Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1724 Aftermath Of Parry City's Incident -Part 6

  "Warm up? User, the Celestial Plane is even more dangerous than the Hell Plane mainly because of the fact that the Gods there would take revenge regardless of race. The Demons when invaded would take it as a joke and even welcome you to return for the next round. They are not the same." 

"But didn't our resident crafty fox say that it is possible to do that? I remembered him talking about collaborating with Diabolos to get it back or something." 

"Yes, they are but it is not the most optimal way of getting your body back. The System would deem it as the last resort as the System had already sent people to infiltrate into the Celestial plane so that they could get your body back with the least amount of suspicion." 

"Then, if we even do fight with that Dungeon King nonsense…" Jin realised how futile everything was.

"That was why the System recommended User to go with the normal route of doing a coup. That way, you would have sufficient friends and resources to take down the Empire. Also, do not forget that we would not know what the Empire would do. There is a chance that they will see this Mecha Fire Dragon as a trigger to get rid of the rats running around their feet. That is what the Royal Zodiacs had done when they were dealing with Ming."

"Squash the weak ones before they get any stronger." 

"Yes, that is why it is unfortunate that you have to encounter this Mecha Fire Dragon issue and the way you handled the issue by broadcasting it to everyone in this Virtual Simulation might have ripple effects that would ensue chaos. Lots of chaos." 

"I do not think Jin did it that badly? The broadcast is also a way to keep him alive. Should the Empire really strike back at him, the other nations would not take it so lightly. In fact, with this broadcast idea, he might have sponsors that would contact him so that the coup would be successful." Syn responded positively to Jin's past actions.

"Again, I will owe favours to people if I ever do that." 

"Not necessarily so. As long as you know how to talk to your sponsors, you might see that they just want this Empire's Royal to be removed." 

"Probably the work of economics but since this world is so prone to fights, I think they rather do battles than sanctions,"  Jin remarked as he continued with his fake sleeping and Grieves did not know whether to believe Jin was truly asleep since the car which was already moving slowly encountered all the bumpy road that even the brilliant suspensions Diamondz had installed was not enough to make it a smooth ride.

"Actually, you did not tell me what happens after I defeat the Dungeon King and why I would be able to take the Empire's Royals down." 

"That, I cannot say and you need to find out for yourself. The dungeon is at the centre of the capital of the Empire. Everyone knows that it's a dungeon and people go there all the time. The thing is no one bothered to talk to the statue that was right above it. The Three Winged Angel. If you talk to it, I can provide you with the challenge and we can move on from there." 

"Yet, another secretive move from Syn." Jin could not help but not trust him on it. Maybe if he asked Grieves or Denise to get someone to research the Dungeon King, they might give a better perspective compared to Syn."

So to Jin, there were quite a few routes to take, and both of the AI's kind of make sense. He can take the shortest route with respect to time and fight against the Dungeon King. The other was to take the fight himself and go against the Royals after passing millions of points back to Syn. Lastly, it was to take the long way and cause the coup.

All three ways in his opinion were a pain in the ass and wondered if there was any better way to do it so he asked for one last person's recommendation and see how it fared. "What's your opinion on attacking the Royals and your personal solution?" 

Grieves heard the question and looked at Jin who still continued to pretend to sleep. He initially did not wish to bother and assumed it was Jin talking in his 'sleep'.  But after a while, he placed his items down and gave a real good thought about it. 

"Honestly, if you ask me right at this spot without any context. I will say it's suicide. Even if it is because of this incident that you wish to bring the royals down, and it's a valid excuse to do so, I honestly will not recommend it. The stakes are too high and the amount of resources needed to be poured in to do that is tremendous." 

"That is unless you really wish to duke it out yourself and brand yourself as a traitor, I will suggest …"  Grieves stopped again and wondered if it was really a good idea at all. 

"I suggest creating your own monster mechanoids to fight with theirs." Grieves paused once more.

"I do not condone your style of fighting but given how many they had made and might have even more in their possessions. It would be stupid to bring humans and Mechanoids into the fray. Creating your own Monster Mechanoids might be the solution to win this absurd battle of power but just remember to self destruct them when you are done."

"Do not forget, Diamondz had done it before and is at your behest." Grieves coughs a little as if he bit his tongue saying that. "Also, I did not mean literal monster. In my humble opinion, you already had six of them in your possession." Grieves said as he continued his work before saying the following. "I hope I had satisfied your- his sleep talk."

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