Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1761 Three Winged Angel Dungeon -Part 29

"You are coming with us?" Jin asked Old Flammet and he was not willing to say no. 

"I have to see this to the end. Or at least for the sake of Gerrad and the rest of my guildmates who had passed on." Old Flammet stated. 

"Are we going to expect a fight though?" Nie asked as he had already made adjustments to the Enhanced Mechanoid Armour that Old Flammet could control. 

"No, this time around. Jin and his squad would be protecting me. And I feel that he would honour his word and not attack us, unless we provoke him in some manner." OId Flammet said as he opened the Dungeon Entrance beneath his workshop to see that the standard human like Three Winged Angel statue had turned to his real form.

It even created a portal the moment it sensed that the doors to the Dungeon Entrance had been opened. "If you say so Gramps. I hope you do not regret it. The rest of you ready?" Jin asked as the Grey Bear Squad had already walked through the Dungeon Entrance and half silhouettes of the monsters that Jin had defeated were above their heads. 

Page had Number Four sipping her tea right above her. Diaz got the Stone Throne of Greedy Hands while Tellie had the Surest of Eye with his bow and arrow. It was only Click did not have any silhouettes emerging her but the power cores lit up at various corners of her body which Old Flammet had placed it just as how Necromechanoid did. 

It was then Jin realised that it was similar to the power of his cultivation where Pandas would emerge but this time around they were controlling monsters he had defeated instead. Lynn decided to join the fun and portrayed her cultivation. Three little penguins emerged from her back and they were dancing around with choppers on their hands. 

"Amazing! You mean you actually have this silhouette thingy for everyone especially the place where you are from?" Diaz asked and Lynn nodded her head.

"What's Jin's form then?" Page asked and Jin questioned if they remembered if they saw those black and white pandas that came out when he used some of those lightning attacks. "They are called Pandas back in our world." 

"Why don't you just show them rather than explain? Showing is believing." Lynn said since everyone had shown their display of power.

"Nah. I want to keep the cuteness to myself." Jin smiled and even gave a peace sign.

"Aww come on, show it." Lynn said I want to see those Pandas, it's been a long time since I last saw them. 

"Well, you did not want to see my Panda just now," Jin said in his adult joke with sarcasm and Lynn pinched his arm. "Ow okay okay!" And as forced to, Jin portrayed his cultivation but it was something he did not expect. 

There were no doubt four yawning pandas emerging out over his shoulders and they were so cute that the Mechanoids even recognise why Lynn wanted to see them. However, they were not the only things that emerged from him. A White Tiger Silhouette was standing tall, eyeing the group while a Black Tortoise had wrapped itself with multiple venomous looking snakes. A bright looking sun bird flew out from behind them as well as a gigantic shadow of a serpent like creature enhancing the silhouette of the sun bird even more. 

With this portrayal of power, the demigorgon swords screech so loudly that they are taken aback by it and catch their attention as it excitedly moves its eye around the entire sword. At that point, the entire silhouette Jin had portrayed had disappeared since Jin was shocked by the screeching.

"Jin… There were more than four pandas." Lynn replied and Jin scratched his head.

"Impossible, I do not feel an increase in cultivation at all. Not even at Grade 4 Peak." Jin said and Lynn shook her head. "Byakko, Suzaku, and Genbu emerged above our pandas as well as a hidden shadow which I believe is Seiryuu." 

"Huh." Jin could not believe it as he tried to portray his cultivation once more and to find that this time around only the four pandas were there yawning about him. 

"As much as Lynn said, we did see other four entities above the four pandas," Yinn added. "And that your sword screech and not now was probably also the appearance of those creatures above you." 

"Are you guys messing with me?" Jin asked the Cardinals directly and yet they did not respond. "In any case, let's move into the dungeon portal. We have flaunted enough of our powers and the Three Winged Angel probably sees it in action with his statue. Let's not keep him waiting anymore." 

The Grey Bear Squad agreed and they entered with Old Flammet where they found themselves to be teleported up above the skies. One huge platform with clouds passing through it and a series of stairs that lead up to a chair above. 

There, the Masked Announcer sat patiently and waited for them in these two weeks. "You all are finally here. Please have a seat." The Masked Announcer said as chairs magically appeared behind them and they sat with the exception of Yinn who refused to.

"Please. Mechanoid. Do not test my patience. Sit." The Masked Announcer said.

"Yinn, rest easy and listen to him, there is no use agitating him when he controls the place here. If he can have the Great Reality Blender under his control, he can definitely able to change whatever he wants to." Jin said and the Masked Announcer smirked. 

"Well, looks like someone knows who is boss here." 

"I am not doing this because of you but because of what my commander says." 

"It is fine by me." The Masked Announcer said as he changed his sitting position by crossing his legs the other way. But every moment he made had been monitored by the Mechanoids as their hands seemed to be inching towards their trigger.

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