?" 


"You will know soon enough." 

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